The WSFA Journal


The Official Newsletter of the Washington Science Fiction Association

MAY and JUNE 1989

ISSN 0894-5411


Available from the secretary: Mary Morman, 1802 Sanford Road, Silver Spring, MD 20902-4008


MINUTES (notes taken by Kent Bloom)

April 7, 1989

President Erica Van Dommelen called the meeting to order at 9:17 pm, 7 April 1989 at the Gilliland's.

Committee Reports:

The Treasurer, Bob Macintosh, reported that the club had $9539.86 on hand.

The Trustees reported the following slate of officer nominations: President, Erica Van Dommelen; Vice-President, Steve Smith; Treasurer, Bob MacIntosh; Secretary, Rachel Russell; Trustees, Mel Scharadin, Judy Newton, and Doll Gilliland.

The Secretary was absent and should be impeached.

Disclave Present: Mike Walsh reported that he's having hotel problems (so what's new?). Kent Bloom reported that he needs help with registration. Mike Zipser needs help with the Green Room.

DISCON III: Will meet Sunday at Peggy Rae Pavlat's house at 1 pm.

The Entertainment Committee may have something in June.

John Pomeranz, chairfan of the Committee to Spend Lots of Money on Something Controversial and Incredibly Expensive (CSLMSCIE) wants to spend money on something other than Vermont. He suggested we arrange to donate Oliver North's lawyer to N3.

Old Business. None.

New Business. None.

Announcements: The next WSFA meeting will be at Peggy Rae Pavlat's. Crystal wants roommates for Noreascon 3. Joe has Unicon flyers. Irv has flyers. It's contagious. Susan has problems with her N3 room. Bob says dues are due and payable. Lee Strong says Mad Engineer is back in print. WSFA has a copy. See the copy or Lee Strong. Mike Walsh has books. They're contagious too. Erica Lilly knows someone with Arabians for Sale. Steven Vaughn-Nichols has books for sale. Alexis Gilliland has another Fangold. John Pomeranz was published in the New Mexico Lawyer as an opinion piece.

Attending: Robyn Rissell, Samuel Schwartz, Peggy Rae Pavlat, Chris Callahan, John somethingorother, Dick Lynch, Walter Miles, Sheryl Birkhead, Nicki Lynch, Beth Zipser, Norway, Crystal Hagel, Doll Gilliland, Bob MacIntosh, Susan Cohen, Mike Zipser, Victoria A. Smith, George Shaner, Kent Bloom, Joe Mayhew, Lance Oszko, Dick Roepke, Erwin Strauss, Irvin Koch, Covert Beach, Rachel Russell, Kathi Overton, John Kinney, Erotica von Dominatrix, Steve Aines, John Madigan, George Koelsch, John Pomeranz, Dan Hoey, Tom Schaad, Robert Heinlein, Erica Lilly, North Lilly, Dale Sharick, Steven Fetheroff, Sweet Polly Purebred, Underdog.

The meeting adjourned at 9:44.

MORE MINUTES (Lee Strong took notes)

April 21st, 1989

President Erica Van Dommelen called the business meeting to order at 9:19 pm at Peggy Rae Pavlat's palatial place. The President announced that Peggy Rae has beautiful furniture. In the absence of the Secretary, Lee Strong volunteered to be Secretary Pro Tem. (This is getting to be a habit.)

Committee Reports:

The Treasurer, Bob MacIntosh, reported that the club has $10,015.54. Someone suggested from the floor that the club have a party but this radical innovation died for lack of a second.

The Trustees reported that an election for club officers will be held at the First Friday meeting in May. (For the slate of nominations, see the last minutes. ED)

Disclave Present: Mike Walsh reported that we have 300 paid members. The hotel is now out of rooms, so Tough Nuggies! However, we turned back 20 rooms to the hotel so there might be a slim chance of getting a room. See Jack Heneghan about having parties in cabana rooms.

