The WSFA Journal       November/December 2007


Adrienne Ertman, Editor

Official newsletter of the Washington Science Fiction Association

Comments? Contributions? Contact the editor!


October First Friday Minutes (Adrienne Ertman, Secretary)

Capclave Silent Action Nets Nearly $700 (Ernest Lilley)

October Third Friday Minutes (Adrienne Ertman, Secretary)

November First Friday Minutes (Adrienne Ertman, Secretary)

November Third Friday Minutes (Adrienne Ertman, Secretary)

WSFA October 1st Friday Minutes (October 5, 2007)

Meeting called to order at 9:19 PM. Minutes of previous meeting read.

Treasurer's report: $12,346,88.

Capclave Present: Reports that we have a Capclave! And a program! A physical copy of the program book was passed around; the same program information was also available on the website. Cathy was still tweaking the program. Sign up for workshops early, please. Five room contract: three programming rooms, one consuite, one dealer's room. Capclave Present also reported on items donated to the silent auction, including several Tuckerizations and Capclave whiskey glasses. (We can order more whiskey glasses if there's an interest in the club.) Sam Scheiner asked for volunteers on Friday, to help with registration, bag stuffing, and dealer's room move-in. Colleen bribed Friday volunteers with a Capclave Book Brigade button. Barry reported that we had 197 paid convention members, and would need 240 to break even.

Capclave Future: Registration for Capclave '08 will be available at Capclave '07 for $30. Special deal for absent WSFA members: you have one month to register at the convention rate (at first or third Friday).

Capclave Far Future: Bill Lawhorn said the post-book fair dinner with Far Future Guest of Honor Jeffry Ford went well.

Datclave: The club's first choice for hotel, the Eisenhower, filled up! The Datclave committee proposed the Hotel Gettysburg as an alternative. (For the pros and cons of the Hotel Gettysburg, see the October 2007 Journal.)

Entertivities: Will Frank says, "I think I am the entertainment." The book fair dinner was discussed; discon t-shirt? Will reminded people that the Maryland Renaissance Festival was still going on. It was also noted that October 6th is one of the two days the Trinity test site is open to the public (first Saturdays of April and October), and that October 4th, 2007 was the 50th anniversary of the Sputnik launch.

Publications: Had a new journal on hand.

Awards: The awards committee encouraged everyone to come to the awards ceremony at Capclave.

The Committee to Actually Discuss Science Fiction: didn't discuss SF that night, electing to discuss the Asimov's October/November double issue at the November First Friday meeting.

Trustees: No news.

Old business: On the table was a proposal to amend the standing rules for the Awards committee to move voting for committee members from April to November, with the new committee members taking over on December 1st. April is the middle of the Small Press Award cycle, which makes changing the committee at that time problematic. Sam Scheiner proposed changing the term, but not the election date. Mike Bartman suggested changing the award schedule, rather than moving the voting time, but this was shot down because of concerns about the ability of the committee to do its job on a compressed schedule.

Will Frank also brought up language concerns about a late November / early December committee change. There was a motion to get a sense of the club: is it the will of WSFA to move December 1st to November 30th? There were many "ayes" and one "nay". The club moved on to how to handle this term's election, and whether it was okay to have the club vote on the awards committee in fall when the rest of the term elections are handled in April. Bob MacIntosh said that voting for DisClave chair used to be months before the general election. Bill Lawhorn moved to table the discussion, but no one seconded the motion. Several club members, including Paul Haggerty and Lee Strong, began discussing the language for a rules amendment. Colleen Cahill moved for a "sense of the club" vote for a feeling on having the awards committee election in November. There were many "ayes" and one "nay". Will Frank asked how this would be handled for this awards cycle; club members suggested this was nitty-gritty to be handled in the rules change. Club president Cathy Green appointed a Fred committee of Sam Scheiner, Lee Strong, and Paul Haggerty to write the language of the rules change. Mike Bartman suggested FRED stood for "For Relocation of Election". A question arose about the awards administrator and his or her authority in changing election details; this question was referred to the Fred committee.

New business: no new business.

