Tomorrow is our 1st Friday meeting at the Scheiner’s house. Directions are listed on our webcalendar.
If you’ve been considering attending a WSFA Meeting, feel free to join us. We have our business meeting first followed by socializing and talk.
In addition, it will also be our election night when the officers of the club will be chosen for the coming year. The slate put forth by our Trustees is:
President: Judy Newton
Vice President: Sam Scheiner
Treasurer: Steve Smith
Secretary: Sam Lubell
Trustees: Barry Newton, Bob MacIntosh, Elspeth Kovar
Capclave 2012 Chair: George Shaner
Small Press Award (2 positions open): Colleen Cahill, Paul Haggerty
As always, nominations from the floor are both welcome and encouraged. If you’re a WSFA member (new or slightly less new), and you’d like to run for one of the office slots, come to the meeting and put forth your name for consideration.