July, 1992
ISSN 0894-5411
Joe Mayhew, long time member of the Washington Science Fiction Association (WSFA), suffered a heart attack and was hospitalized recently. He is (at the time The WSFA Journal goes to press) resting comfortably at Doctors' Hospital in Greenbelt, Maryland. He is out of intensive care and in monitored care. This means that he has a heart monitor attached to his body which relays information directly to a central station.
The Mayhew family have been notified, and several members have visited Joe.
Joe has previously been Secretary of WSFA and Chairfan of Disclave S.F. Convention. He is the author of much of WSFA's ByLaws, and is noted for many puns and other comments during meetings.
He may be reached by phone at (301) 652-7874; room 2104A
The staff and readers of The WSFA Journal wish Joe a rapid recovery and many years of happiness to come.
The regular First Friday in June business meeting convened at 9:20, 5 June 1992. Newly inaugurated President Steve Smith presided with gavel and bheer bottle. It was the same old gavel but a bhetter bheer.
Steve began hissing, "Mr. Ssssss...." but changed that to "Mr. Treasury". Robert MacIntosh, Club Treasure, reminded Steve that the Secretary was the 1st on the batting order. Steve then called for the minutes of the previous meeting.
Lee Strong, Club Sssecretary, announced that the minutes were concealed among the 24 pages of the latest WSFA Journal, the thickest ever. It contains twice the fiber of previous Journals and all of the fat, fluff and fillers that WSFA has come to expect. Steve allowed that that was okay as long as the publication contained some of each of the 4 basic fannish food groups: grease, salt, sugar and chocolate. Reading of the minutes was not only waved but flapped.
Robert then reported $5628.29 in the Club Treasure. There was a call to have a party. Others noted that we just did one. There was a call to have a real party. This motion failed for lack of reality.
Alexis Gilliland, Chairfan of the Entertainment Committee, noted that Bill Clinton locking up the Democratic nomination was upstaged by Ross Perot at no expense whatever. Alexis and Ross thought this was pretty entertaining.
Lance Oszko, Chairfan of the Fine Arts Committee, reported that he is in hibernation for the foreseeable future.
Joe Mayhew, Chairfan of the Archives & Historical Committee, reported that a previous issue of The WSFA Journal reached 137 pages, much thicker than Lee's latest. Several people commented that the 24 pager was the thickest in recent memory.
Joe also put the Sturdy Woman Cabinet up for adoption. Lee volunteered
to adopt said sturdy woman cabinet.
Steve then called Covert Beach, Vice Chairfan of Disclave Just Past, to report. Several calls of "Covert! Covert!" went unanswered. Dan Hoey reported, "We had a Disclave."
Steve clarified that Disclave Future and Disclave Present are now the same, but that Disclave Present is now Disclave Past. So much for the theory that time prevents everything from happening at once.
Covert Beach then appeared to the applause of the members.
"Covert Beach, come on down," invited Rowdie Yates.
Did we have a Disclave? "Oh, more or less," stated the
mellow tired regent. "It was pretty boring. No one
died. No one had a stroke. All in all, a pretty quiet con."
"Excuse me??" called Dan Burgess.
Covert then thanked Dan for general principles; Terilee Edwards-Hewitt for running the dance despite the band catching the chicken pox; "Bob" MacIntosh for the storage facilities; and lots of others for contributions too many to itemize. Department heads should submit honoraria information. The club applauded the thanks.
We had about 1125 bodies and no shows... The club went Oohh? ... not counting the barbarians at the gates.
Chris Callahan has the Lost & Found items. Dan suggested they be auctioned off to the highest bidder.
Paula Lewis repeated Pat Cadigan's comment that she had "never been treated better." Perrianne Lurie repeated GEnie comments that there were parking problems, and the art show and hucksters' room were too small. Dan heard a comment about "security fascists". He had asked the commenter to define "fascism". This intellectual challenge proved to be too much for the commenter and he slunk off. Meta-griping will come later.
Steve then asked Covert Beach, Chairfan of Disclave Future
Present for a report. He is looking for a new hotel. The Washington
Hilton & Towers booked a 700 sleeping room con for next Memorial
Day weekend.
Terilee asked when the next Disclave meeting is scheduled. Covert went, "Ha, ha, ha." Terilee apologized for expecting organization at WSFA.
Lee Strong, Chairfan of the Publications Committee, said that the Committee was still receiving comments on the proposed constitutional amendments, including one 4 page comment on the 3 pages of amendments. He proposed to defer debate until the comments could be digested. Winton asked when debate would begin. Lee replied, "When the comments slow down."
Joe then posed a question, "Was the last amount of money allocated for the [WSFA Press] book the last amount?" Lee Strong said, "No. When the book was originally proposed, WSFA Press asked for $8000. The club voted only $2100 at that time with the explicit understanding that more would be requested later. We haven't exceeded the $8000 limit yet." Lee Uba read from The Washington Post, noting that our book was favorably reviewed by significant mainstream literary people. "We succeeded in our goal of publishing a quality book," she said.
Steve officially summarized club opinion that the club wants a balance sheet and accounting from WSFA Press. He will speak to Michael Walsh personally.