Disclave Future: Eva Whitley has looked at a hotel (the Hilton). Room rates are To Be Announced. She also dropped her checkbook, and it didn't bounce.

DISCON III: Kent Bloom, chairman of the bid corporation, announced that there had been an unfortunate incident: one of the key hotels had sold the required space out from under the bid. As a result, the bid was no longer practical, and the corporation had decided to withdraw our 1992 Worldcon bid. The news was received quietly.

Kent then asked the club to forgive the corporation's debt to WSFA -- a loan made to the corporation in anticipation of the bid. President Van Dommelen saw no need to forgive as she understood that the money was a grant rather than a loan. Alexis Gilliland moved that the matter be published in the WSFA Journal and the question laid on the table for future discussion. This motion died for lack of a second. John Pomeranz stated that the money in question was a contingent grant: the money was to have been repaid if the bid was successful and profitable. Tom Schaad suggested that the corporation buy the club a computer; the president ruled that this was a frivolous motion and therefore out of order. Eva Whitley suggested that we thank BSFS officially; however this died for lack of a second. John then formally moved that WSFA forgive the contingent loan to the DISCON III bid corporation. This motion passed overwhelmingly.

Kent also announced that the corporation was not winding up its affairs but will continue at least through 1989. The corporation will solicit advice on future options at a later date.

The Entertainment Committee announced that it had nothing to announce.

John Pomeranz, chair fan of the Committee on Spending Lots of Money on Something Incredibly Controversial and Difficult for the Secretary Pro Tem to Write Down Fast Enough, announced that the WSFA Committee was combining its funds with its Noreascon IV counterpart to finance a leveraged buyout of the Sheraton National Boston hotel. The first order of business will be the firing of the General Manager and the Sales Representative. Junk bonds will be on sale soon. Considerable applause was heard.

Old Business. None.

New Business. None.

Announcements: Erica announced that the regular meeting schedule will resume in May. If you want to vote for Officers next meeting, pay your dues and join Disclave. Eva Whitley's sister's ex-husband appeared on the Morton Downey show wearing a dress. Mike Walsh had no books for sale at 75 cents each, 3 for $2. However, he did offer a free flyer for the upcoming Ancient Astronaut Society meeting. Alicia Margaret Vaughn-Nichols was born to Ginny and Steven Vaughan-Nichols. Steve Fetheroff introduced visitors Matt and Ron. Beth announced that art appraiser John Gustavson is in the area and can appraise your artwork professionally. The World Science Fiction Society has requested WSFA strengthen its rules against ballot stuffing.

The meeting adjourned at 9:43pm.

EVEN MORE MINUTES (Rachel Russell took notes)

May 5th, 1989

President Erica Van Dommelen called us to order at 9:20 pm at the Gillilands'. In the absence of the secretary (and in practice for her foolishness in running for secretary) Rachel Russell agreed to take notes.

Committee Reports:

The Treasurer, Bob MacIntosh, reported we have $7260.87. It was suggested we have a party. To buy the soda machine we will use between $1915 to $2200. The deal is nearly complete. We should have it for Disclave and the first use will be Thursday.

The Trustees said that elections are after the meeting.

The Entertainment committee said the elections were the entertainment. This committee is also trying to rent the Star Trek movie in June.

Disclave Present had committee sign-up lists. They estimate 1500 people (well, fans) will attend.

DISCON III said the official withdrawal is out.

John Pomeranz's Committee to Spend Lots of Money on Something Controversial and Incredibly Expensive said it was bringing you the elections.

Old Business. None.

New Business

The art show hangings and other materials need a home after Disclave. They take up about 10 feet of space - very bulky. Joe Mayhew is going to call about renting space. Other people are going to ask around for a free home. The materials need to stay together, but after Disclave anything broken or useless could be tossed thus reducing the bulk. The current storers are Bob and Rosa Oliver and they are not able to continue.

The Sturdy Woman Cabinet - home of the WSFA files and archives - needs a new home.


