The Official Newsletter of the Washington Science Fiction
Association -- ISSN 0894-5411
Edited by Samuel Lubell
WSFA Picnic
Top Five Rejected Sequels to Star Trek Deep Space Nine
WSFA Meeting Attacks Host
The Case for SF Stamps
1999 Darwin Awards
Disclave 2000 Breaks Down
Television Fall Season 1999
Weird Al Does Filk
By Michael Nelson
Speaking as the organizer of this year's WSFA Picnic, I would say that the event turned out pretty well. No major disasters except for a rocket getting stuck in a tree. Well, Lance Oszko did neglect to read my mind and didn't bring an extra cooler -- but we forgive him.
The picnic started around 11 a.m. on Saturday, July 17th at Bill and Maren Mayhew's home in Beltsville, Maryland. The weather was typical for mid-July in Maryland. Fortunately, the threatened thunderstorm never occurred.
Twenty to twenty-five people, including some long absent WSFA members, showed up during the course of the picnic. We spent the day in conversation and periodic raids on the food tables. Even the young folks just sat around talking or reading -- rarely venturing beyond the shade of the large tree in the Mayhew's backyard.
A cool water-powered rocket in a CVS had caught my eye that morning. It seemed like a nice way of celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing. So some of the early guests did amuse themselves by launching the rocket until it landed near the top of a tall tree.
I have posted some photographs on the web page I created for the picnic. You can access them through the WSFA web site at
Since this was the second annual WSFA Picnic... in traditional fannish fashion, this is now a WSFA tradition. I will try to record some comments on my shopping list before I completely forget all the details for next year's organizer.
I really appreciate that most of the attendees took the time to let me know what they were bringing. We ended up with few duplicate or excess items -- although I'm still trying to figure out where all those hamburger rolls came from. I thank everyone who attended and donated supplies and especially Bill and Maren for hosting our event again.
Top Five Rejected Sequels to Star Trek Deep Space Nine
By Samuel Lubell
Star Trek: Defiant - Captain Sisko returns with a new attitude. Channeling his Hawk persona from his days with detective Captain Spenser "For Hire", Sisko no longer uses the stun setting. Status-Rejected due to new guidelines about violence.
Star Trek: Kira, Warrior Priestess. When the disappearance of the Prophets' Emissary throws Bajor back into the Dark Ages, Kira uses her status as the Bajoran closest to the Emissary to become a priestess and fight evil and Cardassians, without Federation ethics. Status-Rejected due to fear of lawsuit for plagiarism.
Star Trek: Klingon. Worf goes to the Klingon homeworld to stay as Federation ambassador. Since Klingon diplomacy involves lots of fights to the death and border patrols, the Federation has given him a Defiant class ship and crew. Status-Rejected, while Worf is a popular character, the audience might not relate to aliens without human heroes.
Star Trek: Changling. The security chief Odo travels the cosmos, using his shapechanging abilities to fight crime. Status-Rejected since the Star Trek universe supposedly doesn't have human crime.
Star Trek: Jake 'n Nog. Sit-com about the wacky adventures of a human reporter and his room-mate, a Starfleet ensign constantly warring with his acquisitive Ferengi side. Status-Rejected since Star Trek isn't supposed to be funny.
WSFA Meeting Attacks Host Leaving Him "Dazed and Stunned"
The July First Friday on July 2nd at the Gillilands started at 9:15 with Judy banging her gavel. For old business, Sam explained the complicated meeting schedule. Lee Gilliland said that WSFA could meet at the Gillilands on September 17th, "I'm inflicting you on the kids," she said.
"Mr. Treasurer, any money?" "Not much, $3,702.94." Calls for a party were rejected by the treasurer with a stern, "No!". Acting for the entertainment committee Alexis pronounced himself, "Dazed and stunned at the schedule so regretfully passes." Joe pointed out that the governor of Virginia voted to have universities cut tuition by 20%, so the universities promptly increased other fees 19%. Alexis said that they probably spent the money already.
For Disclave 2000, Covert, with help from Alexis, looked at a few hotels. He hopes to have more time in August after spending his $600,000 appropriations. Sam said, "For that, you could buy us a hotel." "We're not a federal appropriations," Bob pointed out. <Oh Juuudy! Could we make another change in our tax status?> Lee Gilliland, for the library event, said "We're sending out letters to authors."
Mike said we will have our 2nd annual picnic at the same place as last year's on July 17th at Bill Mayhew's home in Beltsville. Only three people signed up but lots of beer. The rain date is the next day. Check Mike's answering machine and web page which Sam needs to update. BSFS is invited to. "What about putting it up on the Internet?" Joe said, "We're talking about it." John promised directions to his fourth of July party.
Sam said that a person had requested to put in an ad in the WSFA web page. Judy said it would be taxable income. Bob said we shouldn't run ads that aren't SF related.
Lee Gilliland is giving a one-woman show at a local art gallery. There will be a reception to which WSFA will be invited. Joe updated the WSFA T-shirt and people should see him to sign up for a shirt. Richard has good news about the WorldCon Progress Report. It is finished and will be out soon. Lee Strong said that James Uba said hello. Borders is doing publications in the store using Sprout technology to print a book in five minutes. There was a discussion about printing books. Roger McBride Allen has a machine in his basement that does this. Lee saw Wild Wild West and found wild liberties taken with the original material. There was a discussion about the comparative "merits" of the WWW vs. the Avengers. Lee Gilliland said that Chief Nayel's restaurant opened near them. Reasonable Mettarian cuisine. Go there first. John announced his BBQ at his new house. He finished moving at 4 AM on the 1st (but don't tell his landlady.) He's now in the People's Republic of Arlington.
John said, "The Smithsonian event will take place October 17-18, probably in the area under the Asian and African art museums. William Gibson will be featured. John Clute will be the man with the cattle prod. He moved some panelists around. Susan Casper will be on the program. The Smithsonian is pleased with us."
"They're not a hotel," muttered Lee Strong.
John continued, "They'll be more happy if lots of people show up."
"And don't play with sprinklers," muttered Mike Walsh.
"So when we have the final word, all of us need to divvy up to the table."
Judy asked if there would be a chance for people to get books autographed. She was told yes.
Richard said that the Constellation came back to the Inner Harbor <minus a few bits of wood now adorning Hugos> Vicki Smith said that contrary to what has been written in fanzines, she won't be at Aussiecon. Robert Sacks has been informed. Chuck is moving out of the Nationalized Socialist Space Agency and is doing a red dress run party either in August or September. Seven people are going to Australia. Lee Strong saw some Lensmen in Borders and a new Edgar Rice Burrough's book. Lee announced himself the reincarnation of ERB, born nine months after his death.
"Could we please adjourn," Meeting unanimously adjourned at 9:48.
Attendance: Pres. Judy Kindell, Sec. Samuel Lubell, Treas. Bob MacIntosh, Trust. Lee Gilliland, 2000 Chair Covert Beach, Gail Dood, Alexis Gilliland, Keith Lynch, Nicki and Richard Lynch, Joe Mayhew, Michael Nelson, John Pomeranz, Rebecca Prather, Lee Strong, Sheri Bell, Victoria Smith, Laura Burcherd.
by Chris M. Barkley (originally published by the Association of Science Fiction Artists)
Several weeks ago I read in Entertainment Weekly (of all places!) that the late Ayn Rand (1905-82) is going to be honored with a commemorative U.S. stamp by the Citizen's Stamp Advisory Committee (CSAC) sometime this year. Ms Rand is the author of three novels well known in the SF community, Anthem (1938), The Fountainhead (1943) and Atlas Shrugged (1957) and better known as the originator of the philosophy of Objectivism whose main aim, quoting from John Clute's entry for her in the Encyclopedia of Science Fiction (St. Martin's Press, 1995), is " heed one's own self interest, to abjure altruism and to maximize the Superman potential within each of us."
Which in itself would be fine if Ayn Rand weren't such a mean, money happy, selfish, backstabbing bitch.
Ever since she immigrated from Russia back in the 1930's, her every waking moment had been spent in pursuit of power, glory and (especially) wealth, all for herself. She had taken the basic concepts of Libertarianism and had twisted it to such an incredibly severe and perverse degree, that I could imagine robber barons like J.P. Morgan and Andrew Carnegie blanching in fear at the sight of her.
Ayn Rand turned me off a long time ago; I witnessed her in action on Phil Donohue's show one summer in the mid-70's. A small, gnome-like woman with gnarly little hands and an ever present frown, she was rather cold, distant and rude towards an audience that by the looks of it, was more than ready to adore her. What I witnessed that day (and what Donohue truly intended to show) was that all the humanity and soul had been rung out of her a long, long time ago.
And yet, Ayn Rand is getting a commemorative stamp.
Then my question is, where is Catherine Lucille Moore's stamp?
C.L. Moore (1911-1987), under her own name and with her equally talented husband, Henry Kuttner, were one of the premiere writing teams during the first Golden Age of Science Fiction (believe it or not, we're in the midst of the Second Golden Age, but that's another argument for another column...). she had a hand in writing classics like "Shambleau", "Clash by Night", "Jirel of Joiry" and novels such as Judgement Night and Fury.
And if we're going to give her
(and Henry, of course) a stamp, we'll have to give one to Theodore Sturgeon.
And Robert A. Heinlein. Isaac Asimov. I could go on (and will very shortly,
too) but I think you're getting my point.
America has honored its greatest writers and artists with stamps; Hemingway, Cassat, Faulkner, Pollack, Fitzgerald and Steinbeck....what about the artists, writers and editors near and dear to our hearts; men and women who have inspired and influenced astronauts, filmmakers, scholars, engineers, lawyers and lawmakers, even captivating our current President, William Jefferson Clinton and his daughter, Chelsea?
It would not be hyperbole to state that the writers that I have just mentioned, had more talent, more imagination, more essence of soul in their right pinkie finger than Ayn Rand had in her entire body.
There have been discussions regarding this for years. At BucConeer (the WorldcCon in Baltimore) last year, a panel was devoted to debating who is deserving enough to be honored. My friends, the millennium is at hand and the time has come to get it done.
The task at hand will be very daunting. the CSAC's rules regarding commemorative stamps are located at:
Proving that our beloved and dearly departed are worth is easily done...mustering enough popular public support to fulfill our wishes will be an uphill battle, except....I have a plan.
I will build a website, completely devoted to SF stamps. The website itself might be of newsworthy interest by itself...but it might even gain more attention if its opening were to coincide with the release of the most anticipated movie of the last decade, if not the entire century, wouldn't it? And no...I'm not talking about Austin Powers:The Spy Who Shagged Me...
The Commemorative Science Fiction Stamp Drive website will be open by 12:01 A.M, 18 May 1999.
At this writing, the design will include a link to the CSAC rules, a short bio of the artist, author and editor nominees (with a voting option, whose results will be collected and sent to the CSAC), email to the USPS, a section for comments, suggestions on future nominees (or those that may have been overlooked), links to ASFA, the Science Fiction Writers of America, the World Science Fiction Society and the Science Fiction Web Ring. An announcement of the website opening will be sent to EVERY major news organization in the United States.
Artists: Richard Powers, Frank R. Paul, Ed Emshwiller Hannes Bok, Virgil Finlay, Jack Gaughan, Vaughn Bode, Roy Krenkel. (Hey, I know it looks a little thin here; email me some more nominees!
Editors: John W. Campbell, Jr., Judy Lynn Del Rey, Anthony Boucher, T.E. Ditky, Donald and Elsie Wollheim, Geoff Conklin, Terry Carr, H.L. Gold, Hugo Gernsback.
Authors: E.E. "Doc" Smith, Robert A. Heinlein, Isaac Asimov, Clifford D. Simak, Paul Linebarger (Cordwainer Smith), Will Jenkins (Murray Leinster), Theodore Sturgeon, C.L. Moore and Henry Kuttner, Leigh Brackett and Edmund Hamilton, Alfred Bester, Alice Sheldon (James Tiptree, Jr.), Philip K. Dick, Cyril M. Kornbluth, James Blish, Frank Herbert, Fritz Lieber.
And before I go, some final points: A) I realize that the list is overwhelmingly male. Sexism aside, this could not be helped; they are the pioneers of our genre and their greatness must be judged by their historical significance and their work, not their gender.
B) I need your help as well; if anyone has a photograph of any of the nominees, please scan it and send it via email attachment to: or if you would like to physically entrust a photo to me, via snailmail to: 7505 Montgomery Rd. Apt. #4 Cincinnati, Ohio 45236-4140
C) Your comments and suggestions are ALWAYS welcome!
D) I really don't know if all of these deserving nominees will receive their just due. Once the CSAC approves of the proposition of SF stamps, there will be no telling if there will be a limit. on the number issued. It is my hope that they will all be honored over several years in a series of issues. We can only hope the CSAC be persuaded to do so.
My friends, with a little luck and some help from you, this may all come to pass. Thank you for your time and attention.
Chris M. Barkley Cincinnati, Ohio 25-26 April 1999
p.s.: And for Ayn Rand...If I were on the committee and could not block the commemorative issue, I would vigorously lobby to grant her a stamp that would be appropriate and fitting for her....Bulk Rate/3rd Class direct mail.
Steven des Jardins has launched a Web journal at
News from the Internet...
The Darwin Awards are given annually (and frequently posthumously) to individuals who prove Darwin's law about survival of the fittest by fittingly not surviving.
#1 - LOS ANGELES, CA. Ani Saduki, 33, and his brother decided to remove a bees' nest from a shed on their property with the aid of a pineapple. A pineapple is an illegal firecracker which is the explosive equivalent of one-half stick of dynamite. They ignited the fuse and retreated to watch from inside their home, behind a window some 10 feet away from the hive/shed. The concussion of the explosion shattered the window inwards, seriously lacerating Ani. Deciding Mr. Saduki needed stitches, the brothers headed out to go to a nearby hospital. While walking towards their car, Ani was stung three times by the surviving bees. Unbeknownst to either brother, Ani was allergic to bee venom, and died of suffocation en-route to the hospital.
#2 - MINNEAPOLIS, MN. Derrick L. Richards, 28, was charged in April in Minneapolis with third-degree murder in the death of his beloved cousin, Kenneth E. Richards. According to police, Derrick suggested a game of Russian roulette and put a semiautomatic pistol (instead of the more traditional revolver) to Ken's head and fired.
#3 - PHILLIPSBURG, NJ. An unidentified 29 year old male choked to death on a sequined panty he had orally removed from an exotic dancer at a local establishment. "I didn't think he was going to eat it," the dancer identified only as "Ginger" said, adding "He was really drunk."
#4 - MOSCOW, RUSSIA. A drunk security man asked a colleague at the Moscow bank they were guarding to stab his bulletproof vest to see if it would protect him against a knife attack. It didn't, and the 25-year-old guard died of a heart wound.
#5 - FRANCE. Jacques LeFevrier left nothing to chance when he decided to commit suicide. He stood at the top of a tall cliff and tied a noose around his neck. He tied the other end of the rope to a large rock. He drank some poison and set fire to his clothes. He even tried to shoot himself at the last moment. He jumped and fired the pistol. The bullet missed him completely and cut through the rope above him. Without the threat of hanging, he plunged into the sea. The sudden dunking extinguished the flames and made him vomit the poison. He was dragged out of the water by a kind fisherman and was taken to a hospital, where he died of hypothermia.
#6 - RENTON, WASHINGTON. A Renton, Washington man tried to commit a robbery. This was probably his first attempt, as suggested by the fact that he had no previous record of violent crime, and by his terminally stupid choices as listed below:
1. The target was H&J Leather & Firearms...a gun shop.
2. The shop was full of customers, in a state where a substantial portion of the adult population is licensed to carry concealed handguns in public places.
3. To enter the shop, he had to step around a marked Police patrol car parked at the front door.
4. An officer in uniform was standing next to the counter, having coffee before reporting to duty. Upon seeing the officer, the would-be robber announced a holdup and fired a few wild shots. The officer and a clerk promptly returned fire, removing him from the gene pool. Several other customers also drew their guns, but didn't fire. No one else was hurt.
THOMPSON, MANITOBA, CANADA. Telephone relay company night watchman Edward Baker, 31, was killed early Christmas morning by excessive microwave radiation exposure. He was apparently attempting to keep warm next to a telecommunications feed-horn. Baker had been suspended on a safety violation once last year, according to Northern Manitoba Signal Relay spokesperson Tanya Cooke. She noted that Baker's earlier infraction was for defeating a safety shut-off switch and entering a restricted maintenance catwalk in order to stand in front of the microwave dish. He had told coworkers that it was the only way he could stay warm during his twelve-hour shift at the station, where winter temperatures often dip to forty below zero. Microwaves can heat water molecules within human tissue in the same way that they heat food in microwave ovens.
For his Christmas shift, Baker reportedly brought a twelve pack of beer and a plastic lawn chair, which he positioned directly in line with the strongest microwave beam. Baker had not been told about a tenfold boost in microwave power planned that night to handle the anticipated increase in holiday long-distance calling traffic.
Baker's body was discovered by the daytime watchman, John Burns, who was greeted by an odor he mistook for a Christmas roast he thought Baker must have prepared as a surprise. Burns also reported to NMSR company officials that Baker's unfinished beer had exploded.
The Third Friday meeting at the Ginters
on 7/16 aborted its start when VP Sam Pierce tentatively said, "It's time to
have a meeting." The chatting
continued. Sam tried to get hostess
Erica to shush the crowd. "Shall we
have a meeting?" he tried again.
"You're in charge," Bob pointed out.
"Let's have a meeting." The
meeting was called to order at 9:17.
Sam Lubell told the meeting where to go with the swaps and switches <if you're reading this you figured out where the meeting is.> "Any money?" "Not much," replied Bob. "$3,612.14" "Let's have a seed sale."
Disclave 2000 reported that its car broke down next to the Old County Motor Lodge. They have three small function rooms but he didn't check out availability. Covert continued, "As soon as I finish spending the government's money, I'll check it out." Sam Pierce protested, "We can't wait until September 30." "No," replied Covert, "I should be done by Aug 15." The Entertainment committee reported that Bob Smith is leaving the Republican party because it is fully of wishy washy liberals."
Mike told about the picnic. Balticon is bring stuff. Mike promised astronaut guests but Mike Collins has to stay in the car and communicate with the picnic via radio." "But they're driving a jeep," protested Joe. Joe showed his design for a WSFA T-Shirt which will be made when enough people sign up. He will get a deal from a printer when he gets enough people and will set a price. He reworked his original design which was done quickly.
Sam Lubell said he wants WSFA to think of ways to save and raise money. Richard Lynch has Aussiecon program books. Kip Williams is in Newsweek. The Bucconeer meeting to send out Parting Shot is cancelled because editor has editor's block. Mike's daughter Katie has straight As in High School. He got her to read the first Harry Potter Book. Erica said Lydia graduated from preschool and will start kindergarten. A member recommended the film Blair Witch Project. Lance said that Eurocon room rates start at $8. Richard Lynch said that he stayed in some cheap European hotels. He doesn't recommend it. Lance said that one venue is the Polish Navel Academy Dorms. Joe said that WSFA needs some euro-analysis. The meeting was unanimously adjourned at 21:39.
Attendance: VP Sam Pierce, Sec. Samuel Lubell, Treas. Bob MacIntosh, Trust. Steven Smith, 2000 Chair Covert Beach, Alexis Gilliland, Erica and Karl Ginter, David Hines, Eric Jablow, Winnie Lim, Keith Lynch, Nicki and Richard Lynch, Keith Marshall, Joe Mayhew, Michael Nelson, Lance Oszko, Evan Phillips, George Shaner, Michael Taylor, Madeleine Yeh, Ron Kean.
Here's a photo of the bookcase I built using my drawing in the June 1999 issue of the WSFA Journal. I used red oak and managed to complete it in four weekends. -- Michael Nelson
By Samuel Lubell
ABC: No new SF
CBS: Now and Again. This is not a soap but an action-drama about a dead man given a new bionic-type body by the government in exchange for going on secret missions. He is also supposed to stay away from his old family and friends but doesn't. Think Six Million Dollar Man updated for the 21st century. I'll probably give a chance but no commitment.
Fox - Chris Carter returns with Harsh Realm based on a comic book about a military experiment in virtual reality that traps a soldier in a computer-generated world with virtual characters. It is unclear how dark it will be. I'll look at it but this too is a probable pass.
NBC: There is no SF on the fall schedule. However, they are preparing a horror-thriller-drama from DreamWorks called The Others about a group of people who can communicate with the spirit world.
UPN. DS9 is gone, alas. But Voyager is back (also alas). So is Seven Days (if anyone cares). Cult favorite The Sentinel is gone. In its place is something called Secret Agent Man, an action-adventure about spies using high-tech gadgets to save the world. This sounds like a mix of Man from Uncle and Austin Powers. I'll be shocked if this lasts the season.
WB: The big news here is a
spin-off from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
called Angel. In it the good vampire Angel and former rich
girl Cordelia move to Los Angeles where they form a detective agency. It is supposed to be darker than Buffy which
I hope doesn't mean it will lack Buffy's sense of ironic humor. I also hope that the writer/producer is able
to keep the high quality of Buffy (the best show on TV) without being
distracted by his new toy. This one
will add an hour to my TV watching.
Roswell. The aliens landed at Roswell and their children, disguised as Earthlings, now go to the local High School. But when one of them uses his powers (why do aliens always get powers?) government agents start snooping. Think X-Files meets Dawson's Creek. I'll look at it but probably will pass.
On Cable:
PAX - Twice In A Lifetime is an angel type show about a mysterious man who takes people to visit their past in order to make changes in the present. Think Miracle on 32nd Street meets Touched by an Angel. Even if I had cable, I doubt I'd watch it.
SCI-FI Channel - The Invisible Man is working for the CIA. Even if I had cable, I doubt I'd watch it.
Lyrical adaptation of 'American Pie' by Don McLean
New lyrics by Al Yankovic
With Special Thanks to George Lucas
The Saga Begins
A long long time ago
in a galaxy far away
Naboo was under an attack
And I thought me and Qui-Gon Jinn
Could talk the Federation into
Maybe cutting them a little slack
But their response, it didn't thrill us
They locked the doors and tried to kill us
We escaped from that gas
Then met Jar Jar and Boss Nass
We took a bongo from the scene
And we went to Theed to see the queen
We all wound up on Tatooine
That's where we found this boy...
Oh my my, this here Anakin guy
May be Vader someday later - now he's just a small fry
And he left his home and kissed his mommy goodbye
Sayin' "Soon I'm gonna be a Jedi"
"Soon I'm gonna be a Jedi"
Did you know this junkyard slave
Isn't even old enough to shave
But he can use the Force they say
Ahh, do you see him hitting on the queen
Though he's just nine and she's fourteen
Yeah, he's probably gonna marry her someday
Well, I know he built C-3PO
And I've heard how fast his pod can go
And we were broke, it's true
So we made a wager or two
He was a prepubescent flyin' ace
And the minute Jabba started off that race
Well, I know who would win first place
Oh yes, it was our boy
We started singin'... My my, this here Anakin guy
May be Vader someday later - now he's just a small fry
And he left his home and kissed his mommy goodbye
Sayin' "Soon I'm gonna be a Jedi"
"Soon I'm gonna be a Jedi"
Now we finally got to Coruscant
The Jedi Council we knew would want
To see how good the boy could be
So we took him there and we told the tale
How his midi-chlorians were off the scale
And he might fulfill that prophecy
Oh, the Council was impressed, of course
Could he bring balance to the Force?
They interviewed the kid
Oh, training they forbid
Because Yoda sensed in him much fear
And Qui-Gon said, "Now listen here
Just stick it in your pointy ear
I still will teach this boy"
He was singin'... My my, this here Anakin guy
May be Vader someday later - now he's just a small fry
And he left his home and kissed his mommy goodbye
Sayin' "Soon I'm gonna be a Jedi"
"Soon I'm gonna be a Jedi"
We caught a ride back to Naboo
'Cause Queen Amidala wanted to
I frankly would've liked to stay
We all fought in that epic war
And it wasn't long at all before
Little Hotshot flew his plane and saved the day
And in the end some Gungans died
Some ships blew up and some pilots fried
A lot of folks were croakin'
The battle droids were broken
And the Jedi I admire most
Met up with Darth Maul and now he's toast
Well, I'm still here and he's a ghost
I guess I'll train this boy
And I was singin'... My my, this here Anakin guy
May be Vader someday later - now he's just a small fry
And he left his home and kissed his mommy goodbye
Sayin' "Soon I'm gonna be a Jedi"
"Soon I'm gonna be a Jedi"
We were singin'... My my, this here Anakin guy
May be Vader someday later - now he's just a small fry
And he left his home and kissed his mommy goodbye
Sayin' "Soon I'm gonna be a Jedi"
Free Movies at the Helen Hayes Gallery of the National Theatre, 1321 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
202-783-3372, All shows start at 6:30 PM
Aug 9 "Blade Runner"
Aug 16 "Mars Attacks"
Admission is free, seating is limited. Tickets are required and will be distributed one hour prior to the performance.