John Carter (of Mars) Lives!
Prez Bob said, “Let’s have a meeting. It’s 9:15 on March the First. 2019 is really moving.” Sam L read minutes from last meeting. Sam S said they discovered a unit far far out. Bob said talked to Joe Siclari who said he had WSFA Journals we don’t have on the website. He does Fanac stuff. He offered to scan them for our website.
Treasurer Sam said: $$ does not include the WFC stuff. Year over year $$$
Capclave present. Bill said, Reg is ###, picked up ##, typical for the year. On the piano are rack cards and bookmarks to distribute. I need to talk to Kim and Sam and Cathy. Things are progressing. Will accelerate soon. We have Balticon coming soon which is a big convention to pick up members.
Click the link for the full text of the March/April 2019 WSFA Journal, including the Minutes of the March 1st, 15th 2019 / April 5th, 19th 2019 meetings.
Note: Publication date is set to the date of the Journal, rather than the date posted, for indexing purposes