Washington Science Fiction Association


September 6th, 2019 at 12:01 am

WSFA Journal September-October 2019

Trials and Tribulations

Bang, bang went the gavel signifying the start of the 9-6-19 WSFA meeting. “Hearye heary, we are about to start. Everyone who wants to be at the meeting get settled,” said prez Bob.

Mr. Treasurer Sam S said WSFA has $$$, year over year $$$. “Let’s throw a Capclave,” said the crowd. “Throw it where?” someone asked.

Bill said, Capclave just had a meeting; a lot of you were there. Meeting to get us going. Deadline for program book is this weekend so everything got rushed. Some things going on. Things are progressing. Program is about a third of the way done, and will be done soon. Will go on website and we could advertise it. Positive in that respect. We are on track for attendees. Hopefully when program gets up we will have more people. David Keener has workshops lined up. Nothing too major. Progressing well.

Click the link for the full text of the September/October 2019 WSFA Journal, including the Minutes of the September 6th, 20th 2019 / October 4th, 18th 2019 meetings.

Note: Publication date is set to the date of the Journal, rather than the date posted, for indexing purposes


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