The WSFA Journal


April, 1982                             Vol. 5, No. 11




At Gilliland's, Rosa Oliver presiding. The meeting was called to chaos at 9:16:29. The minutes were approved as read. The Treasury stood at $5,138.46. We have bought new pegboards for art shows.


ENTERTAINMENT: How about a movie party for "Quest for Fire?" No objections were raised to the club paying half the cost. Doll will look into theaters. Also under Entertainment, the President spells "scurrilous" "screwaless."

OLD BUSINESS: nothing.

NEW BUSINESS: A motion was made to commend the President for her recent 100 yard dash. (Editor's note: for all of you who don't know the circumstances, this is a family newspaper.)


  1. Phil Dick and John Belushi have died.
  2. There will be a writer's workshop in Kentucky June 19-25.
  3. American University has a class in SF films. Wednesday evenings at 8:05 free SF films are shown in the Audio-Visual Center at AU.
  4. BSFS now meets at 2233 St. Paul St. in Baltimore.
  5. There now exists a Superman brand of peanut butter.
  6. No photos are available from Capicon because they were streaked. (Editor's Note: This is STILL a family newspaper, but I never said what kind of family, did I?)
  7. The first Tuesday in April talk at Air & Space will be on the discovery of Pluto.
  8. Tim Sullivan's story "Zeke" has made the Nebula ballot. (CONGRATULATIONS, FILTHY PRO!)

The meeting dissolved at 9:39:54 PM.


At Oliver's, Rosa Oliver presiding. The meeting was paged at 9:18 PM. The minutes were approved as read. The Treasury vanished at $5,080.96.


ENTERTAINMENT: The movie party for "Quest for Fire" will be Sunday, March 21 at Springfield Mall. Ray Bradbury is indeed speaking at the Library of Congress on April 26 - questions, 287-5394.

MEMBERSHIP: New members William Ochs and Evan Phillips. Remember, Disclave is renewal time (dues are due and payable!). About 10 people will soon be dropped for nonpayment.

CAPICON: Thanks to those who came, obnoxious rude noises to those who didn't. We should start thinking about next year's site.

OLD BUSINESS: not one lousy thing.

NEW BUSINESS: We need valid reasons for spending large sums of money now that we are Inc.'d, and feeding the average 80 barbarians who have been showing up may not qualify. We should either (1) raise the $100/meeting munchies & drinks limit; (2) cut the amount spent and have people bring their own goodies. We have the money, the question is how wisely (this group?) we spend it. No decisions were reached, but we should think about this issue.

We also need a place to store 800 (large) sheets of pegboard. The question was raised of renting a mini-warehouse. Again, no decision but we'll consider it again.

We are now officially incorporated as a non-profit organization.


  1. Round-to-Robin #17 was in the typewriter.
  2. The Clam Chowder album should be out by Balticon.
  3. United Artists has an upcoming animated feature, "The Secret of NIMH."
  4. The Secretary has just won a trip to Puerto Rico (and poo to all you slobs who have to stay home this winter).
  5. John Novak, WSFA's trusty St. Louis connection, writes that Chicon's Housing Bureau has been frowned into taking American Express instead of $50 cash for a hotel reservation. They ma, get frowned into taking other forms of plastic as well.
  6. There will be a lecture on uses for the space shuttle at GW on March 26.
  7. Get your DUFF ballots in. Lee has Melbourne (pre-supporting) buttons.
  8. Ron Leonard has a spool table to give away (you know, like the phone company plays around with?).
  9. Bob Oliver needs slave labor to move the 800 sheets of pegboard previously referred to.

The meeting collapsed into chaos at 9:56 PM.


Philip K. Dick died March 2 at the age of 53. He won the Hugo in 1962 for "The Man in the High Castle," and the John W. Campbell Memorial Award in 1974 for "Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said." Phil had written 35 books, some of which are now being made into movies. His last novel, "The Transmigration of Timothy Archer," will be published in May. Requiescat.

[Joe Mayhew cartoon coming soon]

Anyone who takes the above seriously should get in touch with Joe Mayhew, a good psychoanalyst, or a deaf bartender.

The WSFA Journal is the official aardvark of the Washington Science Fiction Association, Inc. Lunatic-in-Chief: Jane Wagner, 1000 6th St. SW #312, Washington, DC 20024 (202-554-2730). Associate Madman: (he's working on full status) Joe Mayhew. All right, the byline has to go in somewhere, doesn't it?


While the Secretary is still scrutinizing the March Journal to learn why Rosa Oliver felt it necessary to say that neither the Secretary nor Joe Mayhew had anything to do with it, the Secretary would like to point out that Rosa Oliver had nothing to do with the April Journal. Rosa said that the March issue had been aborted by both Joe Mayhew and Jane Wagner (too much writing in the third person leads to delusions of grandeur - don't you agree with us?). The aforementioned Jane Wagner would like to clear up any possible misunderstandings by stating firmly, hoarsely, and unequivocally, that it was her throat that was bothering her. And if you believe that one.......


April 1, 1982

MEMO TO:  All WSFAns/WSFinks

FROM:     The Secretary

SUBJECT:  Missing Meetings

Now that WSFA has shed its gaudy plumage for the dull drabness of legal status, we must tighten up our previously shoddy tolerance of absenteeism at meetings. The following policies on meeting absenteeism will be in effect as of April 1, 1982:

Sickness - No excuses accepted. A doctor's statement won't do you any good, because we believe that if you are well enough to go to the doctor, you are well enough to come to the meeting. Besides, WSFA is good for what ails you.

Leave of Absence (for an operation) - We do not allow any such leaves because as long as you are a WSFAn/WSFink you will need all of what you've got. We took you in as you are, and we don't want less than what we bargained for.

Death (Other than your own) - No excuses accepted. There is nothing you can do for the deceased, and we are sure that someone of less importance can make all the needed arrangements.

Death (Your own) - We will reluctantly accept this as an excuse, but ask that you give us one month's notice to teach your substitute how to get to the Gilliland's and the Oliver's and what is proper etiquette at the poker table.

A new restroom policy will be in effect as of April 1, 1982. Persons with last names beginning with A-L may use the restroom once during each meeting at the Gilliland's. Persons whose last names begin with M-Z may use the restroom once during each meeting at the Oliver's. No one may use the restroom at a Fifth Friday party or at Disclave. WSFAns/WSFinks are spending too much time in the restroom and not enough time drinking beer. Everyone is required to drink two beers or sodas every hour at each meeting.

Last, and non-negotiably most important, Happy April Fools Day.

(Apologies to Ron Leonard for the alterations in his Journal item.)