The WSFA Journal, July 1989

The WSFA Journal


The Official Newsletter of the Washington Science Fiction Association

July 1989                                        ISSN 0894-5411

Available from the secretary: Rachel Russell,
[address censored], Arlington, VA 22204


June 2, 1989

President Erica Van Dommelen called the meeting to order at 9:18 at Alexis and Doll Gilliland's house.

Committee Reports:

Kent Bloom reported that the outgoing secretary, Mary Morman, will have her last Journal ready at the next meeting.

The treasurer, Bob MacIntosh, reported that we have $5207.00. There was much suspicion concerning the even amount.

Disclave Just Past, in the actual form of Michael Walsh, wasn't there to report. All of the people who brought us DisClave Just Past were cheered for their tremendous and excellent work.

Disclave Future, Eva Whitley, was given the attendee critiques of the Just Past Disclave. She welcomed comments concerning what changes to make, what parts of Disclave could be improved, etc. The biggest complaint focused on the issue of security, and the need to improve it. Eva also welcomed volunteers to help with Disclave.

Covert Beach, the next Disclave registrar, announced a one-night only special $10 Disclave fee. From now on, it is $20. We have 235 already paid memberships.

Discon III still has t-shirts available for $5.

Doll Gilliland, the entertainment committee, announced that the 5th Friday Party in June will be at Jack Heneghan and Elaine Normandy's. Eva Whitley and Jack Chalker will host the 4th of July party. Anyone going to the 4th of July party must call Doll to find out what to bring. Swimming in swimsuits is available, but one must bring one's towel. The Baltimore folks are going to be invital to come down too. Festivities start at noon.

John Pomeranz, chairfan of the Committee to Spend Lots of Money on Something Extremely Controversial and Expensive, said that icebergs were being bought, for distribution by helicopter around town, in order to cool things off. This was not considered controversial enough.

No New Business.

No Old Business.

Announcements. Your Humble Secretary, YHS, apologizes in advance for not recording all the announcements or for recording them wrong. If you ever have an announcement that must be in the Journal correctly, please give it to YHS in writing.

Lee Uba announced she's single again. Jack Heneghan announced he may be moving to Dallas, TX. Evan had 52 boxes of Jello left over from Disclave to be passed out. It was suggested that we save them for the 4th of July, because Eva has a jacuzzi. Susan added "where's Joe Haldeman when you need him?" Steven Vaughan-Nichols is looking for a data analyst job.

The meeting adjourned at 9:58.


June 16, 1989

President Erica Van Dommelen called us to order at 9:19pm at Kent Bloom and Mary Morman's house.

Committee Reports:

Publications: Outgoing secretary Mary Morman distributed her last Journal, which contained an address and phone list. Additional information and corrections should be given to me, your current humble secretary.

The treasurer finally let us know we have $5205.07.

The trustees said we have some insipid few members, but no nanes available yet.

Disclave Past. Michael Walsh announced we made money, but no figures available yet. The guests of honor all reported a good time. All the worker bees were again applauded for their excellent work.

Disclave Present. Eva Whitley is looking at various hotels.

Discon III gave out bookmarks.

The Entertainment Committee reminded everyone about the 4th of July party at Eva Whitley and Jack Chalker's house.

The Committee to Spend Lots of Money on Something Incredibly Expensive and Controversial has discovered Norse artifacts and is donating them to the Smithsonian. Except for the war hammer, which has disappeared, somehow.

Old Business. None

New Business. None

Announcements. Again, if I didn't get it in writing, I may have it wrong. Erica is giving away rats, baby ones. Eva has new rose-framed glasses. Matt, a soon to be new member, liked our Disclave a lot. By saying so, he instantly made lots of friends.

The meeting adjourned at 9:46 pm and the fun began.


Do you have a Special Announcement to go into the Journal? Give me your info in writing at a 1st or 3rd meeting!



From Dreamers by Rick Cook:

(from Analog)

"You know how many science fiction fans it takes to screw in a lightbulb? Three thousand, four hundred and ninety-five!

"Here," she said, fumbling in her purse, "I've worked it all out." She pulled out a list and began reading. "You need ten fans to run the pre-bid committee to get ready to bid for the job of changing the lightbulb, twenty to run the actual bid to change it, fifty to act as convention committee for the lightbulb changing, thirty-five to replace the committee members who have split off because of fannish politics, five to negotiate the contract with the hotel so you will have someplace to change the lightbulb." She took a deep breath and kept reading. "Seventy-five to be senior staff at the lightbulb changing, one hundred staff members under them, two hundred to act as volunteers at the lightbulb changing and three thousand to attend the lightbulb changing."