Washington Science Fiction Association


May 5th, 2017 at 12:01 am

WSFA Journal May-June 2017

The May First Friday (5-5-17) WSFA meeting began with an announcement of the election. Sam S., treasurer, said if you have not paid your dues, he is ready to take money. We have $xx. There was talk about Sam S and Judy S being paid members but WSFA pays their dues because they host WSFA.

Bob chaired the meeting. Mike said he is ready to hold a meeting, but Bob said he is not enthusiastic. We have to get the RR running. People gave Trumpisms.

Capclave Present. Elizabeth said she’s here. Her convention at work is over. Logan airport is the worst. She prefers Chicago. She is going to Tampa next year. She has spent five days throwing things out. We will have a convention, it will be awesome. Neil Clarke has a patron. Ravencon has lots of people who would be good for Capclave. People should register. Price goes up after Balticon. If you went to a convention and liked something they did, if replicable, suggest it to her.

Click the link for the full text of the May/June 2017 WSFA Journal, including the Minutes of the May 5th, 19th 2017 / June 2nd, 16th 2017 meetings.

WSFA Journal May-June 2017

Note: Publication date is set to the date of the Journal, rather than the date posted, for indexing purposes


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