WSFA just held our elections for 2016. The trustee’s slate was adopted without any nominations from the floor.
President: Bob MacIntosh was reelected.
Vice President: George Shaner continues.
Treasurer: Sam Scheiner continues
Secretary: Cathy Green replaced by Sam Lubell
Trustees: Mike Walsh and Barry Newton continue. Mark Roth replaces Brian Lewis as the third tustee.
Capclave 2018 chair: Cathy Green was elected.
Capclave 2019 chair: remains open and will be voted on next year.
Capclave 2020 chair: Bill Lawhorn was elected. We’re making our 20th Capclave into a special anniversary Capclave and will need extra time.
WSFA Small Press Award Committee: No change. Sarah Mitchell and Cathy Green continue to serve.