Mike Walsh passed out the free copies of Walkabout Woman by Michaela Roessner. What a sweetie! (Mike or Michaela?)

Trustees Meeting

The winners of the elections were (surprise, surprise!): President: Erica Van Dommelen. Vice President: Tom Schaad (nominated from the floor by Joe Mayhew). Secretary: Rachel Russell. Treasurer: Bob MacIntosh. Trustees: Judy Newton, Doll Gilliland, and Steve Smith.

It was very entertaining, but not controversial and incredibly expensive. Doll wins.

EVEN MORE MINUTES YET (provided by, believe it or not, the secretary)

May 19th, 1989

Erica called "Show time!" at 9:17 pm at the Morman/Bloom's. The secretary, Mary Morman, apologized for her continued absence over the last few months, she's been out of the country alot on a new job. She pointed out that her term is almost over now anyway, and introduced Rachel Russell, the new secretary. The treasurer, Bob MacIntosh reported that WSFA has only $5153.89.

Committee Reports:

Disclave Present: Mike Walsh reported that the hotel is sold out, and we have 200 reservations for Sunday night. They are sending overflow to the Ramada, and the Red Roof. Kent Bloom reported a projected attendance of 1400 to 1500 members - might be 1200 though. We have badges. Everyone was asked to help us keep out people without badges. John Pomeranz has a mockup of the pocket program. The ConSuite set up will be on Thursday and Evan needs lots of help. We're spending $4500 on the con suite. The Art Show will set up Thursday at 2pm, and they need help too. Mike has the WSFA book; it is $35 now or $37 or $40 at the con.

Disclave Future: Not present.

DISCON III: Kent Bloom said he received some nice condolence letters. We're not dead - just comatose. We have an extra party kit, so there are things at the meeting to sell. Asked a price on the balloons in the kit, we were told they were free so people started blowing them up. The president found it very difficult to make the balloons come to order.

Entertainment: Alexis Gilliland said we can't get a Star Trek V preview. Next Thursday they're showing an extended trailer of The Abyss. He invited everyone to bring cookies to Disclave to join the International Cookie Conspiracy.

Committee to Spend A Great Deal of Money on Something Incredibly Expensive and Controversial: John Pomeranz said that his committee would do something special for Disclave. He plans to buy the E Street Shelter for Disclave bums.

Trustees: Reported we have the same president, Tom Schaad is Vice President, Rachel Russell is Secretary, Bob MacIntosh is treasurer, and Judy Newton, Doll Gilliland, and Steve Smith are Trustees.

Old Business.

Joe Mayhew reported on storage space for the Disclave equipment. The smallest space available is $31 a month for six months, the seventh month is free. This is right down the road from the current hotel. This is to store the art show materials. Mel Scharadin cautioned us to expect damage from insects, heat, cold, etc. Bob Oliver pointed out the the stuff is currently stored in a shed on his car port with no better treatment. Tom Schaad said the current art show materials cost $200 - the show makes about $500 a year. Kent Bloom moved that WSFA allot up to $600 a year for storage the details to be arranged by the officers. John Pomeranz seconded. The motion was unanimously passed with a token abstention by Lee Smoire who isn't a member anymore and wasn't there anyway. The officers appointed Tom Schaad to chair the Storage Committee.

New Business

The Fourth of July meeting will be at Jack and Eva's house. The Fifth Friday meeting will be at Jack Heneghan's. For the record, Elaine says this is okay.


Mike Walsh is selling books by the fishtank. As incoming vice-president, Tom Schaad sent a condolence card from WSFA to John Sapienza on the death of his mother. Steve Smith as outgoing VP did the same. Erica went to the Air and Space Museum for a thing on Computers in Flight. Joe Mayhew said the next Disclave has no site, but we're selling memberships anyway at $10 only at this year's Disclave. Then $15 until the 1st of January. $20 at the door. Eva Whitley is looking at publishing a Mike Resnick book at next year's Disclave. John Pomeranz said Arlington gave him a video camera and is going to air his 'talk show' on channel 33 on Arlington cable on Thursday and Friday at 9:30.


