Minutes of the meeting held on October 6, 1978 at the Gillilands'. Alexis G., VP., Presiding.
Present: Gilliland A., VP; Bill Berg, Treas., Chris Callahan, Tr.; Joe Mayhew, Tr.; John Epperson, Lucille Ennis, T. Schaad, Walter Miles, Avedon Carol, Sucharitkul, Roepke, S Forrest, Kim Weston, Larry Herman, Doll Gilliland, C Gilliland, Pat Kelly, Steve Brown, Barry Newton, Mark Owings, Bobby Baum, Jack Lechner, Janet Prato, Robert Clifford, Beverly Brandt, Fran Buhman, Mike Walsh, Lee Smoire, Judy Fetter, Steve Smith, Lisa Peoples, Dave Weems, Denny Carroll, Dave Hastie, Rosa Oliver, Bob Oliver, Dan Joy; The following showed up later: Ted White, Vera Matich, Judith Judson, Jack Chalker, and Eva Whitley.
The meeting was called to order at 9:15 with Joe Mayhew acting for
the absent secretary. The minutes were read and amended as follows:
pre-supporting memberships have been sold for DC in 84, but no
receipts have been issued. The minutes were approved as amended.
Bill Berg reported the treasury balance at $4,085.14 at the time of
the meeting. A detailed report will be included separately in the
***Committee Reports.
ENTERTAINMENT: Doll Gilliland suggests that the club go to see
WATERSHIP DOWN at the Cerberus Theater in Georgetown on the 1st or
2nd Sunday of November. She also noted the refreshments for after
the meeting. Kent Bloom donated a bottle of home made mead. A small
Halloween party was discussed.
PUBLICATIONS: Somtow announced the 3rd journal was out,
together with its Club Directory Supplement. Please notify Joe
Mayhew of any address changes. Back Issues of No. 2 are available.
Only paid-up members will receive the Journal in the mail.
LIBRARY: The surplus duplicates will be brought to the next
meeting for disposal.
DC in 84: Kent Bloom requested to see any printed comments
concerning the Bid Activities at Iguanacon.
DISCLAVE: Doll said that Alexis was in charge of the
International Cookie Conspiracy. Ursula le Guin has decided not to
accept as GoH. Roger Zelazny seems certain. Kim Weston needs two
volunteers who have Prince George's County Library Cards to reserve
Day weekend.
MEMBERSHIP: Four new members joined at the last meeting:
Steve Stiles, Edie Williams, Gregory Pochepko and Rich Jacobs (none
present.) Their addresses are in the club directory.
***Old Business: none.
***New Business:
Doll Gilliland moved that WSFA buy a SF book costing no more than
$2.75 for each paid-up member, with the choice of book being left to
the member and to be given to her by the first meeting in December.
That these books be distributed by her at the Tree Trimming Party
to be held at her house. Division: 17 in favour, 14 opposed. Motion
was carried.
Bob Clifford recommended WATERSHIP DOWN, which he had seen at
IGGYCON. He is a Rabbit Fan of it.
***Meeting adjourned at 9:55 p.m.
From Lucasfilm Ltd. comes the news that things are
getting underway for the STAR WARS Sequel, "The Empire Strikes
Back." Special effects photography began in October, with principal
photography starting in Feb. 1979. Release planned for Spring, 1979.
United Press International reports that NASA
will get a $12,000 refund for the duty it paid on an imported Dutch
diamond, because the agency exported it---aboard a Pioneer spacecraft
now heading for Venus! Custom law says duty on an import can be
returned if the item becomes a component of something shipped out of
the country. PIONEER's $30,000 gem is the "porthole" through
which six radiometer detectors can send out infrared beams to measure
the Venerian atmosphere. Only a diamond window could withstand the
heat and pressure of the clouds surrounding Venus and still let out
infrared wavelengths. Eventually, the diamond will end up on the
planet's crust where the temperature approaches 900 degrees F.
---Alexis and Doll Gilliland
LORD OF THE RINGS: A Review by Alexis Gilliland
. . .The animated version of Ralph Bakshi falls short here and there of what I had envisioned. The elves, Legolas in particular, look rather simple-minded. The hobbits' feet seem hairy rather than furry. I couldn't tell the difference between Orcs out of Mordor and Orcs out of Isengard. . .the hobbits are adorable/cute rather than earthy.
On the other hand, Bakshi's images of evil are inspired. The architectural details of Moria are fully delineated, and show you a place any hero might be reluctant to go back to. The Balrog and Treebeard are both memorable, both different from what I had imagined, and both quite in harmony with the picture as a whole. The Ringwraiths are terrifying; the battles are convincing.