The Third Friday in June meeting will be held in the home of Paula Lewis and John Peacock.
There was a hissssssssss from the audience when someone tried to conduct some.
Covert advised that Disclave has a cash flow problem. We have about $5000 "hanging out there" on the charge card plate, plus expenses. There is an outstanding bill due the Program Book printer of $3610.30. Covert moved that the club pay this bill and Disclave repay the club. Dan asked when will repayment happen. NESFA will repay before Worldcon, probably within 2-3 months. Covert has asked Steve to look into a brokerage group charge card. Walter Mills stated, "This is really just a loan for 3-4 months. When we will know what the book will cost us?" Tom Schaad stated, "Disclave is a large part of our identity. We will have to tap the Treasury dry to maintain the respect of the professionals that we deal with." The club approved the Disclave bridge loan unanimously.
Eva Whitley arrived and asked if she could have a seat? Joe Mayhew offered her one by proxy. Jack Chalker and she volunteered the Nuevo Ranch, Jasontown, MD for the Fourth of July Picnic. Comments were made about weather and driving time. Someone claimed that Jack used a wormhole to drive to and fro. Eva allowed that the view is actually worse in sunshine than in rainshine. Dick Roepke asked if there will be maps? Yes. Eva proposed to invite BISFIS and revive the traditional WSFA-BISFIS softball game. WSFA won a game once. Lee Uba volunteered to be the menu coordinator. Call her at the usual number, (703) 920-6087, so that we don't wind up with 14 pounds of cole slaw and no potato salad.
Robert noted that the Fourth is a Saturday immediately following the First Friday. Do we wish to have back to back parties? Eva suggested having the business meeting in their pool and staying over. She then advised the uninformed that the Nuevo Ranch has an Olympic sized swimming pool.
About this point, President Smith asked Secretary Strong, "What's going on here?" Lee replied, "I don't know."
What do we want to ask BISFIS to provide? Bheer, 1000 cans of Sprite, and Silly String were the suggestions.
Eva also asked for co-hosts to take some of the strain off her.
Lee Uba bellowed for Steve to remember the New Tradition. Well, this upholds the Third New Tradition. Jan and Edwin Wiles, and Denise Vincent were attending their first WSFA meeting. The meeting went, "Hi, Denise!" Abner Mintz was attending his second WSFA meeting in quite a while.
A Mystery Man allowed that he was crazy enough to be attending his third WSFA meeting. His identity was revealed to be Dan Laughlin and Dan Laughlin #2. Steve then gave The Pitch (an invitation to join this crowd of yayhoos, and an introduction to the Trustees).
Lance Oszko announced that the "inconsequential" Art Show did over $7000 worth of business. Balticon in '98 is also selling something or other.
The Secretary announced that those who wished their announcement to appear in their own words rather than as the Secretary might record them should submit their announcement in writing to him after the meeting.
Dick Lynch announced Smofcon IX in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Keith Marshall announced the arrival of the Columbus Fleet in Annapolis and Baltimore, MD. The Viking Longship Company met the late comers with bheer and good cheer, rather than with traffic tickets or No Parking signs.
Dan Burgess thanked everyone who helped in the Disclave '92 con suite. Elspeth Kovar and he found a new apartment and will be moving on the 13th. He is selling off his Speed Queen washer and dryer at 1/2 price. "I deliver in the Washington metropolitan area." The club applauded this daring break with Washington metro area tradition.
Martin announced that he sold his high school book. It will be published in March 1993 by the Pacific Research Institute.
Mike Zipser has the June schedules for Mystery Science Theater 3000.
Crystal Hagel has brought a mock-up of Space Station Freedom to the Mall. In addition, the Baltimore Museum of Design has an exhibit of previous conceptions of the future entitled "What Modern Looked Like".
David Lastman has a Orlando Worldcon membership for sale cheap.
Terilee Edwards-Hewitt will be interviewed on Tarra cards. These devices are also known as Tarot cards for us French speakers.
Lee Uba announced an article on Mystery Science Theater 3000 in Comedy Central programming.
Dan Hoey has 30 pages of notes on con suites, sex and bondage. This opus was referred to Terilee, President of Vice.
Perrianne Lurie is getting a group together to visit "the" Cape.
Rebecca Prather is planning a trip to India. She would like a female roommate.
Matt Leger noted that Comedy Central programming publishes the Funny Pages for free. America On Line now has an Internet gateway. The Dr. Demento 20th Anniversary Special is coming up. And, the Source Theater is showing Psycho Beach Party, starring Chiclet Forest, for $15. The premise of this epic is that Gidget goes psychotic. See Matt off line for more information on these cultural events.
Abner Mintz is moving to California on the 24th to go to CalTech on a full fellowship. The club applauded this intellectual & financial achievement.
Crystal is offering, free to a good home, a double bed in good condition.
Covert found out his grades. He passed and will receive a diploma. The club applauded.
Somebody or other moved to adjourn and the club unanimously adjourned at 10:19.
