The 6/1/12 June First Friday meeting opened without a leader. In the absence of prez and vice, Sam offered Steve his choice of taking notes or chairing the meeting. He chose to chair.
The meeting was held upstairs meeting because downstairs at the Madigans was flooded. “Whatever passes for a meeting first Friday in June is called for what passes for order at 9:19 pm,” said the acting chair. The last meeting was at the Nebula awards so there was nothing to read. The President was not here. The VP doesn’t make it this far. The Secretary read a letter to WSFA. Treasurer gave his report. Our
Click the link for the full text of the July/August WSFA Journal, including the Minutes of the June 1,15 /May 6,20 2012 meetings.
Note: Publication date is set to the date of the Journal, rather than the date posted, for indexing purposes