Washington Science Fiction Association


January 4th, 2019 at 12:01 am

WSFA Journal January-February 2019

No, Paul is the Walrus, Not the Eggman

The 1/4/19 meeting began with “This is first Friday meeting of 2019,” said Prez Bob to the club’s cheers. Happy new year one and all. Started at 9:15. Cathy said no one emailed asking to be in the holiday list. 3 people said they emailed. Bob thanked everyone for their work in 2018 and happy new year in 2019.

Sam S. said that dues are payable. Please after the meeting, 20 bucks. As of Jan 1, $$$ a few days later a big XX paid from WSFA Press. This does not include XX from World Fantasy, still finishing the books. Year over year is XXX but due to last year’s XXX bill not paid until Feb. We’re doing okay.

Click the link for the full text of the January/February 2019 WSFA Journal, including the Minutes of the January 4th, 18th 2019 / February 1st, 15th 2019 meetings.

Note: Publication date is set to the date of the Journal, rather than the date posted, for indexing purposes


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