The fact is, weighing this pro and that con misses the point. Bakshi develops and sustains a narrative pace that is sometimes breathtaking. More important, he is true to the spirit of the book. Most important, LotR is tremendous entertainment that leaves you coming out of the theater exhilarated and filled with joy. And if enough of you go to see it, Bakshi will get to make Part II. ---Alexis Gilliland
Balance forward from September, 1978: $4,114.30
September 29, 1978
INCOME: $0.00 OUTGO: To J Mayhew for WSFA Journal postage, $13.66; to
S Sucharitkul for WSFA Journal printing: $15.50
October 6, 1978
INCOME: Dues, $15.00
OUTGO: To A Gilliland, $52.00 for F&B at Oct 6 meeting; to J
Prato, $52.45 for F&B at Fifth Friday Party. To S. Sucharitkul
for WSFA Journal and Address List: $32.14
October 20, 1978
INCOME: Dues, $5.00
OUTGO: To Bill Berg, $50.00 for F&B
November 3, 1978
INCOME: Dues, $11.00
OUTGO: To A Gilliland, $46.00 for F&B.
BALANCE ON HAND BEFORE SEPT 29, 1978: $4,114.30
YEAR | 1975 | 1976 | 1977 | 1978 |
ARTISTS SHOWING | 26 | 33 | 62 | 75 |
ITEMS IN SHOW | 191 | 228 | 501 | 476 |
ITEMS SOLD | 34 | 85 | 109 | 107 |
HANGING FEES | $31.75 | $50.50 | $94.50 | $92.25 |
COMMISSIONS (15%) | $130.87 | $340.37 | $492.40 | $561.37 |
TOTAL INCOME | $162.67 | $390.87 | $586.90 | $653.62 |
TOTAL SALES | $872.75 | $2269.12 | $3162.75 | $4042.50 |
NOTE: The December issue of the W5FA Journal will come out in
mid-December. Dan Joy will do the printing & layout, as Somtow
will be in Bangkok for three or four weeks recovering from the
drabness of DC! S.S. will put out the January issue on time,
Dan Joy's phone number is (703)256-4080, should you have any news.
The address is: 3815 Whispering Lane, Falls Church, VA 22041.
THE WSFA JOURNAL is the official organ of the Washington
Science-fiction Association and is available free to all paid-up
members. Editor: Somtow Sucharitkul. Distribution Director: Joe
Mayhew. Thanks for this issue to Joe Mayhew, the Gillilands and
Those wishing to advertise in the DISCLAVE '79 PROGRAM BOOK should
contact Dan Joy, at 256-4080.
DUES FOR THE NEW QUARTER are payable to Bill Berg on DECEMBER 1st.
DISCLAVE PLANNING SESSION: December 2 at Joe Mayhew's.
Conventions coming up in the next 2 months: ChattaCon 4, Jan 5-7,
Chattanooga TN. Alan Dean Foster. Cliff Amos. (615) 892-5127
Boskone 16, Feb 16-18, Boston MA. Frank Herbert. Write: Box G, MIT
PO, Cambridge, MA 02139
Meeting held November 3, 1978 at the Gillilands'.
Alan Huff, Presiding.
PRESENT AT TIME OF MEETING: Alexis Gilliland, VP; Bill Berg, Treas.;
Sharon Harris, Secy.; Chris Callahan, Trust.; Sue Wheeler, Trust.; Joe
Mayhew, Trust.; John Huff, T. Schaad, J Epperson, W Miles, M Owings, D
Gilliland, P Kelly, Phil Cox, Nancy Handwork, Mike Harris, Lucille
Ennis, S Spearman, J Chalker, E Whitley, Hasan Dogiul, Bob Wax, B
Baum, K Bloom, L Peoples, St Smith, J Prato, B Marlow, W Dionne, J
Dionne, B Brandt, D Murphy, S Kerry, J Ellis, F Buhman, S Brown, D
Weems, R Cohen, J Sapienza, R Ridenour, J Fetter, B Lovell, L Smoire,
M Walsh, E Williams, L Bloom, A Carol, J Heneghan, J Novak, B Oliver,
R Oliver, S Stiles, S Forrest, Ginny McNitt, P Alterman, D Kogelman, S
Dennis, Ch Ellis, Denny Carroll.
The meeting was called to order at 9:07. The minutes of the two
preceding meetings were read and approved with one correction to the
announcements: SPINRAD is only probable guest of honor at next year's
Collegeville, PA, Con.
***TREASURER'S REPORT: The balance at the beginning of the meeting was
$3,903.55. A full report appears in this issue. Berg noted that the
dues quarter is up Dec. 1; Pay, o ye delinquent! Two new members: John
Epperson and Janet Lynch.
***ENTERTAINMENT: Doll reported that the WATERSHIP DOWN party would
have to be postponed until Nov 12 because the movie would not have
started until then. Everyone should be there early.
***DISCLAVE: John Ellis replaced Dave Bischoff as program director.
He would discuss ideas after the meeting with those interested. Alan
scheduled a meeting for Saturday, Nov 11, at his house at 2:00 to
discuss general DISCLAVE business.