The Third Friday in June meeting convened at 9:23, 19 June 1992 in the snug downstairs conference hall of Paula's Place, the home of Paula Lewis and John Peacock. President Steve Smith presided with bheer and gavel, calling the meeting to "what passes for order around here."
Steve asked Secretary Lee Strong if he had minutes from the last meeting. Lee said Yes and waved them around. Jack Chalker noted that they had not been red yet. Lee got out a pink pen and made them as red as he could. Current events commentator Steve noted that the Fall of Communism had made red obsolete. Lee Uba located a red pen and made the minutes red.
Treasurer Robert MacIntosh stated that the Club Treasury contained $2029.39. The reduction from last report was due to paying the Disclave Program Book printing bill. There was a call for a party but the motion failed for lack of a second.
Entertainment Committee Chairfan Alexis Gilliland heartily recommended Batman Returns. "It's operatic; it's silly; it's stupid; and it's great fun!" Jack noted that one Black critic noted that it was "darker than he was".
Eva Whitley wanted to talk about the Fourth of July picnic. "Go ahead, Eva," commanded Steve. "Be entertaining."
Eva described how to reach the Nuevo Ranch. Take Georgia Avenue forever. If you reach Georgia, you're going the wrong way. When you reach Westminster Road, you'll see great flashing lights. Then wander around for a while. [Eva's description was somewhat more precise.] Go past the first herd of cows, horses, and sheep. Turn left at the second herd of cows, and there it is. [Also see the directions on the last page of this issue.]
The Ranch has a huge outdoor pool. Record low temperatures are predicted but the pool is thermostatically regulated. The house can accept the crowd. There is projection TV. Laser disks include Aliens, including the missing 28 minutes, and Forbidden Planet plus outtakes.
Eva is attempting to have a WSFA-BISFIS softball game at a local stadium. The actual Ranch lawn slopes at a 40 degree angle, which makes playing a serious game something of a challenge. BISFIS was approached about contributing bheer or bheer money. After intense parliamentary debate, BISFIS decided that only bheerdrinkers need contribute. <Not only cheap, but apparently proud of it.>
The party officially starts at 12 noon. If you show up early, you have volunteered for additional entertainment opportunities [i.e. help]. As an alternative, the local Giant is hosting an English-Irish folk band. This is a Super Giant: no white dwarves allowed. Eva is looking for co-hosts.
Steve asked if there was any more Fourth of July news. Eva declaimed, "I think that's enough!"
Steve asked for a report on Disclave Past. Vice Chairfan Covert Beach remarked, "Nothing much [is happening]." He has been assured that Boston has put the check in the mail. However, Boston is not answering the telephone. An ominous sign.
Steve asked for a report from Disclave Future, but was reminded that we don't have a future. "Oh, no!" cried someone in the audience.
Covert Beach, Chairfan of Disclave Future Present, reported that he is checking out hotels for the same reason mentioned on page 3. He hasn't talked to any Sheratons. He has talked to Techworld. They have nice space and a big hotel. Dick Lynch noted that that part of town is questionable. <Not if you relax the weapons policy. Heh, heh, heh.> Erica Van Dommelen noted that she worked in that part of town and it was reasonably safe. We could be eating Chinese.
Covert is also looking at the Madison, which is a little upscale for us and foreign heads of state stay there. {This might solve the security/badge checking problem!} The Fairview Marriott function space is tight but the site is pretty and 3 shopping centers and several bus lines are within a short distance. He is also checking out other hotels.
Lance Oszko, Chairfan of the Fine Arts Committee, is waiting on slides from David Cherry. He is also dumping $1000 into his car. {Ah, that's popular culture, Lance, not a fine art.}
Steve asked Michael Walsh to prepare a balance sheet on the WSFA Press Cadigan book. Jack Chalker then offered to prepare an alternative. He stated that the Resnick book balance sheet shows an artificial loss caused by the author taking his royalties in books. These books are charged to WSFA Press at full value. In addition, the committee also returned $800 to WSFA up front. We paid thousands of dollars for professional typesetting services & printing unnecessarily. The offer of an alternative balance sheet was taken under advisement.
Lee Strong, Chairfan of the Publications Committee, brought up the proposed constitutional changes for discussion. Dick Lynch asked for a quick & dirty translation of the proposed changes into English. Lee did so, provoking several wry comments. Lee allowed that it may have been a mistake to allow a Federal bureaucrat (himself) to write the changes. Dick moved that The WSFA Journal publish the changes, comments received on the proposals, and Lee's comments on the received comments. This was accepted by unanimous consent. Alexis then moved that the proposed changes be returned to the table and debated expeditiously. This was approved by a whole bunch to not very many.
Please see the constitutional discussion package elsewhere in this issue of the Journal.
The Third Friday in July will also be at Paula's Place. Erica gave a report on the progress of the new Ginter-Van Dommelen house. October is the earliest that it will be ready.
Robyn Rissell noted that July has a Fifth Friday. In accordance with the Rufus T. Firefly Manual of Parliamentary Procedure, this was referred to New Business.
Robyn again noted that July had a Fifth Friday in it. The club decided to deal with this calendar development next time.
