Washington Science Fiction Association


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WSFA Journal March-April 2015

March 6th, 2015 at 12:01 am » Comments (0)

March First Friday 9:16 meeting called to order by Bob. We have money. Everyone who has not needs to pay dues so they can run for office and vote. Trustees: Slate is wide open. Capclave Present – Continuing to work on Capclave. We have a fan table at ReGeneration Who. Capclave Future is looking for […]

WSFA Journal January-February 2015

January 2nd, 2015 at 12:01 am » Comments (0)

WSFA JOURNAL JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2015 FIRST FRIDAY JANUARY Rodger Burns, Cathy Green, Sam hogan (Zen Lizard), Frances Holland, David Keener, Sam Lubell, Bob MacIntoshMark Roth, Judy Scheiner, Sam Scheiner, George Shaner, Ivy Yap, Medeleine Yeh, Cynthia Moreno Bob called the meeting to order at 9:15pm. Happy New Year. Various officers made reports Capclave Past’s books are […]

WSFA Journal November-December 2014

November 7th, 2014 at 12:01 pm » Comments (0)

Beware of the dog. Allright folks, said Bob, 9:15 Third Friday for WSFA. Bill objected. Secretary not here. Sam L taking notes. Did not have a meeting on First Friday due to World Fantasy. No old business that Bob remembered. Bill said Cathy promised to do a journal. She is tabling at Philcon. No treasurer […]

WSFA Journal September-October 2014

September 5th, 2014 at 12:01 pm » Comments (0)

First Friday September 5, 2014 Meeting called to order at 9:15 by Bob MacIntosh. President had nothing to report, VP had nothing to report. Treasurer reported we had money and that the year ove year increase was significant and no doubt due to the money from Capclave memberships and book pre-sales. There had not been […]

WSFA Journal July-August 2014

July 1st, 2014 at 12:01 am » Comments (0)

WSFA JOURNAL JULY-AUGUST 2014 First Friday July The secretary was not at the first Friday meeting, which was briefly held at the BBQ party thrown by John Pomeranz and Kathi Overton at the Fabulous Bungalow. No minutes were taken and no serious business was conducted. Meeting (July 4th, 2014) held at the Fabulous Bungalow. Meeting […]

WSFA Journal May-June 2014

May 2nd, 2014 at 12:01 pm » Comments (0)

FIRST FRIDAY MAY 5-2-2014 Meeting called to order at 21:18. Officer reports: Minutes read and accepted as read unanimously. Treasurer – we have lots of money. We currently have 43 members Trustees: we will have an election meeting after the meeting. Entertivities: Ravencon was last weekend, Balticon is at the end of MaySunday is Star […]

WSFA Journal March-April 2014

March 7th, 2014 at 12:01 pm » Comments (0)

3/7/14 Prez Barry presiding. Sam L taking notes. Called this sucker to order at 21:22 hours. And we have order, sort of. Sam L. read minutes. Capclave starts on the 10th. Mark says celebrates Lief Erickson day the day before Columbus day. Officers have nothing to report. Trustees have most of the slate, a few […]

WSFA Journal January-February 2014

January 3rd, 2014 at 12:01 am » Comments (0)

WSFA Journal November-December 2013 Meeting brought to order at 9:18pm Committee reports: Treasurer reported that WSFA had approximately $??,??? and the Capclave surplus was at $???? with a couple invoices outstanding for advertisements. Also, the transfer to M&T bank is almost complete and there will be three accounts: WSFA; Capclave; and WSFA Press for better […]

WSFA Journal November-December 2013

November 1st, 2013 at 12:01 am » Comments (0)

WSFAns received their copies of the Skin Trade. Talked politics and shutdown. Called to order at 21:18. Paul suggested abolishing all the officers. No minutes because Secretary is in England. Waiving the minutes by default. Sam S. has treasurers report. $??,???.??, tomorrow write check for $??,??? and change to hotel, something around ??K. No damage […]

WSFA Journal September-October 2013

September 6th, 2013 at 12:01 am » Comments (0)

Minutes: 21:19 hours – meeting called to order. Entertivities: Rocket Launch tonight! (Note: after the meeting was adjourned, the majority of WSFAns went out side to see the rocket go overhead. The prevalence of smartphones with things like gps, compasses and internet enables us to be facing in the right direction.) Click the link for […]