Michael Oliver, Bob Oliver, George Shaner, Walter Miles, Kathi Overton, Chris Callahan, Joe Hall, Nancy Loomis, Virginia, Steven, and Alicia Vaughan-Nichols, Mary Morman, Steve Smith, Tom Schaad, Kent Bloom, Rachel Russell, Lance Oszko, Bob MacIntosh, Elvis, Susan Cohen, Dan Hoey, Dick Lynch, Dick Roepke, Erica Van Dommelen, Nicki Lynch, Sheryl Birkhead, Mel Scharadin, Robyn Rissell, John Kinney, John Nsomething, Judy Newton, Barry Newton, Meridel Newton, Mike Zipser, Beth Zipser, Keith Marshall, Judy Fetter, Michael Walsh, Robert Martinez, Tom Schaad, Evan Phillips.

The Meeting adjourned at 9:56pm.


(Just In Time For Christmas)

F.L Ahsh                            Covert Beach                        Clifford Bell
Box 2146                            [censored]                          4313 S. 12th Road, Apt. A
Alexandria, VA 22301                Alexandria, VA 22308                Arlington, VA 22204

Don Bieniewicz                      Kent Bloom                          David Busch
[censored]                          1802 Sanford Road                   [censored]
Fairfax, VA 22031                   Silver Spring, MD 20902-4008        Silver Spring, MD 20910

David Burgess                       Chris Callahan                      Dennis Carroll
[censored]                          [censored]                          [censored]
Springfield, VA 22153               Berwyn Heights, MD 20740            Rockville, MD 20853

Jack Chalker                        Susan Cohen                         Art "Boots" Coleman
[censored]                          [censored]                          [censored]
Westminster, MD 21157               Baltimore, MD 21209                 Takoma Park, MD 20912

John Clarkson                       Jan Cox                             Phil Cox
[censored]                          [censored]                          [censored]
Englewood, NJ 07631                 Falls Church, VA 22042              Falls Church, VA 22042

Chick Derry                         James Edwards-Hewitt                Terilee Edwards-Hewitt
6813 3rd Street                     [censored]                          [censored]
Riverdale, MD 20840                 Arlington, VA 22206                 Arlington, VA 22206

Kim and Jim Elmore                  Steven Fetheroff                    Judy Fetter
[censored]                          [censored]                          [censored]
Gaithersburg, MD 20878              Arlington, VA 22201                 Mt. Rainer, MD 20712

Alexis and Doll Gilliland           Charles Gilliland                   Candy and David Gresham
[censored]                          [censored]                          [censored]
Arlington, VA 22204                 Arlington, VA 22204                 Laurel, MD 20708

Lee Hagee                           Joseph Hall                         Dave Hastie
[censored]                          [censored]                          [censored]
Baltimore, MD 21218                 Silver Spring, MD 20910             Alexandria, VA 22307

Jack Heneghan                       Dan Hoey                            Alan Huff
9737 51st Place                     7825 Riverdale Rd. #T2              [censored]
College Park, MD 20740              New Carrollton, MD 20784            Hyattsville, MD 20782

Bill Jensen                         Laura and Pat Jones                 Irvin Koch
[censored]                          [censored]                          5465 N. Morgan Street #106
New Carrollton, MD 20784            Falls Church, VA 22046              Alexandria, VA 22312

George and Kay Guinan Koelsch       Elspeth Kristor                     Matt Lawrence
[censored]                          [censored]                          P.O. Box 180409
Lorton, VA 22079                    Gaithersburg, MD 20879              Austin, TX 78718

Ron Leonard                         Brian Lewis                         Erica and North Lilly
[censored]                          [censored]                          [censored]
Mr. Ranier, MD 20712                Washington, DC 20008                Hyattsville, MD 20781