Lee Uba reminded Steve. Perrianne Lurie noted that Steve hadn't forgotten yet. Steve asked, "Forgotten what?" A voice from the audience commented, "Nice save."
Rachel Silber, Daniel Korn, and Cary Abend were here for the first time. The club went, "Hi." to each. Denise Vincent was here for her second time. Steve suggested, "We'll have to try harder to scare them off."
No one was for here for a third time. President Steve noted, "We get stranger."
Lance announced that Baltimore in '98 is selling more trinkets, including a Captain Morgan mug, tray, and mirror.
Charles Divine announced that the Goddard Space Center theater club will be doing a musical version of Little Shop of Horrors. Denise is going out for it. Charles did not announce what role Denise is trying for. Hmmmmmm.........
Lee Uba looked for dicks in WSFA, and found at least one. Seems that some semi-fan named Emo Philips is starting an Emo-Philiac personal fan club. The postcard invites people to declare themselves to (a) an emo-philiac, or (b) a dick. Lee suggested that everyone named Richard fill out option (b) and blow Mr./Ms. Philips' mind.
The Secretary announced that anyone who wished his or her announcement to appear in The WSFA Journal as he or she wished should submit the announcement to the Secretary in writing after the meeting.
Hostess Paula Lewis noted that we could use more chairs for WSFA meetings. Eva agreed.
Keith Yellowhair announced that the Viking raid on Baltimore was a success. "Oh, those silly Vikings..!" gushed Rowdie the Puce.
Matt Leger announced, "As long as we're plugging demented performers, Weird Al Yankovich is at Carter Baron. Go to Ticketmaster or you all can go to Hecht."
Matt also gave a short review of a new book Alternate Kennedies, an alternate history collection devoted solely to the famous family. He particularly liked The Kennedy Enterprise, in which Bobby becomes the producer and Jack the star of Star Track, the greatest SF series of the 1960s and 1970s.
Lee Strong, Editor of this illustrious rag gazette, asked
for alternate reviews of the Alternate Kennedies as the
Journal's "staff reviewer" found it rather mediocre.
Someone in the audience punctured Lee's pretense by asking, "That
mean you didn't like it?" Deflated, Lee nodded Uh-huh.
Steve announced that WSFA has received a copy of Astromancer Quarterly, a publication of the Niagara Falls S.F. Association (NFSFA). It is available in The WSFA Journal Reading Room.
Covert moved to adjourn and the club unanimously adjourned at 10:18.
The WSFA Journal is the official newsletter of the Washington Science Fiction Association (WSFA), Inc. (C) 1992, WSFA, Inc.
President ............. Steve Smith
Vice President ...
... Terilee Edwards-Hewitt
Ssssecretary Lee Sssstrong
Treasurer ........ Robert MacIntosh
Approved for presentation to the membership of WSFA by the Publications Committee, First Friday in April, 3 April 1992.
The Publications Committee recommends:
That WSFA have a formal policy of publishing a book each year in conjunction with Disclave; but that this policy will be adjusted as required by changing circumstances.
That all WSFA publications be produced by standing subcommittees of the Publications Committee; and that one of these subcommittees be WSFA Press.
That WSFA Press be funded separately from the general expenses of the club; and that WSFA Press meet a goal of being financially self-supporting in the near future.
The Publications Committee proposes the following changes to the By-Laws:
Add new paragraph III.C.3. "Exercise general supervision over the publications and literary activities of WSFA."
Amend III.D.1. to read "Receive all WSFA funds and maintain them in one or more accounts separate from his personal finances."
Amend III.D.3. to read "Pay out funds only as approved by the Board or membership by vote."
Amend IV.C. to read
"1. It is appropriate for WSFA to sponsor publications serving its needs and interests. All WSFA publications shall be under the jurisdiction of the Publications Committee, which may establish rules and guidelines to govern their publication. WSFA, Inc. will retain all copyrights and other legal benefits of its publication, but such benefits may be assigned to authors and other persons when assignment is in the interest of WSFA.
2. The Publications Committee shall consist of the Secretary, the Chairman of Disclave Past, the Chairman of Disclave Present, the Chairman of Disclave Future, and up to three additional members appointed by the President. All members shall be voting members except that the Chairman of a Disclave shall not vote on approval of a budget or publication plan for a book to be published in conjunction with his Disclave. The Publications Committee shall establish publication polices, approve publication budgets, and approve material proposed for publication as required.
3. Each separate publication shall be produced by a standing subcommittee of the Publications Committee. Except as noted below, each subcommittee shall be chaired by a club officer appointed by the Secretary and approved by the Publications Committee. Each subcommittee shall submit a budget, and, if requested, a publication plan for its publication for approval by the Publications Committee prior to expenditure of funds or publication. All subcommittee members may be removed from office by the Secretary, the Publications Committee, the Board, or the membership by vote.
4. The WSFA Journal shall be the monthly journal of record for WSFA. It will publish minutes of business and committee meetings, club records and information, and other information of interest to the club. The Editor of The WSFA Journal shall submit material specifically critical of individual club members and associates to the Publications Committee for review prior to publication.
