Washington Science Fiction Association


May 4th, 2018 at 12:01 am

WSFA Journal May-June 2018

The 5-4-18 First Friday WSFA meeting began when Prez Bob banged his gavel. Alright ladies and gentlemen. Sam S fixed the clock. It’s the first Friday in May. “It’s election time,” said Bill. Sam L. summed last meeting. Nothing was done.

Sam S., treasurer, said, “Tonight is election night. To vote, you are supposed to be a member, check with me to see if you are a member and if not, see me. Treasurer’s report $$$ with a year over year of $$$.”

Capclave Present: Cathy said we are doing big push at Balticon. Need XX members. Sit at the table and be accurate. Use the dodos and make eye contact. If get 20 or 30 people do drawings for tschaskies. Table list here. Rodger said prelim schedule is up. If everyone does an hour or two, it won’t be a huge burden. Take flyers to conventions, book groups, gaming etc. We need all the publicity. Push it to your friends. We will have a table at Worldcon. When we were in Reno, people stopped by and took flyers. Publicity not just for this year. If going to San Jose, try to do an hour a day at the table. Also need help traveling with dodos. They understand about flying steerage (Sam S. Since they don’t normally fly.) Need people for Gaithersburg book festival on Sat the 19th. Contact Cathydalek@gmail.com. Also meeting on the 20th at Cathy’s. Learn how to use the program system. We’re…, so upsell it to friends. Share the info. If going to bookstore, leave flyers. We can reciprocate with stuff for our registration bag. We’ve been doing this for years, but people still don’t recognize that we are here. If know an author who will be interesting for programming tell them about it and Capclave@gmail.com. Tweet about it. And book your hotel room.

Click the link for the full text of the May/June 2018 WSFA Journal, including the Minutes of the May 4th, 18th 2018 / June 1st, 15th 2018 meetings.

WSFA Journal May-June 2018

Note: Publication date is set to the date of the Journal, rather than the date posted, for indexing purposes


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