New people: Danny Prewitt (first meeting), Sandra Marshall (third meeting)

Announcements: Rebecca Prather was trying to find a dealer who sold old coins at Capclave 2006; members suggested she try looking up Darryl Schweitzer. She also announced an October 9th "stuff before the Big Bang" talk at the Fairfax campus of GMU.
Judy Newton announced that the Olney farmer's market was open for business on Sundays, October 7th through November 17th, reopening in the spring.

Ernest Lilley mentioned the Solar Decathlon on the Mall, and that the WSFA Journal scooped Locus on the book festival dinner writeup.

Mike Walsh had books. He also announced that the second Howard Waldrop collection "is lurching forward" but has hit delays, and wouldn't be available at World Fantasy Con. However, a reprint of Keith Roberts' Pavane is available. The National Gallery has a JMW Turner exhibit.

Kathi Overton announced the Bungalow was planning its usual Halloween haunted house, and was looking for weekend help with setup. This year's theme: The Raven (Edgar Allen Poe), which means "anything we really want". The Bungalow saw more than 200 kids last year, "so now we really have to do something."

Meeting unanimously adjourned at 10:10 PM. Attendance:

Silent auction nets nearly $700: WSFA member Ernest Lilley presents the proceeds of the Capclave 2007 silent auction to SFWA Executive Director Jane Jewell at the Annual SFWA New York City Reception for the SFWA Emergency Medical Fund. According to the SFWA website, "the SFWA Emergency Medical Fund offers interest-free loans to members facing unexpected medical expenses."

WSFA October 3rd Friday Minutes (October 19, 2007)

Meeting called to order at 9:20 PM.

Minutes read.

Treasurer's report: $12,376.88.

Capclave Past: Con Chair Colleen Cahill had two goals: have a good time and break even. The first was definitely achieved, and as of Third Friday the numbers looked good for the second. Thanks to the concom, whose hard work made this possible. The GoHs had a good time – this was Jeffrey Ford's first Guest of Honor gig and he plans to return to Capclave in the future. The dealers were impressed with the Friday afternoon book brigade's help with setup. Colleen wanted Capclave 2008 fliers from Sam Lubell for World Fantasy Con. Barry Newton said that registration recorded 332 total memberships, including 263 paid memberships. 293 warm bodies attended, including 88 at the door memberships. The hotel was happy with us as well.

Capclave Present: was absent, being in Hawaii. Barry Newton reported that Capclave 2008 already has 70 members. Ernest Lilley suggested leaving the Capclave '07 site up in case the GoHs win something; Colleen plans a "capclave memories" page with links to blog reports and library sites, as well as pointers to WSFA and the current Capclave site.

Capclave Future: Also not present. Sam Lubell has signed on for publications.

Datclave: Discussed the pros and cons of the Hotel Gettysburg for the convention.

Entertivities: Announced the solar decathlon on the Mall.

Publications: The Secretary bribed the Webmasters with cookies if they'll get the fugly frames off the WSFA website by the New Year. Future Washington is in a holding pattern; the website putters along.

Awards: Held a nice reception at Capclave; Lee Strong was positive comments on the award online.

Trustees: Are looking for a Capclave 2010 chair. Throw your name in the hat!

FRED: Proposed changing the standing rules to move the small press committee vote to the First Friday in November. Quoting Lee Strong's committee report:

The Fred Committee offered new Standing Rules language to move the date of Small Press Award Committee members from the current First Friday in May to the First Friday in November.  Current language: "and elected by the WSFA Membership at the time of WSFA's annual election for a term of 2 years in accordance with WSFA election procedures."  New language:  "and elected by the WSFA membership in an annual election to be held on the First Friday of November for a term of 2 years starting on the following December 1st in accordance with WSFA election procedures."  After some discussion, the club adopted the new language.  Lee Strong then offered an amendment extending the terms of the current Small Press Award Committee members to December 1st, 2008 and December 1st 2009 respectively.  This would avoid a new election in November 2007.  The club adopted the extension.  Lee then moved that the Fred Committee be abolished since it had accomplished its mission.  The club killed Fred.

Thanks to Lee and the rest of the Fred committee for their prompt actions.

The Committee to Actually Discuss Science Fiction will discuss the Asimov's October/November double issue at the November First Friday meeting. Erica Ginter asked why the Committee didn't discuss the Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction; Sam Lubell said they're psychoanalyzing Asimov's editor Sheila Williams in anticipation of Capclave 2009, where she'll be the editor Guest of Honor.