Betty Lockwood                      Nancy Loomis                        Bob MacIntosh
[censored]                          [censored]                          [censored]
Frederick, MD 21701                 Lanham, MD 20706                    Annandale, VA 22003

Keith Marshall                      Bob Madle                           Laura Majerus
P.O. Box 3445                       [censored]                          [censored]
Crofton, MD 21114                   Rockville, MD 20853                 Annandale, VA 22003

Bill Mayhew                         Joe Mayhew                          Ginny McNitt
65-C Ridge Road                     7-S Research Road                   [censored]
Greenbelt, MD 20770                 Greenbelt, MD 20770                 Arlington, VA 22201

Linda Melnick                       Walter Miles                        Frank Miller
[censored]                          [censored]                          [censored]
Beltsville, MD 20705                Chevy Chase, MD 20815-6263          Lanham, MD 20706

Mary Morman                         Heather Nachman                     Barry and Judy Newton
1802 Sanford Road                   [censored]                          Box 153
Silver Spring, MD 20902-4008        Richmond, VA 23229                  Sandy Spring, MD 20860

Elaine Normandy                     Keith Olson                         Lance Oszko
[censored]                          [censored]                          [censored]
College Park, MD 20740              Arlington, VA 22201                 Alexandria, VA 22304

Jul and Mark Owings                 Eric Pavlat                         Peggy Rae Pavlat
[censored]                          [censored]                          5709 Goucher Drive
Baltimore, MD 21218                 College Park, MD 20740              College Park, MD 20740

Evan Phillips                       John Pomeranz                       Rebecca Prather
7005 Forbes Blvd.                   1958 N. Woodrow St.                 [censored]
Seabrook, MD 20706                  Arlington, VA 22207                 Falls Church, VA 22042

Ray Ridenour                        Robyn Rissell                       Dick Roepke
[censored]                          7009 No. Fairfax Drive              [censored]
Baltimore, MD 21211                 Arlington, VA 22213                 Berwyn Heights, MD 20740

Naomi Ronis                         Rachel Russell                      Robert Russell
[censored]                          9052 TIffany Park Court             [censored]
New Carrollton, MD 20784            Springfield, VA 22152               Alexandria, VA 22312

John Sapienza                       Tom Schaad                          Sirikany Schaffer
2440 Virginia Ave NW #D-203         [censored]                          [censored]
Washington, DC 20037                Arlington, VA 22204                 Springfield, VA 22152

Mary Ellen Scharadin                Samuel Schwartz                     George Scithers
[censored]                          [censored]                          Box 8243
Vienna, VA 22180                    Woodbridge, VA 22192                Philadelphia, PA 10101

George Shaner                       Nancy Sitton                        Cat Slusser
9400 Goshea Lane                    [censored]                          [censored]
Burke, VA 22030                     Arlington, VA 22205                 Richmond, VA 23233

Steve Smith                         Victoria Smith                      William Squire
1508 Sanford Road                   10613 Center Street                 711 Erie Avenue
Silver Spring, MD 20902             Fairfax, VA 22030                   Takoma Park, MD 20912

Elaine and Steve Stiles             Lee Strong                          Cynthia and James Thomas
[censored]                          [censored]                          [censored]
Baltimore, MD 21218                 Alexandria, VA 22311                Sandy Spring, MD 20860

Lee Uba                             Christine Valada                    Erica Von Dommelen
3700 Rolling Hills Road #A-2        [censored]                          2413 N. 11th St.
Alexandria, VA 22309                Vienna, VA 22180                    Arlington, VA 22201

Steven and Virginia Vaughan-Nichols Michael Walsh                       Sue Wheeler
[censored]                          P.O. Box 19951                      [censored]
Lanham, MD 20706                    Baltimore, MD 21211                 Baltimore, MD 21218

Eva Whitley                         Sue and Ubear Winfield              Elizabeth and Michael Zipser
[censored]                          [censored]                          6802 Melrose Drive
Westminster, MD 21157               Rockville, MD 20850                 McLean, VA 22101


