The Official Newsletter of the Washington Science Fiction
Association -- ISSN 0894-5411
Edited by Samuel Lubell
Strange Bright Object Appears in Sky
WSFA Election Meeting 2003
Review of X2: X-Men United
Stealing the Elf-King's Roses
In the Service of Samurai
SF Classics Reviewed
The Dying Earth
The Eyes of the Overworld
The Glory That Was
WSFA Bylaws (continued from March issue)
Fanzine Review
Texas Democrats Hide Out at WSFA
Signs a Vampire Slayer Should Think About Retirement
Strange Bright Object Appears in
On May 30th, a strange bright object appeared in the sky, changing the normal color of the sky from the usual dull gray to a weirdly appealing bright blue. Some elders with exceptionally long memories identified the object as the sun. They also hinted at a connection between the blue sky and the lack of rain that day. Small children, who had not seen such a sight before, were reportedly frightened by the apparition. Cries of "make it go away, daddy" and "Mummy, you forgot the umbrella!" were heard. Fortunately, by the next day things returned to normal. Well, normal for this year anyway (and it's raining again as I type this.)
The May 2nd First Friday meeting began with Judy kicking Covert <who must have been having flashbacks> out of the chair. Okay, said Judy. It's 9:15 by my watch. Old business is the upcoming election. Treasurer reported $1,903.77. "Let's have a Balticon" suggested Eric. <Why not? It doesn't cost us anything!>. Bob said, "Don't worry, insurance will be due soon."
Capclave Past had nothing to report. Capclave present had nothing, but needs to talk to programming coordinator about invites. Capclave future said she had "no intention of spoiling the record." For WFC, Sam summarized an email saying they did a tour of the hotel. Entertainment committee reported that their plumber replaced stem which was plastic with a metal one.
Activities reported a trip to Wolf Trap to <trap
wolves?> see the Pirates of Penzance <that shameful rip-off of the
Bucconeer production Pirates of Fenzance> See Scott. The Matrix Reloaded site doesn't have
times but we'll do a trip. The QE 2 is
having its last season. It will hold a
SF and Fact cruise. Fares are from $999,
Lee will send info around. "I'm still
trying to talk someone into it", Lee said with a glare at Alexis. "Run, dude, run!" came a WSFAn's voice. Eric asked, "What are they going to do, out
to the Bermuda Triangle and back?" Scott corrected, "Just out to the triangle,
not back." Lee reported trying to get a
slot for volunteering at the WETA. Mail
included information from the U.S. Department of Energy. <Dear WSFA, your bodies are not producing
enough energy for us to meet our quota.
Fix this or you will be deleted from the matrix.>
Trustees reported an election five minutes after the meeting ends, we will reconvene. Alexis suggested that people take advantage of the five minutes to pay their dues. Austerity committee brought brownies (or rather Eric did.) Someone professed their love, "We love you!". "Prove it," Eric said, dryly.
There was no new business. Alexis announced that SFWA will move their official business meeting from Worldcon to World Fantasy Con since their bylaws state they have to meet in the U.S. Lance returned from two trips to Europe. He has an all-region DVD. Mike has Hugo nominees. Judy Scheiner had operations. Meeting adjourned at 9:29.
The ceremonial reading of the roll took place followed by the election. For president, trustees' nominee Judy Kindell was acclaimed with no objections. For vice-president, the trustees had two nominees Cathy Green and Keith Lynch. An election was held and Cathy Green won. For secretary, trustees' nominee Samuel Lubell was acclaimed with no objections. Hazzah. For treasurer, trustees' nominee Bob MacIntosh was acclaimed with no objections. For Capclave 05 Chair, trustees' nominee Mike Walsh was acclaimed with no objections. For trustees, the trustees nominated a slate of Adrienne Ertman, Steve Smith, and George Shaner. Keith Lynch was nominated from the floor. An election was held using the fannish version of the Australian ballot <you could tell it wasn't the regular Australian ballot by the absence of kangaroos> and the winners were Adrienne, Keith, and Steve. Congratulations George.
Attendance: Pres. Judy Kindell, VP Sam Pierce, Sec & 2003 Chair Samuel Lubell, Trust Scott Hofmann, Trust Eric Jablow, Trust. Nicki Lynch, 2004 Chair Lee Gilliland, Bernard Bell, Sheri Bell, Adrienne Ertman, Alexis Gilliland, Bill Jensen, Bill Lawhorn, Keith Lynch, Cat Meier, Mike Nelson, Lance Oszko, Kathi Overton, John Pomeranz, Rebecca Prather, Judy and Sam Scheiner, George Shaner, Steven Smith, Lee Strong, Michael Taylor, Elizabeth Twitchell, Covert Beach, Wade Lynch, Jim Edwards-Hewitt, Colleen Cahill, Larry Pfeffer, Kelley Singer.
By Charles Gilliland
Brian Singer (the director) picks up right where he left off at the end of the last picture, exploring the origins of Wolverine. And this was about as coherent a back story as I have seen. And from his origin, we have our newest villain, Col. Stryker, who looks like he's portrayed by the dumpy guy of the X-Files Lone Gunmen.
also introduced some new characters from the comics. Kurt Wagner, who was known in the Munich Circus as the
magnificent Nightcrawler, and also a very religious person, and the mutant who
unwittingly provides the excuse for Stryker's actions. We get some shots of Kitty Pryde, and
Colossus, as well as Deathstryke (Kelly Hu), who shares the same origin as
Now, in this film we discover that the mundanes/the normals/the humans can be pretty closed minded, and mean-spirited towards those different from themselves. And Singer also makes a point that Mutants (in the guise of Pyro) are only human, and can be just as petty as the humans. The story itself, is densely written, but fairly coherent. Stryker, employing a mind-control fluid, harvested from his son, Jason, has successfully interrogated Magneto into divulging all the secrets of Professor Xavier's school, and orchestrates the incident that will allow him to begin his campaign to eradicate all the Mutants from the Earth. In his campaign, he sought to reconstruct Cerebro and assailed the school to capture some "test subjects" on which he could test his theory. But, though he captures some students, Cyclops and Prof. X, Jean and Storm are out to gather up Nightcrawler, and Wolverine manages to escape with Rogue, Bobby "Iceman", and Joey "Pyro" taking (of course) Cyclop's Car (a Saturn BTW).
In the meantime, Mystique, in the guise of the Senator, is seeking the location of Magneto, to attempt to rescue him, and breaks into Stryker's office disguised as Deathstryke, downloading information and uncovering Stryker's secret base of operations. Magneto, with Mystique's help, escapes, and they join up with the remaining free, X-men to go and rescue the Professor who is under the thrall of Col. Stryker's purposefully incapacitated son. Well, they came, they saw, and they conquered with the temporary alliance over, and Jean Grey making the ultimate sacrifice to save them. Before the final credits underneath the waters released by the now destroyed dam we see a fire-bird image, intimating that the next film may very well try to tackle the Dark Phoenix Saga.
The only false note struck, was in Mystique's attempted seduction of Wolverine. It was nicely realized, but motivationally murky, and didn't really serve to develop either of the two's characters, except that it did highlight that Wolverine might have a latent attraction for Rogue. If so, then this might also be a set up for things to come in the next film.
A nice touch was Pyro, and how he seemed to bond with Magneto and Mystique, and you get the impression that they bonded with him. And thus, you can see how Magneto could attract new followers. Yep, the war is coming, and the first shots have already been fired.
Another nice touch was the Rogue, Bobby, Wolverine triangle. Rogue is still attracted to Wolverine, though Wolverine is attracted to Jean Grey and Jean is in love with Cyclops, and Rogue is currently "with" Bobby, who thought he had come up with a solution to their problem, only to realize that his solution melts under the heat of Rogue's passion. Oh well, the course of true love never flows smoothly.
Finally, the overall theme of the movie is reflected in its predominant color scheme, most notably, black, white, and various shades of gray. While we are given a handle on the situation and the characters, the attempt has been made to show that every person does have a valid reason for their prejudices and actions, it's just that the Villains tend to go to the extreme, whereas the heroes are asking "can't we all just get along?"
All in all, a most enjoyable movie, and one that I'd strongly recommend you try to catch.
Stealing the Elf-King's Roses by Diane Duane
Reviewed by Samuel Lubell
Although the title and cover make the book seem like high fantasy, most of it feels more like a science fiction/police procedural. The opening makes it clear that there are multiple Earths, five of which are part of an inter-universe trade pact. The world of the main characters is a present day Earth in which magic works, under rigid rules, and everyone knows about magic and beings from other universes. The main character Lee Enfield is sort of a freelance prosecutor/investigator with the special power of Justice sight that lets her see into the past at a crime site and cause Justice to manifest and itself punish a criminal (which should render the need for police, jurors, and prosecutors unneeded, but that's not dealt with.) Lee and her partner, a doglike alien named Gelert investigate the killing of an elf (from yet another parallel earth, where the Elf-King rules. Investigating, they discover that this is just the tip of the iceberg, that the dead elf is part of a conspiracy to control the price of fairy gold (a necessary element for cross-world travel) and run into people (or maybe elves?) out to kill them.
Thus far, this could be an episode of Law and Order if the prosecutors also did the criminal investigation and used magic. But in the process of investigating, they are put on a UN commission investigating the elf-world (due to high level politics) and discover that things are not as they seem. The other worlds are looking for an excuse to invade Fairy-Earth and the king's throne is none too stable in his own world as a result. This leads to some chases, a meeting with the elf-king, and all sorts of efforts to manipulate the environment.
The author, Diane Duane, excels in creating interesting magic systems that hold together. In her Wizards series, the purpose of magic is to hold back entropy. Unfortunately, I did not get a sense here that there was a larger system at work. Things seem thrown together for the sake of the plot. I also have difficulty in believing that a world where magic works and has access to other worlds would evolve so similarly to our own. Characterization of the main good guy characters is good, especially the relationship of Lee and an ex-boyfriend who is now the chief prosecutor, and the interaction between Lee and Gelert. The plot is interesting as a mystery and the story works more as science fiction than fantasy. If it has been by a new author, I'd have counted myself as completely satisfied. But since it is by Diane Duane, one of my favorite authors, I expected better. This is above average sf/fantasy but not as good as the author can and should do.
In the Service of Samurai by Gloria Oliver
Zumaya Publications, 2002
A review by Colleen R. Cahill
stories are not as popular as in years past, but just as vampire epics have
exploded in the last few decades, there are signs that spooky tales are being
revived and like their vampire cousins, showing new life. Gloria Oliver's In
the Service of Samurai combines specters with Asian influences for a
haunting adventure tale.
Toshi is an indentured apprentice to a map maker. This unusual career is what gets him in trouble as his skills cause him to be kidnapped by a mask warrior. It is quickly evident that the Samurai, Lord Asaka, is actually a skeleton who forces Toshi onto his ship manned completely by an undead crew. The ghost ship has been sailing for years, trying to reach an island and complete their quest so they can rest in peace. Toshi's task is make sure the cursed ship stops traveling in circles and finds the island. It is an unique trip, as the ship must submerge during the day to protect the Lord and crew from sunlight, which would destroy them. But Toshi is not friendless: Miko, a beautiful, but dead geisha, helps him adjust to his new life and explains why the crew is striving so hard to achieve their goal. Her influence changes Toshi's view of Lord Asaka from dread to admiration, although he still finds the Lord distant and stern.
The trip is not without danger, as there is a traitor in the crew who caused the ship to sink. An undead assassin threatens Toshi's life, as without the boy, the quest cannot continue. Just being on the ship endangers Toshi, as it leeches his life away if he sleeps while it is submerged. To combat these dangers, Toshi is given sword training for protection from the ninja and only sleeps on the deck of the ship at night. Once the ship reaches the island and the long hunted-for item is found, Toshi discovers he is being pressed into service again, as only a living person can retrieve the required piece: a iron tea kettle. This proves no easy task, as spirits guard the kettle and Toshi must pay a price to gain the prize.
In the Service of Samurai is a ghost story, but also an adventure tale, a romance and a coming-of-age story. The pieces fit to together well because the author shows us characters with many sides. Lord Asaka is a driven man who does his duty, but he also shows tender love for Miko. Toshi displays great loyalty to those he cares about and also shows strong belief in duty, but resents not being able to make his own decisions. Positioned between these two, Miko is a caring woman of grace and intelligence who also never forgets she comes from a humble background, not a noble birth. The story includes plenty of action and the plain iron tea kettle is the key to the mysterious disappearance of a great Lord.
Gloria Oliver has created a work of atmosphere, adventure and fun. I recommend you start your quest for a copy of In the Service of Samurai today.
By Lee Strong
Shield by Poul Anderson (Original Publication 1962; Berkeley Edition 1963)
This is a solid little story about a technological breakthrough that threatens to change the world into which it is brought. While some of the purely scientific elements - such as the wise and philosophical Martians - have been overcome by those pesky astronomers rewriting the universe, the social situation has an important message or two for our own post-9/11 world.
Our hero, Peter Koskinen, is a naive engineer just back from Mars with a radical invention, a personal force field that renders the wearer effectively immune to personal violence. Naturally, every power broker on post-World War III Protectorate Earth wants the gadget for himself, including crime bosses, political bosses, the dictator of China, and the head of the all powerful Bureau of Military Security. Technically brilliant but emotionally childlike, Koskinen must navigate a sea of political and ethical problems that resonate eerily today. In the end, he puts his trust in the constitutional government and educated citizens, and wins a chance for happiness.