***PUBLICATIONS: The WSFA Journal will only be mailed to paid-up
members in the future. Extra copies are available at meetings for
***DC IN 84: The committee now has a receipt book; will start giving
out receipts for supporting members.
***OLD BUSINESS: Doll Gilliland moved that: WSFA pay the ticket
expenses for all paid-up WSFA members to attend a showing of the movie
LORD OF THE RINGS at the Dupont Circle Theater at a date agreeable
to those attending. The motion passed unanimously after a lengthy
discussion of the date. (By motion, the date would be fixed after the
meeting; other motions concerning the date failed). The date was fixed
at Sunday, Nov 19, 1978 at the afternoon matinee. Be there early.
***ANNOUNCEMENTS: EVA WHITLEY is trying to start a fanzine to be named
off a small tapestry, drawing December 31st.
***OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Both meetings in December will be at the
Gillilands'. Both meetings in January will be at the Bergs'.
The meeting wore on till 9:56, when after much wobbling, it mercifully
collapsed of exhaustion, to general cheering.
---Joe Mayhew/Sharon Harris
Alan Huff, Joe Mayhew, Lee Smoire, Mike Walsh, Ray Ridenour, John
Ellis, Nancy Handwork, Fran Buhman, Tom Schaad, Sue Wheeler, Edie
Williams, Bob Oliver, Rosa Oliver.
CHAIRMAN: | Alan Huff |
TREASURER: | Jim Thomas |
ART SHOW: | Joe Mayhew/Tom Schaad, asst. |
HUXTERS: | Mike Walsh/Steve Dolan, as. |
REGISTRATION: | Lee Smoire |
PROGRAM: | John Ellis/Fran Buhman, Ray Ridenour/Nancy Handwork, as. |
FILMS: | Kim Weston |
CON SUITE: | Bob Oliver |
GOFERS: | Rosa Oliver |
HOTEL LIAISON | Dave Kogelman |
COOKIE CONSPIRACY | Alexis Gilliland |
Convention rates: $3 until Feb 18, 1979; $5 until May 1, 1979; $6 at door.
Registration: Lee will investigate getting a PO Box at Union Station, which is convenient to both her and Alan.
Huxters: Tables will be $20, including one membership, with a maximum of 3 tables each. Will will have two huxter rooms.
Art Show: no hanging fees. 10% commission on all sales. $250 has been authorized for new hanging equipment. There will be a meet-the-artist party Saturday night around 7:30 in the Art Room followed by an auction in the program room. A second auction will follow on Sunday. Mike Whelan and Jack Gaughan will be invited as Pro Guests. Richard Thompson will be featured as Fan Artist. Others will be invited to demonstrate or work in the Art Room during the Con.
Program: Friday night there will be a Costume Mixer, a party, not a masquerade show. People will be invited to wear "comfortable" costumes. Ray Ridenour will organize the "Zelazny Players" to perform various skits and bits during the con, this will be instead of a major Saturday night affair. Joe and Jay Haldeman, Gordie Dickson, Heinlein and others will be contacted as to whether they will attend. John will be holding working meetings to plan the program.
New Addresses
BRANDT, Beverly: 3326 Lauriston Place, Fairfax, VA 22031 (703) 573-8230
MARLOW, William: 8613 Pioneer Drive, Severn, MD 21144 (301) 551-6993
FORREST, Simon: 3156 Ravenwood Drive, Falls Church, VA (703) 534-8442
DALZELL, Bonnie: 14130 Travilah Road, Rockville, MD 20850 (301) 762-2822
DANA, Jim: 740 E 37th Street, Baltimore, MD 21218 (301) 235-4817
ELLIS, John 655 Illinois Street, South Arlington, VA 22204 (703) 820-3962
THOMAS, Jim: Phone no: (301) 774-7686
SMOIRE, Lee: Phone no: (301) 336-4794
HANDWORK, Nancy: Address: 3848 University Drive (same)
STAPLES, Walt and Janet: Address wrong. We need it!
Please notify Joe Mayhew at once of any change of address. (301)-459-5634
Ted White was not responsible for the error in the Hugo Award Listings
as previously suggested.
*David Bischoff has suggested that I blame him. This is
positively the end of the this series of retractions.
New Books for December by local and semi-local people include: STRANGERS, by Gardner Dozois, $1.75; and Ted White and David Bischoff's collaboration, FORBIDDEN WORLD. There is also a new Cordwainer Smith reissue (?) QUEST OF THE THREE WORLDS, another Asimov non-fiction, BEGINNING AND THE END, & a reissue of Ted Sturgeon's THE DREAMING JEWELS which hasn't been available for a while in this country and is a great book. Robert Sheckley's CITIZEN IN SPACE is also being reissued in December. This info was extracted from a Moonstone Bookcellars Blurb. Future issues of WSFAJ'll contain a brief list of all new releases for the month.