Old business: Incorporation?

New business: November 5th Friday party? Discussion postponed until the November 1st Friday meeting.

New people: Thomas McKenzie, Sander Olson

Announcements: Erica Ginter has a new Siamese cat, and is taking name suggestions. Richard Lynch had IPCC carbon capture pamphlets for interested WSFAns. Mike Bartman is self-employed with a negative cash flow. Mike Walsh reminds people that the second Waldrop collection is coming, and that Keith Roberts' Pavane will be reprinted next year. Carolyn Frank reports that Jeff Ford liked her Harlan Ellison recommendations. Judy Newton reminded WSFAns about the Olney farmer's market (see October 1st Friday announcements for details).

Meeting unanimously adjourned at 10:04 PM. Attendence: Mike Bartman, Drew Bittner, Colleen Cahill, Adrienne Ertman, Carolyn Frank, Erica Ginter, Lydia Ginter, Elspeth Kovar, Samuel Lubell, Nicki Lynch, Richard Lynch, Bob MacIntosh, Thomas McKenzie, Sander Olson, Barry Newton, Judy Newton, George Shaner, Steve Smith, Bill Squire, Lee Strong, Michael Walsh, Ivy Yap

WSFA November 1st Friday Minutes (November 2, 2007)


Meeting called to order at 9:16 PM.

Minutes read.

Treasurer's report: We have $12, 293.38. "Let's have a Datclave!"

Capclave Past: Convention happened; Colleen Cahill reported that we should have firm numbers in December, but it looked like the convention was in the black. Registration reports 332 warm bodies onsite, including 68 at the door memberships and 263 paid memberships. Club members read or mentioned several letters and e-mails from convention attendees and panel participants were read (highlight: Maria V. Snyder letter thanking us for being organized).

Capclave Present: Was negotiating tweaks and a one-year addition to the hotel contract (extending our commitment to the Rockville Hilton to 2009). The committee hoped the new contract would be settled by December. No firm numbers on pre-registered members yet. Someone asked about Capclave 2008 dates: the convention will be October 17th to 19th, 2008. The first concom meeting was tentatively scheduled for the first Saturday of December, but that plan was scuttled due to SMOFcon conflicts. 

Capclave Future: Con chair Bill Lawhorn is gathering his committee.

Datclave: Sam Scheiner made a motion for the club to approve the Hotel Gettysburg for Datclave; Will Frank seconded this. Elizabeth Twitchell asked about room night numbers: our contract and cost calculations will be based on the assumption we're selling about 10 room nights. The club voted in favor of of the Hotel Gettysburg, with many ayes and no nays. Bob MacIntosh said that the hotel should be the largest expense for con-goers; since this is a relaxacon, a very nominal membership fee is probable. Club members discussed boosting membership by circulating emails or fliers to the BW-SMOFs list and at Philcon.

Entertivities: No news. Someone asked about Philcon dates (16th through 18th of November).

Publications: The Editor owes the Club one Journal.

Awards: Were given out; no major new news.

The Committee to Actually Discuss Science Fiction planned to discuss the October/November Analog double issue.

Trustees: Were taking nominations for the Capclave 2010 chair. Lee Strong wasn't saying how many people were in the running, but said not to expect a chair announcement any time soon.

Old business: None.

New business: None.

New people: Richard Shrout (1st meeting), Dan Prewitt (2nd meeting), Chris Gildemeister (3rd meeting).

Announcements: Our gracious hosts announced that "everyone has to stay until the food is eaten."

Rebecca Prather announced three upcoming events: two Cosmos Club talks, one on November 9th about humans and robots, and one on November 30th about plate tectonics and world vulcanology, and a third event: her annual Christmas party, which will be held on January 6th from two to six PM. Rebecca also announced she had Capclave pictures to share and asked about t-shirt pricing, and whether the t-shirts sold at Capclave could be made more cheaply. (Several people said "no".)

Happy birthday to Sam Lubell!

Lee Strong announced he has been "investing" Northern Virgina for 30 years. Steve Smith asks if that should be "infecting".

