Washington Science Fiction Association


November 1st, 2013 at 12:01 am

WSFA Journal November-December 2013

WSFAns received their copies of the Skin Trade. Talked politics and shutdown. Called to order at 21:18. Paul suggested abolishing all the officers. No minutes because Secretary is in England. Waiving the minutes by default. Sam S. has treasurers report. $??,???.??, tomorrow write check for $??,??? and change to hotel, something around ??K. No damage claims. Bob for trustees said elections are in May. Intertivities, Bill saw Ender’s Game, dropped Val/Peter Internet storyline. Dropped some of the time dilation stuff. Sam L said two conventions coming up, Philcon and Darkovercon. Prez saw Gravity and liked it. Fab Bungalow had a Halloween party. Bill scared kids. Pictures on Facebook. 235 kids.

Click the link for the full text of the November/December 2013 WSFA Journal, including the Minutes of the November 1st, 15th 2013 / December 6th, 20th 2013 meetings.

WSFA Journal November-December 2013

Note: Publication date is set to the date of the Journal, rather than the date posted, for indexing purposes


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