Washington Science Fiction Association


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WSFA Journal July-August 2013

July 5th, 2013 at 4:56 pm » Comments (0)

As Cathy Green was at the North American Discworld Convention, former Secretary Sam Lubell took the minutes. Kathi Overton was there, recovered from her 4th of July extravaganza. She biked there. President Barry Newton called the meeting to order 21:22 hours. No treasurer’s report. Sam S. doesn’t have the passwords and the ex-treasurer isn’t here. […]

WSFA Journal May-June 2013

May 3rd, 2013 at 4:56 pm » Comments (0)

David Brin Visits WSFA There are no minutes for the 4/5/13 April First Friday meeting since it was short to allow time for David Brin’s talk. The April 19, 2013 opened without a president. Instead Steve Smith presided. “Yo, let’s have a meeting!” said the President Pro Temp. Someone yelled, “Why?” Madeleine moved to adjourn […]

WSFA Journal March-April 2013

March 1st, 2013 at 4:41 pm » Comments (0)

The First Friday meeting of February, 2-1-13 was called to order 21:18 by Prez Barry. John brought out the Diet Crystal Pepsi. Sam L read the minutes. The BSFS contest is for writers 18 and older, live in MD or go to school in MD. Steve sent in about money. Last remaining CD coming due, […]

WSFA Journal January-February 2013

January 4th, 2013 at 4:28 pm » Comments (0)

In the absence of the secretary, notes were taken by Sam Scheiner. Meeting called to order at 9:16 PM by Barry Newton. Reports: Secretary: MIA, no reading of the minutes. Treasurer: Our account has >$$. Trustees: Does anyone want to run for (or from) office? WSFA Press: Borderlands Bookstore in San Francisco has ordered several […]

WSFA Journal November-December 2012

November 1st, 2012 at 11:08 pm » Comments (0)

The 10/5/12 October 2012 First Friday opened with an “Okay troops let’s have a meeting,” said Prez Barry. “We have a quorum,” said the VP. The meeting was called to order at 21:08. “It’s early,” said Bob. “Some of us have been here 2 hours already,” said Barry, referring to an earlier Capclave meeting. Minutes […]

WSFA Journal September-October 2012

September 1st, 2012 at 11:06 pm » Comments (0)

The August First Friday (8-3-12) meeting opened with no quorum. The Unicorn says it is a quarter after nine. Sam S is presiding in the absence of Prez Barry. Minutes were waived. There is a fifth Friday in August, but no volunteers due to Worldcon. Bill suggested making Peggy Rae’s tea party our fifth Friday […]

WSFA Journal July-August 2012

July 1st, 2012 at 10:57 pm » Comments (0)

The 6/1/12 June First Friday meeting opened without a leader. In the absence of prez and vice, Sam offered Steve his choice of taking notes or chairing the meeting. He chose to chair. The meeting was held upstairs meeting because downstairs at the Madigans was flooded. “Whatever passes for a meeting first Friday in June […]

WSFA Journal May-June 2012

May 1st, 2012 at 10:40 pm » Comments (0)

The First Friday Meeting on April 6, 2012 was called to order at 9:20. The secretary was not present so Steve Smith took notes. There were was 10 paid members, 5 short of quorum. The treasurer’s report was that the treasury was $moola. He sent out tax stuff. The trustees reported that the annual elections […]

WSFA Journal March/April 2012

March 1st, 2012 at 4:09 pm » Comments (0)

The First Friday meeting in February (2-3-12) was called to order at 21:12. Minutes were waived and moved (all around the room). There were no officer reports from the president and vice. Treasurer Steve Smith said we had . is in transit from PayPal to WSFA Checking; of that, goes to Capclave. There were calls […]

WSFA Journal January/February 2012

January 1st, 2012 at 3:52 pm » Comments (0)

The 12/2/11 December First Friday meeting began with the solemn ritual invocation a “Yo, let’s have meeting,” from the chair. It was called to order at 21:15 hours. “We now have 15, we definitely do have a quorum.” Sec Sam summarized the minutes. The treasurer said we had a little money. Candy asked if it […]