Bob MacIntosh mentioned attending MileHiCon, where he discovered the dealer's room was the same size as Capclave, and had only two book dealers! He was surprised, since MileHi's a major regional con (600 – 800 people).

Elizabeth Twitchell regaled WSFA with her experiences in Denver during a Pitts/Broncos game.

Chris Gildemeister is looking for an Alexandria residence within the next three months. If you're renting, see Chris.

Steve Smith was brained by a cat. Don't ask.

Sam Lubell reported that there's another lurch forward toward getting a hotel across from the downtown convention center. DC Worldcon in the 2010's? Don't hold your breath.

Meeting unanimously adjourned at 9:52 pm. Attendance: Gayle Dixon, Adrienne Ertman, Will Frank, Christopher Gildemeister, Phil Goetz, Samuel Lubell, Bill Lawhorn, Sandra Marshall, Bob MacIntosh, Sarah Mitchell, Barry Newton, Judy Newton, Rebecca Prather, Dan Prewitt, Richard Shrout, Judy Scheiner, Sam Scheiner, Steve Smith, Lee Strong, Elizabeth Twitchell

WSFA November 3rd Friday Minutes (November 16, 2007)

Meeting called to order at 9:24 M. Minutes read and approved.

Treasurer's report: $12, 293.38 in the bank.

Capclave Past: Announced they're working on finishing the financial report; they were looking at a December completion date.

Capclave Present: Absent (at Philcon).

Capclave Future: Also absent (Philcon).

Datclave: The Datclave committee asked people planning to attend to make their reservations. Someone asked about rack rates, which seemed lower than the con room rate; the committee said those were probably the rate for non-Jacuzzi rooms. Jokes about the Hotel Gettysburg assimilating non-Jacuzzi rooms ensued.

Entertivities: Proposed doing something for the Golden Compass movie premiere, and mentioned that Beowulf had an appalling opening weekend take. Will Frank also mentioned that the season finale of Beauty and the Geek would be on December 4th, and he would be on it.

Publications: Still owes the club a Journal. Mea culpa.

Awards: Bob MacIntosh reported that awards certificates were ready to be mailed.

The Committee to Actually Discuss Science Fiction didn't have plans to discuss anything.

Trustees: No news.

Old business: None.

New business: None.

New people: Terry and Laura Somerville, and Christopher Neumann (1st meeting).

Announcements: Candy Madigan mentioned the coat she'd made for her shivering shorthair dog, Henrietta. Also, John and Candy found a 256 mb flash drive with D&D files on it, probably left after a meeting sometime this summer. It's a black and gray Cruzer micro; if yours, please contact John or Candy to get it back.

Mike Bartman announced two TV shows of interest to WSFAns: Mars Rising on the Discovery Channel and Big Bang Theory, a comedy on CBS.

Judy Newton is selling tickets to her annual quilt raffle! Ernest Lilley makes a "quilt guilt" joke, Will Frank asks about gold thread (a gilt quilt).

Barry Newton announced that the last Olney farmer's market of the season that Sunday.

Colleen Cahill announced that Maria Snyder will be a "What If" speaker next March.

Katherine Bittner mentioned a panel on alternative liquid fuels at National Academy of Sciences on Monday, November 19th. She also mentioned that Wooly Mammoth Theater will be doing a one-man Star Wars production.

Chris Gildemeister mentioned seeing a new remastered version of the Star Trek original series episode "The Menagerie".

Sander Olson mentioned that the Uptown was showing Bladerunner: The Final Cut.

Erica Ginter found a ceramic dodo on Ebay! They were going for about $40 if the club is interested.

Ceramic dodo. Pictures by Adrienne Ertman.

Meeting unanimously adjourned at 9:51 PM. Attendance: Attendance: Mike Bartman, Drew Bittner, Katherine Bittner, Colleen Cahill, Adrienne Ertman, Christopher Gildemeister, Erica Ginter, Paul Haggerty, Bill Lawhorn, Ernest Lilley, Bob MacIntosh, Sarah Mitchell, Sander Olson, C. Neumann, Barry Newton, Judy Newton, George Shaner, Steve Smith, Laura Somerville, Terry Somerville, Lee Strong, Michael Walsh