5. WSFA Press shall publish books and similar publications for WSFA. The WSFA Press Production Manager shall be appointed by the Chairman of Disclave Present, subject to the approval of the Publications Committee. His term of office shall continue until a new Production Manager is approved. WSFA Press shall submit a budget, and, if requested, a publication plan, for all books and materials proposed for publication. Monies will not be expended until the Publications Committee has approved the budget and plan.
6. WSFA may publish an official club history from time to time. The WSFA Historian shall supervise production of the club history, including supplements.
7. WSFA shall maintain an official WSFA Archive of materials of interest to the club. The WSFA Archivist shall supervise the collection, maintenance and disposition of all official archival materials."
Add new article on club finances
Lee Strong
WSFA Secretary
[address censored]
Alexandria VA 22311
Dear Lee:
I have looked over the report from the Publications Committee, and I have a number of problems with it. Basically:
1. It is redundant. Most of section 8 duplicates the duties of the treasurer.
2. It writes into the bylaws things which should normally be part of "operating procedures", or some such title.
3. It has some fairly glaring holes. The Archivist and Club Historian are simply dropped in, with no explanation.
Point by point:
III.D.3 Trivial. Makes no effective difference that I can see.
IV.C This is a description of the duties of the Publications Committee, and should be phrased as such.
IV.C.1 We don't need a statement in the Bylaws that it is appropriate for us to sponsor publications. We just need to set up a mechanism to let us do it.
IV.C.2 "Disclave Past", "Disclave Present", and "Disclave Future" are not official titles. "Voting members" is redundant. The bit with a Chair not voting on his book is a matter of procedure, not bylaws.
IV.C.3 This whole paragraph is a matter of procedure.
IV.C.4 The bit about "material critical of individual club members" should be replaced by a statement of adherence to good journalistic ethics. The version here again is a matter of procedure.
IV.C.5 More procedures.
IV.C.6 Where does this come from???
IV.C.7 Ditto.
VIII.A Redundant. See III.D
VIII.B.1 OK. This is the only section that I think is really needed. It gives the authorization to maintain separate accounts.
VIII.B.2 Not needed. Again, we don't want to wire things into the bylaws.
Suggestion. Consider the following wording:
(Section III.C is the duties of the Secretary)
III.C.4 Appoint a Club Historian who shall supervise the publication of an official WSFA history. A Club Historian shall only be appointed when the membership wants to publish an official history. (Is this what we want?? If not, then what??)
III.C.5 Appoint a Club Archivist to maintain an official archive of materials of interest to the Club. The Archivist shall supervise the collection, maintenance and disposition of all official archival materials. In addition, the Archivist shall maintain a list of all materials present in the Archives. (Traditionally, this has been done by the Secretary. This just says that the Secretary can offload the job of stashing the stuff. In addition, we really need an inventory.)
III.C.6 Insure that all WSFA publications maintain good standards of journalistic practice and ethics. (Note -- this takes care of the "personal attack" business.)
(Section III.D covers duties of the Treasurer)
III.D.5 As needed and with the approval of the membership or the Board, designate individuals to manage separate funds as specified in Section VIII. (Without this, we have eliminated the job of Disclave treasurer. Having the WSFA treasurer do everything can cause a severe overload. Note -- I've done both. They' re very different jobs.)
(Section IV is standing committees)
IV.C The Publications Committee shall:
(These are the only sections of the proposed Section VIII that I think are needed. Note the additional requirement that the balance sheet be published at least twice per year.)
VIII.A Financial records of WSFA or of any WSFA subgroup responsible to the membership shall be maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounting principals, and shall be open to all Charter members. In addition, a balance sheet for each fund shall be published in the WSFA journal no less often than twice per year.
VIII.B WSFA may establish separate funds to provide for the financing of distinct projects. Each fund shall be established and overseen by the Treasurer, but each fund shall be a separate account and will be separately identified in WSFA records. Each fund will normally be self-financing, but transfers among WSFA funds may be approved by the Board or membership by vote.
This says about all we need to say, with a lot fewer words.
This commentary has three sections. The first is some overall notes on the thinking that went into the Expanded Publications Committee proposal. The second is a series of translations of the proposed By-Law amendments into plain English. The third is my comments on Steve Smith's comments on pages 13-15 and on other issues.
The Expanded Publications Committee (XPC) believed that WSFA would and should continue to operate basically by consensus. We assumed that people would basically work together and work things out informally. However, just in case someone did go overboard, the Publications Committee would have the formal power to bring the offender back into line.
In addition, the XPC wanted to retain a strong link between WSFA Press and Disclave. In my personal opinion, we may have gone too far in this direction. However, I drafted the report to reflect the Committee's views. Personally, I believe that we don't need all of the Disclave Chairs on the Publications Committee; the WSFA Press should clearly work for Publications; and that the club can achieve the necessary linkage by simply ordering WSFA Press to publish Disclave's book. The Secretary and/or the President can knock heads if necessary.
The first part of the proposal is a general policy statement, not an amendment to the By-Laws. It commits WSFA to publish a book a year except when we don't want to. It also says that the book will be separately funded from other, unspecified activities.
