The WSFA Journal


July, 1982                             Vol. 6, No. 2




At Gilliland's, Rosa Oliver presiding. The meeting was called to order at 9:20:03 PM. The minutes were approved as read. The Treasury stood at $5,054.92. The Treasurer gave the 4th quarter and year-end reports. We have 8 life members, 79 paid-up, and 73 DELINQUENT.


ENTERTAINMENT: The 4th of July picnic will be at Barry & Judy Newton's. Doll liked Star Trek. Possible group for E.T. and Poltergeist. DON'T SPILL THINGS ON THE RUGS! DON'T BREAK THE FURNITURE. AT LEAST, TELL YOUR HOSTS IF SOMETHING HAPPENS!

DISCLAVE: No one has sent a bill for the wall - yet. Remember, it's Joe Mayhew's fault. Probably 1,250 people, close to 300 rooms taken Saturday night. Art show a success despite the recession. Thanks to those who worked, PFOOEY to those who didn't. The people who are willing to do the work are being burned out pretty quickly.

DISCLAVE 83: Alan Huff is running a Disclave next year - needs people.


  1. Possible hotel for the relaxacon - Ramada Seminary Road or Ramada Tysons (both indoor pool, jacuzzi, & sauna).
  2. Membership cards for the new year were distributed.


  1. We'll vote on the constitution June 18.
  2. Jack Heneghan volunteers to host the 5th Friday in July.


  1. People couldn't get together for the group flight. Lee has other travel info.
  2. Joe has an Atlanta in 86 flyer.
  3. Don Miller died May 17 of cancer. He edited the WSFA Journal in the 60s, and was a longtime WSFAn.
  4. Dick Roepke's pottery show opened successfully.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:04:02.


At Oliver's, Rosa Oliver presiding. The meeting was called to order at 9:07:21. The minutes were approved as read. The Treasury stood at $4,963.13. PAY YOUR BLOODY DUES!


ENTERTAINMENT: 4th of July coming up. E.T. is good.

DISCLAVE 83: We'll be at the Marriott Twin Bridges. Possible if we take all the rooms on the floor we won't have to worry about beer in the hall.


  1. WSFA's constitution and bylaws were voted on, and were passed. This means that they are now officially in the corporation.
  2. Elections were held for chairman of the February relaxacon. Jane Wagner, Jul Owings, Lee Smoire, and Bob Lovell were nominated; Jul Owings was elected.
  3. A map to Jack Heneghan's place for the 5th Friday in July will be in the July Journal (Honest, folks!).

NEW BUSINESS: How about a theater party for Bladerunner (Hey, isn't that supposed to be Entertainment?)


  1. Alexis had the cover for Pirates of Rosinante.
  2. We have the softball field for the 4th of July (BSFS beware!). WSFA will provide drinks, hot dogs, and hamburgers.
  3. Pat Jones and Laura McNeill are getting married in September!!!! (CONGRATULATIONS!)
  4. Round-to-Robin #20 was in the typewriter.
  5. Jane Wagner donated a miniature but authentic Louisville Slugger, to be inscribed with WSFA/BSFS smofball scores and retained in glory by the winning club.
  6. WSFA has finally gotten 900 hooks for the art show - after much ordering.
  7. The keg in the dining room was donated by the Locksmith's Assn., after their picnic was rained out.

The meeting was anatomously adjourned at 9:35:43.



1 March 1982             $6,419.99
  Dues          343.00
  Interest       76.31
  ConStellation 467.04
  Misc.          35.00
                        +   921.35

  Materials   1,122.35
  Printing      357.88
  F & B         788.19
  Movie          18.00
                        - 2,286.42
1 June 1982              $5,054.92


1 June 1981             $ 2,424.29
  Disclave    9,502.77
  Dues          852.00
  ConStellation 467.04
  Capicon 60    355.00
  Interest      293.95
  Misc.          59.80
                       + 11,530.56

  F & B       3,185.51
  Materials   2,143.51
  Printing    1,065.16
  Donation      500.00
  Disclave      500.00
  Licenses      400.75
  Entertainment 315.00
  ConStellation 300.00
  Capicon 60    300.00
  Legal fees    190.00
                       -  8,899.93
1 June 1982             $ 5,054.92


What's with everyone? Where are all my Disclave reviews? We are saved from the horrors of a blank page by the following brave, daring souls:

Jul Owings - Disclave was a horserace for me. I hardly got to rest a minute except for a couple of parties on Saturday night, & spent a good part of the con being exhausted. Programming? I never saw it. I saw the dealer's room only because I helped at a table there, and only saw the art show before it was set up. Unfortunately I missed the GOH speech. However, I brought this torment upon myself by volunteering to help this year. The best thing that happened was I sold three rear guards.

Sue Wheeler - Disclave was relaxed and comfortable, possibly the best argument for the critics of the large, Balticon-like cons, Still, those behind the scenes saw problems that might have been prevented with a little more advanced planning. In any case, I enjoyed myself at both Balticon and Disclave this year, something I could not say after Disclave last year. I left Disclave with the spiritual renewal I seek at cons....BSFS and WSFA members alike were concerned at the news that Barry Zeiger was forced to wear bandages over both eyes for 48 hours, after a mishap with his contact lenses. At last report, there was no lasting damage....Lizzy Lynn is a wonderful, warm, intelligent person who made me proud to be a fellow dork. If you don't understand, then you missed her GOH speech, and that is a true shame....She pointed out that to the "mundane," all fans are dorks: "someone you don't want to be in a working elevator with." So we should tolerate those fans with interests differing from our own; we shouldn't try to create cons that only our friends will want to attend.... (Sue's report cheerfully stolen from BSFS' Mark of the Beast.)


For anyone who hasn't heard, the 17th Baltimore Science Fantasy Conference will be April 1-3, 1983, with Catherine and L. Sprague de Camp. Membership is open now at $12 - MEMBERSHIP WILL BE LIMITED TO 1,500 lucky souls. REGISTER NOW!!!! Write BSFS Inc., Box 686, Baltimore, MD 21203. (A con by any other name.....)


Judy Fetter has a double room at the Hyatt to share - pref. female, non-smoking, quiet. Call 841-9670.

YES, FOLKS, there are some changes to the address list that was in the June Journal. However, I sorta ran out of room. Catch ya next month, OK?


The WSFA Journal is the fictitious publication of the Washington Science Fiction Association, Inc. Editor-in-chief: Jane Wagner, 1000 6th St. SW #312, Washington, DC 20024 (202-554-2730). Assistant Editor: Joe Mayhew.


[Map to Jack Heneghan's house coming soon]