Washington Science Fiction Association


May 1st, 2018 at 10:37 pm

May 4, 2018’s WSFA Meeting is an Election Meeting.

This Friday, May 4th, will be an election meeting. To vote for the slate, you need to be a member of WSFA. You’ll be able to pay your dues or check your status (if  you can’t remember whether you already paid) at the meeting before the vote is taken.

The trustees’ slate is:

  • President – Bob Macintosh
  • Vice President – George Shaner
  • Secretary – Sam Lubell
  • Treasurer – Sam Scheiner
  • Trustees – Barry Newton, Elizabeth Twitchell, and Rodger Burns
  • Small Press – Cathy Green and Kim Hargan.

(There is no open Capclave chair since the club has already made Bill Lawhorn Chair of Capclave 2020)

Of course nominations are accepted from the floor in addition to the slate.

May the fourth be with the candidates!

Also, the committee to discuss science fiction will be discussing the March/April issue of F & SF.

  • 1

    There were no nominations from the floor. So everyone on the slate was elected.

    Sam Lubell on May 7th, 2018
  • 2

    Note: Each officer on the trustee’s slate was elected. There were no other nominations.

    Sam Lubell on June 10th, 2018


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