Proposed new By-Laws paragraph III.C.3 makes the Secretary generally responsible for publications and other "literary" stuff. Currently, no single person is responsible. This is a major increase in the Secretary's duties compared to 2-3 years ago. Also see below.
Proposed amended By-Laws paragraph III.D.1. is a minor change requiring the Treasurer to keep the club monies in one or more separate accounts rather than one separate account as at present. This makes separate book and general funds possible.
Proposed amended paragraph III.D.3. is a very obscure change requiring the Treasurer to pay out monies as directed by the membership or Executive Board rather than when directed. The present language seems to require the Board or membership to approve every minor expenditure. The change would allow the Board or membership to issue general orders and allow some expenditures without specific permission. Note that the Disclave Treasurer actually operates in this manner already. (Disclave is a club activity even if it is often treated as a separate entity.)
Proposed amended paragraph IV.C. is the duties of the Publications Committee. The basic intent is to set up a new comprehensive structure for the Committee and subcommittees.
Part (subparagraph) 1 is general stuff putting the Committee in charge of club publications. Statement that the club controls its published material is new. Note that we can give up our rights to authors and artists. This will probably be the usual case.
Part 2 gives the membership of the Publications Committee, and outlines its power to control publications. Principal control is the power to require and to approve publication plans and budgets. A budget is a proposal to spend money. A publication plan is a proposal to do certain things on certain dates, such as send out flyers, receive the manuscript, print the book, etc. The Committee also reviews and approves controversial material.
Part 3 sets up the working subcommittees generally. It specifies that the subcommittees will be controlled by the Pubs Committee.
Part 4 authorizes The WSFA Journal. Language is a paraphrase of the existing language.
Part 5 authorizes The WSFA Press. This is completely new.
Parts 6 and 7 authorize a Club History and a Club Archives. The History is new. The Archives is currently part of the Secretary's job.
At one time, Joe Mayhew expressed great interest in both a history and the archives. The intent here was to make Joe's fanac an official club project with the right to use club resources, especially the archives. However, he subsequently stated that he was no longer interested in either. Also see my comments.
Proposed new Article VIII, part A. is general financial stuff about being honest. If the state of Maryland ever inspected us, this should make them happy that we're careful about fiscal integrity.
Proposed new Article VIII, part B sets up two funds, the Book Publication Fund and the General Fund. This is the real financial guts of the book funding issue. This sets up the mechanism for making WSFA Press self-funding. It does permit transfers of money among funds if the membership approves.
The General Fund pays for both Disclave and bheer & pretzels because the WSFA membership provides the people power to make Disclave happen. The possibility of funding Disclave separately from bheer & pretzels and other activities was not discussed by the Expanded Publications Committee.
First of all, I would like to mention something that is of more than a little interest to me personally and which other people may not have noticed. That is, the demands on the Secretary have increased rather dramatically over the past 2-3 years, and the proposed changes will increase those demands further.
When I first ran for Secretary in 1990, the job was explained as being notetaker and editor of The WSFA Journal only. Subsequently, Joe Mayhew unveiled the WSFA By-Laws which also make the Secretary responsible for the Club Archives -- a job which I was not anxious to take on. When Joe indicated that he wanted to hold the archives so he could write a club history, I was more than happy to delegate that duty. Since then, he has reversed himself, and I have agreed to accept the club archives.
If these changes are adopted, the Secretary's job will further expand to become chief publications officer for the club, supervising if not actually doing the Journal AND WSFA Press AND the Archives AND POSSIBLY a club history. I believe that some form of the proposed changes are desirable, even necessary, and I intend to do my best to make them work. But the club should be aware that these changes will have some far reaching effects on how we do things. For one thing, future Secretaries will have to be selected for their management skills, not just their literary style.
That said, let's move on.
Second, I found practically all of Steve's comments to be well taken. His suggestions get to the heart of the Expanded Publications Committee's intent without the bureaucratic language that I am prone to. His concept of using "operating procedures" or committee guidelines is an especially good idea for keeping the By-Laws clutter free. The contrasting styles may illustrate why committee meetings should not follow Disclave committee meetings which follow club business meetings.
My earlier comments should have answered several questions about where proposed ideas came from so I will not repeat myself.
Steve's suggested sections III.C.4. through 6. are all very good, and I, speaking as an individual, recommend their adoption.
Suggestion IV.D.5. is extremely important. Several people noted that the XPC proposed language accidentally wiped out the job of Disclave Treasurer. This was certainly not intended. The intent was to have the club Treasurer to control both the Book Fund and the General Fund. What is needed is language which keeps the club Treasurer as the chief financial officer for all club finances including Disclave finances. However, we should then appoint subordinate Treasurers for specific functions such as Disclave. If necessary, we could have subordinate Treasurers for the separate funds. This keeps fiscal unity without overwhelming one individual with work.
Some of the comments made above about the Secretary's job expanding may be applicable to the Treasurer's job.
Suggestions IV.C, VIII.A. and VIII.B. are all well taken, and much less bureaucratic than my own language.
