The WSFA Journal November/December 2007
Adrienne Ertman, Editor Official newsletter of the Washington Science Fiction Association Comments? Contributions? Contact the editor!
Contents October First Friday Minutes (Adrienne Ertman, Secretary) Capclave Silent Action Nets Nearly $700 (Ernest Lilley) October Third Friday Minutes (Adrienne Ertman, Secretary) November First Friday Minutes (Adrienne Ertman, Secretary) November Third Friday Minutes (Adrienne Ertman, Secretary)
WSFA October 1st Friday Minutes (October 5, 2007) Meeting called to order at 9:19 PM. Minutes of previous meeting read.
Treasurer's report: $12,346,88.
Capclave Present: Reports that we have a Capclave! And a program! A physical copy of the program book was passed around; the same program information was also available on the website. Cathy was still tweaking the program. Sign up for workshops early, please. Five room contract: three programming rooms, one consuite, one dealer's room. Capclave Present also reported on items donated to the silent auction, including several Tuckerizations and Capclave whiskey glasses. (We can order more whiskey glasses if there's an interest in the club.) Sam Scheiner asked for volunteers on Friday, to help with registration, bag stuffing, and dealer's room move-in. Colleen bribed Friday volunteers with a Capclave Book Brigade button. Barry reported that we had 197 paid convention members, and would need 240 to break even.
Capclave Future: Registration for Capclave '08 will be available at Capclave '07 for $30. Special deal for absent WSFA members: you have one month to register at the convention rate (at first or third Friday).
Capclave Far Future: Bill Lawhorn said the post-book fair dinner with Far Future Guest of Honor Jeffry Ford went well.
Datclave: The club's first choice for hotel, the Eisenhower, filled up! The Datclave committee proposed the Hotel Gettysburg as an alternative. (For the pros and cons of the Hotel Gettysburg, see the October 2007 Journal.)
Entertivities: Will Frank says, "I think I am the entertainment." The book fair dinner was discussed; discon t-shirt? Will reminded people that the Maryland Renaissance Festival was still going on. It was also noted that October 6th is one of the two days the Trinity test site is open to the public (first Saturdays of April and October), and that October 4th, 2007 was the 50th anniversary of the Sputnik launch. Publications: Had a new journal on hand.
Awards: The awards committee encouraged everyone to come to the awards ceremony at Capclave.
The Committee to Actually Discuss Science Fiction: didn't discuss SF that night, electing to discuss the Asimov's October/November double issue at the November First Friday meeting.
Trustees: No news.
Old business: On the table was a proposal to amend the standing rules for the Awards committee to move voting for committee members from April to November, with the new committee members taking over on December 1st. April is the middle of the Small Press Award cycle, which makes changing the committee at that time problematic. Sam Scheiner proposed changing the term, but not the election date. Mike Bartman suggested changing the award schedule, rather than moving the voting time, but this was shot down because of concerns about the ability of the committee to do its job on a compressed schedule.
Will Frank also brought up language concerns about a late November / early December committee change. There was a motion to get a sense of the club: is it the will of WSFA to move December 1st to November 30th? There were many "ayes" and one "nay". The club moved on to how to handle this term's election, and whether it was okay to have the club vote on the awards committee in fall when the rest of the term elections are handled in April. Bob MacIntosh said that voting for DisClave chair used to be months before the general election. Bill Lawhorn moved to table the discussion, but no one seconded the motion. Several club members, including Paul Haggerty and Lee Strong, began discussing the language for a rules amendment. Colleen Cahill moved for a "sense of the club" vote for a feeling on having the awards committee election in November. There were many "ayes" and one "nay". Will Frank asked how this would be handled for this awards cycle; club members suggested this was nitty-gritty to be handled in the rules change. Club president Cathy Green appointed a Fred committee of Sam Scheiner, Lee Strong, and Paul Haggerty to write the language of the rules change. Mike Bartman suggested FRED stood for "For Relocation of Election". A question arose about the awards administrator and his or her authority in changing election details; this question was referred to the Fred committee.
New business: no new business.
New people: Danny Prewitt (first meeting), Sandra Marshall (third meeting)
Announcements: Rebecca Prather was trying to find a dealer who sold old coins at Capclave 2006; members suggested she try looking up Darryl
Schweitzer. She also announced an October 9th "stuff before the Big Bang" talk at the Fairfax campus of GMU.
Ernest Lilley mentioned the Solar Decathlon on the Mall, and that the WSFA Journal scooped Locus on the book festival dinner writeup.
Mike Walsh had books. He also announced that the second Howard Waldrop collection "is lurching forward" but has hit delays, and wouldn't be available at World Fantasy Con. However, a reprint of Keith Roberts' Pavane is available. The National Gallery has a JMW Turner exhibit.
Kathi Overton announced the Bungalow was planning its usual Halloween haunted house, and was looking for weekend help with setup. This year's theme: The Raven (Edgar Allen Poe), which means "anything we really want". The Bungalow saw more than 200 kids last year, "so now we really have to do something."
Meeting unanimously adjourned at 10:10 PM. Attendance: