The Official Newsletter of the Washington Science Fiction
Association -- ISSN 0894-5411
Edited by Joe Mayhew
The Final Nebula Ballot
WSFA Minutes February 17, 1995 at Chuck Divine's
WSFA's "Constitution"
Bylaws of the Washington Science
Fiction Association, Inc.
Baltimore in 1998 Bid News
Fast Forward: Contemporary Science Fiction
The WSFA Away Team
Greg Bear: MOVING MARS (Tor)
Octavia E. Butler: PARABLE OF THE SOWER (Four Walls Eight Windows)
Jonathan Lethem: GUN, WITH OCCASIONAL MUSIC (Harcourt Brace)
James Morrow: TOWING JEHOVAH (Harcourt Brace)
Rachel Pollack: TEMPORARY AGENCY (St. Martin's Press; Orbit<UK>)
Kim Stanley Robinson: GREEN MARS (Bantam/Spectra; HarperCollinsUK)
Roger Zelazny: A NIGHT IN THE LONESOME OCTOBER (Morrow; AvoNova)
(note: there are seven works because of a three-way tie for fourth in the voting)
Harlan Ellison: Mefisto in Onyx (Omni, Oct 93)
Nina Kiriki Hoffman: Haunted Humans (F&SF, Jul. 94)
Ursula K. Le Guin: Forgiveness Day (Asimov's, Nov. 94)
Mike Resnick: Seven Views of Olduvai Gorge (F&SF, Oct./Nov. 94)
Geoff Ryman: Fan (Unconquered Countries, St. Martin's Press; Interzone<UK>)
Michael Swanwick: Cold Iron (Asimov's, Nov. 93)
Terry Bisson: Necronauts (Playboy, Jul. 93)
David Gerrold: The Martian Child (F&SF Sep. 94)
Nina Kiriki Hoffman: The Skeleton Key (F&SF, Aug. 93)
Geoffrey A. Landis: The Singular Habit of Wasps (Analog, Apr. 94)
Ursula K. Le Guin: The Matter of Seggri (Crank #3, Spring 1994)
Maureen McHugh: Nekropolis (Asimov's, Apr. 94)
Ben Bova: Inspiration (F&SF, Apr. 94)
Joe Haldeman: None So Blind (Asimov's, Nov. 94)
Barry Malzberg: Understanding Entropy (SF Age, Jul. 94)
Maureen McHugh : Virtual Love (F&SF, Jan. 94)
Martha Soukup: A Defense of the Social Contracts (SF Age, Sep. 93)
Kate Wilhelm: I Know what You're Thinking (Asimov's, Nov. 94)
[Minutes taken by Dan Burgess at Sec.'s request]
Attending: Vice President Terilee Edwards-Hewitt, Treas. Bob MacIntosh, Trust. Dan Burgess, Trust. Jim Edwards-Hewitt, Disclave 1997 Chairman Michael Nelson, Eric Baker, Chris Callahan, Chuck Divine, Karl, Erica, and Lydia Ginter, Alexis and Lee Gilliland, Keith Marshall, Dick Roepke, Rachel Russell and, Bill Squire, Dick Preston, Evan Phillips, Robin Rissell & Sylvia Rutheiser, Miles Weissman, and others.
Called to order by Terilee at 9:16. Agenda: setting the location of the 2nd March meeting. The Minutes of the last two meeting were available in the WSFA Journal Feb 17th.
The Treasury balance was $6,919.54. Bob reported that the 1994 Disclave had transferred its funds. Entertainment: No reviews at this time.
DISCLAVE '94: Finished, no more reports will be forthcoming.
DISCLAVE '95: Reported no problems at this time.
DISCLAVE '96; Same substance as '95, no problems at this time.
DISCLAVE '97: Wanted to be left alone.
OUTREACH: Volunteers for a mailing needed, please see Brian Lewis.
OLD BUSINESS: Meeting site for third Friday in March has not been definitely set. The Ginters Three are back in town so this may be an un-issue. [* Joe spoke to Karl Ginter on Thursday, March 2nd and Karl said they would host the March 17th Meeting].
NEW BUSINESS: There is a 5th Friday in March. No host has yet been found for the party. Please volunteer if you are willing.
Erica Ginter briefly and tactfully reported on the premature birth of of their first child, "This is Lydia's first WSFA meeting."
Robyn Rissell said "This is my last regular WSFA meeting, as I'm moving to Michigan this Sunday morning. Goodbye Folks."
Dan Burgess, speaking as a Trustee and a friend said "I'd like to thank Robyn Rissell for his years of service to Disclave, his sense of duty a club officer, and his fellowship. Best of health and happiness to you and Sylvia in the years to come." Followed by sustained applause by the assembled members.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:33 in the traditional fashion.
[The following ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION AND BYLAWS includes all amendments interpolated and finally passed on December 20, 1985]
FIRST: We, the undersigned, ROSA OLIVER, whose post office address is [ street address censored ], Clinton, MD 20735, being at least eighteen years of age, do hereby form a corporation under and by virtue of the State of Maryland.
SECOND: The name of the Corporation (Which is hereinafter called the Corporation) is WASHINGTON SCIENCE FICTION ASSOCIATION, INC.
THIRD: The purposes for which the Corporation is formed are as follows: To cultivate social intercourse among its members; to attract to its membership those of the general public having an interest in science fiction; and to generally promote friendship, sociability and culture among its members in the pursuit of their common interest in science fiction.
FOURTH: The Corporation shall be nonstock, and no net earnings of the Corporation shall inure to the benefit of any private person.
FIFTH: The private property of the members of the Corporation shall not be liable for its corporate debts.
SIXTH: The period of duration of the Corporation shall be perpetual.
SEVENTH: The post office address of the principal office of the Corporation in the State of Maryland is [ street address censored ], Temple Hills, MD 20748. The name and post office of the resident agent in the State of Maryland is Edward S. Sobansky, [ street address censored ], Temple Hills, MD 20748. Said resident is a citizen of the State of Maryland and actually resides there.
The organization governed by these Bylaws is THE WASHINGTON SCIENCE FICTION ASSOCIATION, INC., abbreviated WSFA.
A. 1. Members shall be admitted and participate in WSFA activities according to these Bylaws.
2. Only members who are in good standing as defined in the Bylaws shall hold office, propose business or vote.
B. 1. There shall be two (2) classes of membership in WSFA, Charter members and Associate members.
2. (a) All persons who are members in good standing of WSFA on December 31, 1985 are eligible to be Charter members. Associate members are eligible for Charter membership if they attend three meetings, are sponsored by an existing Charter member, are approved by all three (3) trustees, and pay the differential in dues between those for Associate and Charter members.
(b) Charter members shall have the right to attend and participate in all meetings of the membership, Disclave, hold office and vote.
3. (a) All persons who subscribe to the goals of WSFA, pay their dues in a timely fashion, and agree to abide by WSFA's Articles of Incorporation and bylaws are eligible to become Associate members of WSFA.
(b) Associate members shall have the right to attend and participate in all meetings of the membership and DISCLAVE; they shall neither vote nor hold office in WSFA.
C. 1. Dues shall be set for each year by December 31 of the previous year. Dues for Charter members shall always exceed those of Associate members by at least $5.00 per year to compensate for voting privileges.
2. Dues shall be due as of the first regular meeting in January. Dues for 1986 shall be prorated.
3. Dues may be paid in advance.
4. Except for 1986, any member must pay the full year's dues regardless of the date of payment.
5. Any member who is delinquent in his dues for an entire year shall be dropped from the membership list.
6. New member's dues shall be prorated to the appropriate portion of the remaining WSFA year.
7. All life memberships awarded prior to December 31, 1985 shall retain all rights and privileges of Charter members in perpetuity. Life members shall pay no dues, and no new life members shall be designated.
8. WSFA shall issue annual membership cards to its paid-up members of both classes.
D. 1. A petition to revoke any membership may be presented in writing at any regular meeting.
2. It must state the grounds and be signed by at least 15 members and be communicated to the member concerned at least 10 days before the presentation of the petition for action.
3. If the petition is approved by a vote of 2/3 of the Charter members present at the second meeting vote to revoke the membership, it is revoked.
4. The revoked member's dues shall be prorated and the appropriate portion shall be refunded.
E. 1. A quorum shall consist of 15 Charter members which includes 2 officers of the Executive Board. Such a quorum must be present at any meeting at which a vote is taken.
2. There shall be no absentee or proxy voting.
A. Except where specifically allocated elsewhere in these bylaws, conduct of WSFA's affairs is controlled by its Board of Directors which shall consist of the following officers:
Vice President
3 Trustees
The Chairman of any DISCLAVE until after his
or her DISCLAVE is held.
B. 1. All elections shall be supervised by the Trustees Committee. Any Trustee who is running for office shall appoint a counter for that office who is acceptable to the other 2 Trustees.
2. The election of all Directors (except the DISCLAVE Chairman) shall take place during the first regular meeting in May. Those elected at that meeting shall assume their offices at the first regular meeting in June.
3. The Trustees shall receive seconded nominations from the floor and shall announce all candidates in order nominated.
4. All elections shall be counted by the "Australian" ballot.
5. The order of nomination and election shall be:
1. President
2. Vice President
3. Secretary
4. Treasurer
5. Trustee
6. Trustee
7. Trustee
C. The Vice President shall succeed to the Presidency in the event the President cannot fulfill his term.
D. Any other vacancies occurring on the Board shall be filled by a by-election. Those so elected shall serve for the remainder of the term of the officer replaced.
E. 1. A petition for the removal of a member of the Board may be presented to the Board in writing at any time.
2. Such petitions must state the grounds for removal and must be signed by at least 15 members.
3. If the other members of the Board unanimously agree that the removal is justified, they shall suspend the officer and appoint a temporary replacement.
4. Such action and the grounds for it shall be mailed to all Charter members.
5. At the first regular meeting held at least 10 days after such notice, removal from the Board shall be come permanent if approved by a 3/4 majority of the Charter members voting.
6. Any office so vacated shall be filled as prescribed in Article II, section D.
A. The President shall:
1. Preside at all meetings.
2. Exercise general supervision over the properties and activities of WSFA.
3. Appoint members to committees.
4. When he or she wishes to participate in debate, yield the chair to (a) the Vice President, or (b) another member.
B. The Vice President shall assume the duties of the President during the absence of the President.
C. The Secretary shall:
1. Keep the minutes of all meetings of the club.
2. Be Custodian of all club records and archives.
D. The Treasurer shall:
1. Receive all WSFA funds and maintain them in an account separate from his own.
2. Maintain the official membership list.
3. Pay out funds only when approved by the board or the membership by vote.
4. Submit his records for audit whenever requested by the Board or by a petition of 1/3 of the membership.
E. The Trustees shall serve on the Trustee Committee.
F. The DISCLAVE Chairman shall:
1. Be elected by Charter members at a regular meeting designated by the membership.
2. Be authorized to transact all necessary business and set necessary rules pertaining to the DISCLAVE and to appoint all its officers.
3. Serve on the Board until his DISCLAVE has been held.
A. The standing committees of the Board of Directors shall be:
1. Trustee Committee
2. Entertainment Committee
3. Publications Committee
B. The Trustee Committee shall:
1. Vote on all applications for Charter membership.
2. Supervise all elections.
3. Prepare a slate of nominations for all club offices scheduled to be voted upon.
4. Announce that slate at the regular meeting just previous to that of the election.
C. 1. It is appropriate for WSFA to sponsor publications serving its needs and interests.
2. All such publications shall be under the jurisdiction of the Publications committee. The Secretary shall serve as the chairman ex-officio; the other members shall be appointed by the President and may be removed by the unanimous vote of the Trustees.
3. THE WSFA JOURNAL shall be scheduled for monthly publication and shall include the Secretary's minutes, committee reports and other records and information pertaining to club business as well as other suitable material of interest to the membership. Material specifically critical of any club member shall be submitted to the publications committee for approval before being published. The Editor of the JOURNAL shall be selected by the Secretary with the advise and consent of the Committee, and may be removed from office by the Secretary, or, after the intention to do so is publicly announced at a prior meeting, by a majority of those voting.
4. The existence of THE WSFA JOURNAL shall not preclude other publications being sponsored by WSFA, but none shall be sponsored without the consent of the Publications Committee. Such publications need not be governed by the rules which apply to the official publication.
D. Special committees shall be formed by the President at such times as deemed necessary.
E. None of the committees shall have the full authority of the Board to conduct activities unless authorized as provided by Maryland law.
F. Appointed WSFA officials may be removed by those who appoint them, by a simple majority vote of the voting WSFA membership at the business meeting following the introduction of a resolution for that purpose, or by a unanimous vote of the WSFA Trustees.
A. 1. WSFA's regular meetings shall occur on the first and third Fridays of each month.
2. Special meetings can be called by the President.
B. The place and time for the next meeting shall be designated by the Chair before the meeting adjourns.
C. The order of business of all regular meetings shall be:
1. Call to order
2. Reading of previous minutes.
3. Reports of officers.
4. Reports of committees.
5. Old business.
6. New Business.
7. Announcements.
8. Adjournment.
All procedural questions not covered by the Articles and Bylaws shall be decided by reference to Robert's Rules of Order, Revised, 75th Anniversary Edition (1951).
1. Any proposed amendment must be signed by at least 15 members and be submitted in writing at a regular meeting.
2. Such proposals must be read at that meeting.
3. A vote shall be taken at the next regular meeting after the proposal is submitted and read.
4. Passage shall require a 2/3 majority of those Charter members voting.
[END as of 10-30-91]
The Baltimore in 1998 Bid Committee is sponsoring two contests and a raffle as part of our Worldcon bidding effort.
At last year's Worldcon in Winnipeg, Mark Rogers dropped in on one of our Pirates of Fenzance parties. While he was at the party, Mark got into a conversation with several Baltimore committee members. He told us that he supported our bid and asked if there was anything he could do to help.
Well, first we thought he wanted to become a pre-supporter. Then we started to think in terms of advertising illustrations or some other black-and-white work. But Mark said that he would be willing to do a painting for the bid. Then we said "Let's raffle off the painting at Glasgow and split the proceeds between Mark and the bid!"
So Mark Rogers has done an original oil (not acrylic) painting featuring Samurai Cat and several of our committee members as pirates aboard a pirate ship. He has also donated all his share of the raffle proceeds to the bid. The raffle tickets are one dollar each and we urge you to take a chance to own this excellent painting.
We are also holding two pirate contests. Prizes will be awarded at the 1995 Worldcon in Glasgow. Contestants do not need to be present to win.
The first contest is a pirate costume contest. People may enter the contest by sending a photograph of their costume.
Our second contest is a pirate short story contest. Contestants should submit an original science fiction or fantasy story that features (what else?) pirates. The winner will receive a full uncut sheet of thirty-two US one dollar bills.
Send your entries to: Baltimore 1998 Worldcon, Inc., P.O. Box 1376, Baltimore, MD 21203. Write for additional information (Inquiries may also be sent to our e-mail address:
When Kathi Overton and John Pomeranz closed their famous Bungalow and headed to California, Tom Schaad & Mike Zipser (hereafter "Da Guys") took over as producers, interviewers and anchors for FAST FORWARD, CONTEMPORARY SCIENCE FICTION. In doing so, they inherited me.
I had been the book reviewer for a year or two before that and they decided to keep me on. It continues to be fun and probably helped me get into doing SF reviews for the Washington Post. Da Guys have expanded the audience for FAST FORWARD outside of Virginia into Washington, DC and beyond to the campus network New York University, and to the Prairie's Paragon cable system (in the Minneapolis area). Da Guys are currently working on getting it on the air in Denver and Seattle. The only local cable network which doesn't carry it now is Prince George's County (naturally, where I live!). Funds voted by WSFA have helped in the distribution of FAST FORWARD for the last two years.
This half hour show is highly respected by the Professional SF community as carefully made, informative and well-focused. It usually consists of an extended interview with a major SF writer, artist, editor or other personality, a book review and segments on Japanime by Greg Barr (which) have made stodgy old me sit up and take notice. Since January, 1992, Fast Forward has featured interviews with (among others) Robert Jordan, S.N. Lewitt, Alexis Gilliland, Brenda Clough, Pat Cadigan, A.C. Crispin, Lawrence Watt-Evans, Douglas Adams, Larry Niven, Joe Haldeman, David Brin, Lois McMaster Bujold, Neil Gaiman, Greg Bear, Tad Williams, Josepha Sherman, Margaret Wander Bonanno, Roger MacBride Allen, Jim Burns, Charles Sheffield, Michael Swanwick, Don Maitz, Janny Wurtz, John Ellis, Tim Sullivan, Paula Volsky, Brian Jacques, Michael Dirda, Peter Heck, James Morrow, Bud Sparhawk, Jane Yolen, Neal Stephenson, and David Wolverton.
Locally, FAST FORWARD is on these cable stations:
Arlington (VA) Channel 33 at 9:30 PM every Thursday and 5:30 PM Friday each month.
Alexandria (VA) Channel 10 at 10:30 every Thursday each month.
Fairfax (VA) Channel 10 at 6:30 PM on the 1st Monday of each month, 11:00 AM on the following Wednesday and at 12:00 AM on Thursday.
Montgomery County (MD) Channel 47 every other week on Wednesday at 11:00 PM (alternating with "Slumber Party".)
Washington, DC Channel 25 every other week at 6:30 PM.
Can you update any of these?
[ Street addresses censored from online version ]
Brick Barrientos
Gaithersburg, MD 20879
(301) 258-0949
Kent Bloom
Colorado Springs, CO 80919
Regina Cohen
Alexandria, VA 22303
(703) 960-4089 H
(703) 821-8178 W
Avery Davis
Marietta, GA 30066
(404) 928-6084
Scott & Jane Dennis
Paris, KY 40361
(606) 987-0054
Joanna & Wayne Dionne
Bowie, MD 20720
Judy Fetter (+ Ron Leonard)
Baltimore, MD 21218
(301) 235-2654
Eric & Helen Fleischer
Silver Spring, MD 20904
(301) 622-3557
Jack Heneghan (+ Elaine Normandy)
Colorado Springs, CO 80921
(719) 488-0773
Laura & Pat Jones
Falls Church, VA 22046
(703) 573-7211
Trina King
New York, NY 10034
(212) 304-4404 unlisted
George & Kay Koelsch
Herndon, VA 22070
Erica & North Lilly
Oxford, OH 45056
(513) 523-6176
Mark & Vanessa Loney
Hyattsville, MD 20781
H (301) 927-2523
W (301) 688-7995
Perrianne Lurie
Middletown, PA 17057
Bob Madle
Rockville, MD 20853
(301) 460-4712
Bill Mayhew
Beltsville, MD 20705
(301) 595-7920
Thomas R. McCabe
Lorton, VA 22079
(703) 339-7103
Linda Melnick
Beltsville, MD 20705
(301) 937-8426
Mary Morman = Kent Bloom
Bob Oliver
Riverdale, MD 20735
(301) 474-6548
Rosa Oliver
Clinton, MD 20735
(301) 868-7940
Paul & Aly Parsons
Silver Spring, MD 20910
(301) 587-0377
Crystal Paul
Laurel, MD 20123
(301) 776-9823
Ray Ridenour
Baltimore, MD 21211
Sinya Schaeffer
Springfield, VA 22152
Cat Slusser
Richmond. VA 23233
(804) 741-7504
Elaine & Steve Stiles
Randallstown, MD 21133
(410) 521-1567
Dalroy Ward
Baltimore, MD 21230
(301) 783-0294
Letitia Wells
Chevy Chase, MD 20815
(301) 656-1740
Ted White
Falls Church, VA 22046
(703) 532-0623
Morgan Woodward
Waldorf, MD 20604
(301) 868-7940
Martin M. Wooster
POB 8093
Silver Spring, MD 20907
(301) 565-7820