Speaking as an individual, I would prefer not to have all of the Disclave Chairs as members of the Publications Committee. (Steve correctly noted that "Disclave Past" etc. are not official titles but I use them for convenience.) Basically, the Chairs of Disclave Present and Future have plenty of work to do with their cons. They don't need to be overseeing publications as well. This also eliminates the gyration about the Disclave Present Chair not voting on his/her own book.
Instead, I recommend that the President consult with the Secretary and name a couple of people with an interest in publications to the committee. The Disclave Present Chair comes to WSFA Press as a straight forward advocate and says Do my GOH's book. WSFA Press knows that the GOH's book is the #1 priority and works with the con and with the GOH directly. This keeps WSFA Press as an independent function rather a camouflaged Disclave function. If a major dispute arises, the Chair and the Secretary work things out. -- LS
Dear Editor,
Fanzines and clubzines have long been the lifelines of Fannish information. For that reason alone we're asking your support in this new endeavor on George Effinger's behalf. As you're probably aware, George's medical indebtedness had grown to over $40,000.00 by November of 1991. Because of pre-existing health conditions, he is unable to secure health insurance of any kind. For this reason, the Medical Fund was brought into being. Over the course of the past five months, this fund has repaid more than $11,000.00 in outstanding medical bills. The majority of this sum was raised through the SFWA raffle, now in its final days. While this is a laudable beginning, we'd like to see the slate wiped clean. Complications to George's ongoing health problems required his hospitalization on three separate occasions during the month of March. The Board of Trustees has resolved to redouble its efforts, taking the direction of the WorldCon Weekend raffle. It's funny, somehow, just how little a dollar will buy today... coffee at most family restaurants, the occasional video rental, perhaps (if we're very lucky) the odd second-hand paperback. Here's a chance to put that insignificant single dollar to very good use. If the attendees of the WorldCon for the past five years were each to take one $1 chance, George Effinger would be out of debt entirely! Think about that for a moment... a chance to start over, without the daily fiscal stress piled atop the physical stress of longtime illness.
We're pretty certain that you'll agree with the worthiness of this venture. We're hoping that we can count on your support to help pass the word along to fans everywhere. While it would be easier to simply place advertisements directly, the cost of advertising in today's marketplace would negate any benefits to the existence of the Fund. It's a difficult thing, indeed, to ask a Fan Editor to devote even a small amount of space to material that he or she wouldn't normally include in an issue. That, however, is the purpose of this plea. It is the hope of the Board of Trustees that fanzine editors will act in concert with one another to insure the publicizing of the Medical Fund in general, but more importantly, of this raffle in particular. Perhaps in this way, we can reach enough fans to make a genuine and lasting difference in this HUGO and NEBULA Award-winning author's life.
While neither The Fund nor NFSFA is prepared to offer monetary help to defray printing costs incurred by including this information in fan publications, NFSFA has agreed to publish a listing of fanzines who did contribute space to aid this endeavor in a future issue of the NFSFA newsletter Astromancer Quarterly. Any fan editor sending a copy of announces the the issue in which the information appears will be listed (along with the address, editor, and subscription rates [if any] of the fanzine). If you're willing to help, and would like to make the job a little easier, feel free to use the paste-up provided. If you'd like to include a write-up as well, you'll earn our sincere thanks.
We realize that the cost of fan publishing is higher today than ever, and understand that an editor must try to get the most content possible into the smallest number of pages per issue. Nonetheless, we ask this favor in the name of the Family of Fandom. Your assistance will be greatly appreciated; by the Board, by myself, but most especially by George Effinger.
Thanking you for your time and consideration, and wishing you my very best regards I remain
Mary Stanton,
1). a chance to help defray George Effinger's medical costs.
2). a chance to see ConFrancisco. Grand Prize includes airline travel, membership, 4 nights hotel accomodations and meal allowance!
3). a good feeling.
1). write your name, address and telephone number on as many index cards or 3"x5" sheets of paper as you like.
2). drop them in an envelope, enclosing one dollar for each chance, and mail them to:
The George Alec Effinger Medical Fund
Post Office Box 500, Bridge Station
Niagara Falls, NY 14305
3). Start packing.
Please make checks payable to: The George Alec Effinger Medical Fund
Somewhere there is a lawyer who got really rich advising Mr. Resnick on how not to get his curpal sued. And it might just happen anyway!
This has got to be the ultimate exploitation book. I know the Kennedy family played an important role in American and world history, but an entire book of alternate histories on the various family members? And not a very good book at that!
I found this book to be distinctly so-so. While there were a few bright spots, many of the stories were mediocre, even when done about interesting ideas. On the plus side, the various authors generally showed both sympathy for their subjects and a realistic appraisal of their shortcomings. A number of stories revolve around various attempts to escape from history's curse. A far cry from the adoration of a previous generation. In addition, several authors explored the Kennedy women, a long neglected area of the legendary family. My favorite story concerned a leprechaun and Jack's not-so-heroic battlecry of freedom in Berlin. Matt Leger to the contrary, The Kennedy Enterprise is memorable because it's a extended fannish in-joke.
