Washington Science Fiction Association


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WSFA Journal March-April 2010

March 1st, 2010 at 12:05 am » Comments (0)

The February 19th, 2010 WSFA meeting was called to order at 9:29 pm. President Judy Newton presided and Secretary Sam Lubell took notes. There was a quorum (after some debate and a couple of people paid their dues. There was no meeting first Friday due to a blizzard. Steve said, “No one showed up, as […]

WSFA Journal January 2010

January 1st, 2010 at 12:09 am » Comments (0)

Meeting called to order at 9:23 PM by President Judy Newton Officers: President: Judy Newton — Happy New Year. Is it a new decade?? Some discussion on the subject. Vice President: (vacant) Secretary: Steve Smith Treasurer: Tina Abel — No report. — Dues are due and payable. Remember that membership has gone up to $20, […]