Meeting of August 1, 1986 at the Gillilands', President Michael Walsh presiding, Secretary Erica Van Dommelen taking minutes. The meeting was called to order at 9:08. Minutes were waved. Treasurer Steve Smith reported $5,521.79 in the treasury. The president reported that there had been no word from the lawyer since the last meeting.
Disclave 1986: No news.
Disclave 1987: Chairperson Joe Mayhew reported that he has had a conference with the hotel, resulting in all but one small detail in his suggested contract being accepted. The hotel has at long last fixed the rest rooms near the pool and overhauled the air-conditioning system. Reserve your rooms by April 22 or you will pay rack rate!
Entertainment: The "Aliens" theatre party will be at the Fine Arts Theatre near Farragut North Metro station. A motion was made to have another party to see "Howard the Duck" and passed with 5 abstaining. Sign up with Doll in advance, pay $1 and the club will pay the balance. The party will be at the Springfield Mall theatre on Sunday the 17th.
Poker Table: Lee Smoire has looked a few places, but hasn't found anything suitable yet. She said Mary Morman had also promised to look around.
Executive Committee: The membership rates for new charter (voting) members for the rest of the membership year have been set at $3 for 1986 associate members and $5 for others.
Phil Cox announced that he and Janet have a new daughter, Dawn Elizabeth, born June 27, 6 lbs. 14 oz., 21¼ in.
Steven Fetheroff is putting together a WSFA photo album. Please give him copies of any pictures you have of WSFA events, WSFans, Disclaves, etc., with date, location, and people's names noted on the back. He will bring it to meetings for your perusal.
Somtow Sucharitkul's wedding (scheduled for Worldcon) has been postponed for at least six months due to family problems.
There will be a lecture by Sally Ride at Goucher College on September 25; phone them for details.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:40.
Attending: Joe Mayhew, Alan Huff, Bob MacIntosh, Tom Schaad, Steve Smith, Alexis Gilliland, Doll Gilliland, Charles Gilliland, Mary Ellen Scharadin, Lee Strong, George Koelsch, Vickie Smith, Phil Cox, Michael Walsh, Candy Gresham, F. L. Ash, Eric Jordan, Cat Slusser, Rebecca Prather, David Cutlip, Erica Van Dommelen, Lee Smoire, Steve Stiles, Ginny McNitt, Steven Fetheroff, Barry Newton, Keith Olson, Karen O'Dell, Art Coleman, Tom McCabe, Joe Hall, Elaine Stiles, Lance Oszko, George Shaner, Judy Newton, Sam Schwartz, Mary Hagen, John Pomeranz, Kathi Overton, Brick Barrientos, Chris Valada, Peggy Rae Pavlat, Walter Miles, and John Sapienza.
Meeting of August 15, 1986, at Elaine Normandy and Jack Heneghan's, President Michael Walsh presiding, Secretary Erica Van Dommelen taking minutes. The meeting was called to order at 9:14. Minutes of the last meeting were accepted as read. The treasurer's report, given by the secretary in the treasurer's absence, told of a paltry $5,145.34 in the treasury, the lawyer having been paid, Disclave 86 not having forked over, and almost everyone's dues being due.
Disclave 1986: Nothing new.
Disclave 1987: The hotel signed Joe Mayhew's suggested contract with no exceptions.
Entertainment: Sign up with Alexis Gilliland for "Howard the Duck," which one reporter described as too sexy and violent for children and too stupid for adults, thereby informing us that this is a perfect movie for WSFAns.
Poker Table: No news.
See Bob MacIntosh if you're interested in a Worldcon orphans' Fifth Friday party at his house.
Jack Heneghan announced that the Worldcon Fifth Friday party will be in Jack Chalker and Eva Whitley's suite, and that it will also be the kick-off bid party for Washington in '92!
Chick Derry, sole surviving charter member, attended, as did the Duff winners (last three names on list).
Alan Huff's and Joe Mayhew's mothers died last week. Donations in memory of Mrs. Huff may be made to the American Cancer Society.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:28.
Attending: Mike Walsh, Bob MacIntosh, Elaine Normandy, Alison Munn, Elizabeth Bowers, Russell Bowers, Mary Hagan, Gary Mosier, Brian Lewis, Lance Oszko, Walter Miles, Joe Hall, Joe Mayhew, Lee Smoire, Lee Hagee, Steven Fetheroff, Erica Van Dommelen, Chick Derry, Laura Jones, Pat Jones, Chris Callahan, Charles Gilliland, Alexis Gilliland, Jack Heneghan, Sam Schwartz, Alan Huff, Dick Roepke, Barry Newton, Phil Cox, Steve Swartz, Jack Chalker, Eva Whitley, Lewis Morley, Marilyn Pride, and Nick Stathopoulous.
Thanks to Joe Mayhew for the new logo!
by Steven Fetheroff
September 18, 1949: Mr. Bridges moved that the treasury buy a gavel for the president to use. The motion failed for lack of a second.
September 1, 1965: The WSFA Journal was 7½ pages long, of which seven were dedicated to the proposed constitution and bylaws. Receiving the Journal were 36 regular members (one issue per family), 5 corresponding members, 1 associate member, 6 honorary members, and 38 non-members.
September 4, 1981: A suggestion was made and scotched that minutes never be read. Mike Tuchman said not to go to Rovacon; it will be awful. Joe Mayhew announced that the current issue of Amazing Stories has a short version of Somtow Sucharitkul's novel in it and is cheaper.
Virginia and Steven Vaughan-Nichols
Lanham, MD 20706
301 459-4728
A loaf of bread, a jug of wine, and the WSFA Journal.... wouldn't keep any of us amused for very long. But if a few of you out there (you are out there, aren't you?) would write a book review, a movie review, or just about anything nonfictional and nonlibelous, we'd have reading material for a weekend. Announcements can be given to me at WSFA meetings or over the phone at other times. If you want something to appear in the Journal, let me know. Or mail it. Deadline is Tuesday before First Friday.
Your assignment for this month: in as many or as few words as you like, tell WSFA about your experiences at Worldcon for the special "How I Spent My Worldcon" issue coming next month.
Erica Van Dommelen
Editor, WSFA Journal
2413 N. 11th St.
Arlington, VA 22201
703 522-2540