On the other hand, all too many stories seemed all too similar. Agonizing over the family curse and/or the well being of the United States is O.K. for a while, but it gets rather old rather quickly. Further, Jack may have slept with N women, but that doesn't mean that there are N interesting stories in his exploits.
I rate Alternate Kennedies as Above Average. - Lee (LCS) Strong
Having disagreed with Matt Leger, I am now pleased to agree with
Alexis Gilliland. This long hyped awaited sequel is silly,
stupid, and great fun.
The plot is admittedly rather chaotic with three overlapping villains trying to destroy our caped hero. However, a basic energy and fantastic attention to detail keeps things moving along. Gotham City may only be a metaphor for urban decay, but it's a darned scary one.
The highlight of this film was Michelle Pfeiffer as Catwoman. The character emerges as a quasi-feminist, pushed over the brink by a murder attempt but wavering between good and evil. Ms. Pfeiffer shows the conflicting impulses well, and achieves a definitive portrayal. The Cat-Bat romance is excellent and illustrates the difference between sexuality and obscenity.
Danny DeVito's Penguin, alas, fell far short in my estimation. Tim Burton's direction of the foul fowl as a psychopath is a major departure from the traditional role, and, in my opinion, a serious mistake. The bird-loving villain's strength has always been his intelligence and style. Both are missing here. DeVito turns in a superior performance but can't rescue a misconceived role.
In other notes, the set and cinematography were outstanding, but Danny Elfman's music was distinctly below the last visit to Gotham City. Keaton's Bat and Christopher Walken's Max Schreck (German: 'terror') are outstanding as well.
I rate Batman Returns as Excellent.
--Lee (Batfan) Strong
Do we have a superhero theme going here? Or is it just coincidence that Mr. Bishop examines a very culturally correct superhero just as Batman Returns? Well, such things happen in the world of comics.
This is a rather high toned work in which the author depicts fine arts
critic Xavier Thaxton who is horrified to discover that exposure to
nuclear radiation has granted him superpowers approximating local comic
book superhero stalwart Count Geiger. Embarrassingly,
this occurs right after said critic has made a public spectacle of
himself denouncing the low culture of the comics. What's a self
respecting snob to do? Well, he goes out to make the city of Salonika,
OC safe for Masterpiece Theatre and political correctness!
This is a very unbalanced work in which author veers from politically correct snobbery to raw sentiment. Xavier (Count Geiger) Thaxton displays some real heroism at the end of the book when he gives up his super-suit to help a suffering citizen. However, the disease which afflicts the sufferers is completely bogus -- basically an aversion to highbrow culture. Logic weakens the real emotional appeal of Geiger's sacrifice. In addition, I found Mr. Thaxton's snobbishness rather unpleasant and lacking in consistent heroism. The author also took an exceptionally long time in setting up the situations which form the core of the book. Less detailwork and more energy, please!
I rate Count Geiger's Blues as Average.
--Lee (Dr. Maginot) Strong
Yes, we definitely have a superhero theme here. However, we can rule out coincidence in the appearance of this latest collection in the Bat-library.
As a comic book fan and role-player, I found this collection of bat-tales rather enjoyable. Of course, the title theme seemed to limit the scope, but there proved to be enough changes to be rung for a fat little book about Gotham City's fat little crook. In addition, several stories went against the theme to ignore the Penguin while exploring other aspects of Batmania.
Most stories focus on the mentality of the supervillain and the people around them. Why do people dress up in silly suits and commit hideous crimes? For a variety of reasons, including fame, artistry, and sociopathy, as well as the obvious lure of wealth. My favorite was Endangered Species which displays the Penguin's love of birds and bird/umbrella oriented crimes and the Batman's quirky vigilantism at their respective finest. Fat Tuesday gives a startling twist to an apparently obvious story of masked identities, and reveals that even an hero has his metaheroes. Other stories discuss such mature themes as self-hatred, redemption, child abuse, and revenge crimes. Not bad for a "comic book" literature.
However, while the literary qualities here are superior, the technologies are neither science fictional or traditional fantasy. I rate Further Tales of Batman 2 Above Average. --Lee (Captain BAOR) Strong
Least confusing: [Directions censored]
Somewhat Confusing, but Quicker: [Directions censored] The house is the first driveway after the bus stop on the right.
Even more Confusing, but Scenic: [Directions censored]
From Washington: [Directions censored] (This is an EXTREMELY rural route i.e. if you get lost, you are going to have to go up to somebody's house to ask directions.)
Other ways to get to our place: [Directions censored] Consult your ADC's and Rand McNallys for alternate routes.
From the East: [Directions censored]
From the North: [Directions censored]
Our place is the third house on the left (look for cars and the pool), our house number is [censored], and the phone numbers here are (410)875-0558 or (410)876-3368.
The party will start about noon (early comers will be put to work) and we will be asking people to leave if they are still hanging around at 10 PM. (We do have children to think of here.) We will go rain or shine! Please let me or the Entertainment Committee know what you are bringing so we don't end up with 20 bowls of fruit salad. If there is interest, we hope to revive the WSFA/BSFS softball game at Uniontown Elementary School, about a mile from here. Bring your gloves!