Covert Beach                     703-360-4449    Heather Nachman                  804-741-5384
Clifford Bell                    703-920-9434    Barry and Judy Newton            301-774-0929
Don Bieniewicz                   703-385-1567    Elaine Normandy                  301-474-1012
Kent Bloom                       301-593-6247
David Busch                      301-589-5035    Keith Olson                      703-525-5473
David Burgess                    703-440-0843    Lance Oszko                      703-823-0514
                                                 Jul and Mark Owings              301-433-6569
Chris Callahan                   301-474-0549
Dennis Carroll                   301-933-2854    Eric Pavlat                      301-345-8077
Jack Chalker                     301-875-0558    Peggy Rae Pavlat                 301-345-6652
Susan Cohen                      301-653-0522    Evan Phillips                    301-794-9417
Art "Boots" Coleman              301-270-1207    John Pomeranz                    703-525-6186
John Clarkson                    201-568-2207    Rebecca Prather                  703-534-2274
Jan and Phil Cox                 703-532-0420
                                                 Ray Ridenour                     301-366-7365
Chick Derry                      301-474-8071    Robyn Rissell                    703-532-6115
                                                 Dick Roepke                      301-474-0549
James and Terilee Edwards-Hewitt 703-845-8049    Naomi Ronis                      301-577-2709
Jim and Kim Elmore               301-762-9449    Rachel Russell                   703-644-0487

Steven Fetheroff                 703-522-2540    John Sapienza                    202-892-4970
Judy Fetter                      301-779-8133    Tom Schaad                       703-892-4970
                                                 Mary Ellen Scharadin             703-938-5239
Alexis and Doll Gilliland        703-920-6087    Samuel Schwartz                  703-494-4128
Charles Gilliland                703-920-6087    George Shaner                    703-425-2169
Candy and David Gresham          301-498-1967    Nancy Sitton                     703-534-3309
                                                 Cat Slusser                      804-
Lee Hagee                        301-889-9456    Steve Smith                      301-681-7891
Joseph Hall                      301-MI9-PEKY    Victoria Smith                   703-385-9741
David Hastie                     703-768-6837    William Squire                   301-587-8089
Jack Heneghan                    301-474-1012    Elaine and Steve Stiles          301-243-7305
Dan Hoey                         301-577-2709    Lee Strong                       703-671-3592
Alan Huff                        301-422-0924    Steve Swartz                     301-330-1366

Bill Jensen                      301-345-7420    Cynthia and James Thomas         301-774-7686
Laura and Pat Jones              703-573-7211    Craig Trader                     703-243-5418

George and Kay Koelsch           703-339-8461    Lee Uba                          703-780-4758
Elspeth Kristor                  301-330-1366
                                                 Christine Valada                 703-938-0324
Matt Lawrence                    301-590-9817    Erica Van Dommelen               703-522-2540
Ron Leonard                      301-779-8133    Steven Vaughan-Nichols           301-459-4728
Brian Lewis                      301-946-4252    Virginia Vaughan-Nichols         301-459-4728
Erica and North Lilly            301-277-8231
Betty Lockwood                   301-694-0873    Michael Walsh                    301-889-4080
Nancy Loomis                     301-577-2732    Sue Wheeler                      301-366-0296
                                                 Eva Whitley                      301-875-0558
Bob MacIntosh                    703-573-3172    Sue and Ubear Winfield           301-251-6671
Keith Marshall                   301-489-7164
Bob Madle                        301-460-4712    Elizabeth and Michael Zipser     703-790-9762
Laura Majerus                    703-641-0175
Bill Mayhew                      301-474-0955
Joe Mayhew                       301-474-2110
Ginny McNitt                     703-824-0323
Linda Melnick                    301-937-8426
Walter Miles                     301-987-4519
Frank Miller                     301-577-2732
Mary Morman                      301-593-5249