The science of this story is a
little old - lasers were cutting edge when Anderson penned this - but much of
the story revolves around the enduring questions of police power and civil liberties
in a wartorn world. Hanging over the
characters is the threat of nuclear terrorism that requires the United States
to mount guard on a sullen planet.
Military Security seems to have trumped the Constitution, but Anderson's
situation permits no facile black and white posturing. When is power necessary for the good of the
people? As we wrestle with such
questions ourselves, it's worth taking an hour to read Anderson's prophetic and
hopeful contribution.
I rate Shield as ««« on the five star scale. -- LS
The Dying Earth by Jack Vance (New York: Lancer, 1950)
This is another jewel from the pen of one of science fiction's masters of prose: A series of six lush short stories set against the common background of the Dying Earth. Vance's stories follow a group of modestly interrelated characters across baroque landscapes in search of science, love, sanity, treasure, secrets, and knowledge respectively. Their quests are variously aided and hindered by men and monsters equally strange... and entertaining. Vance's characters display comparatively little development. Instead, he emphasizes discovery of their strange world... and always in his crystalline style. In lesser hands, the Dying Earth would be a gee whiz collection. Here, it is a set of polished gems.
I rate The Dying Earth as ««« on the five star scale. - LS
The Eyes of the Overworld by Jack Vance (New York: Pocket Books, 1966)
On the other hand, even the Master Magician is entitled to an off moment from time to time. Many people enjoy the antics of Cugel the Clever in his search for the eponymous Eyes of the Overworld. I found this saga merely adequate.
My principal objection is simple: I don't like Cugel. He's a thief and a scumbag with no real concern for others except what they can do for him. He lies, he steals, he cheats, and he's pretty stupid besides. Not in my humble opinion that person to build this book (and a sequel) on.
Other than the main character's lack of character, this is another rococo story set in the Dying Earth with strange beings living and dying in a strange landscape lit by a dying Sun. Mr. Vance's pen sketches odd but mostly plausible societies dealing with peculiar threats, always with his delightful elegance of phrase. A master of style and vocabulary, and a pleasure to read. Now if he would just exsanguinate that oleaginous Cugel!
I rate The Eyes of the Overworld as ««½ on the five star scale. - LS
The Glory That Was by L.
Sprague de Camp (New York: Ace Books,
1952, 1979)
L. Sprague de Camp once commented that the only variation on a lost continent novel that had not been written was one in which no continents were actually lost. Perhaps this epic is a time travel novel in which no time travel is actually used.
In the World Empire of Earth's 27th Century, two men sail to Greece to find out what happened to one's wife who has been kidnapped by the bizarre World Emperor himself. Once past the thoroughly modern force field surrounding the nation, they discover the Golden Age Greece of Pericles and Socrates! Thoroughly confused, they wander around ancient Athens trying to determine when they are, make a niche as barbarian philosophers, and find the missing wife. The result is a well told tale highlighted by de Camp's encyclopedic knowledge of archeology and wry humor. This novel is certainly no Parthenon of literature, but it's a nicely done Fifties gee whiz story with all the strengths of that subgenre. (Science fictional problem, theories, facts, analysis, solution.) So, take a break from nanites and genomes to visit the Golden Age... of storytelling.
I rate The Glory That Was as ««« on the five star scale. - LS
WSFA Bylaws (continued from March issue)
A. Schedule of Meetings
1. WSFA's regular meetings shall occur on the first and third Fridays of each month.
2. Special meetings can be called by the President.
B. The place and time for the next meeting shall be designated by the Chair before the meeting adjourns.
C. The order of business of all regular meetings shall be:
1. Call to order
2. Reading of previous minutes.
3. Reports of officers.
Reports of committees.
5. Old business.
6. New Business.
7. Announcements.
8. Adjournment.
Additional Procedures
All procedural questions not covered by the Articles and Bylaws shall be decided by reference to Robert's Rules of Order, Revised, 75th Anniversary Edition (1951).
Indemnification of Officers
A. Liability and Indemnification of Officers
1. WSFA shall indemnify every officer of WSFA, or member of a committee, against any and all expenses, including counsel fees, reasonably incurred by or imposed upon any officer or committee member in connection with any action, suit or other proceeding, including the settlement of any such suit or proceeding if approved by the then Board of Directors to which he may be made a party by reason of being or having been a WSFA officer or committee member, whether or not that person is an officer or committee member at the time such expenses are incurred.
2. The officers and committee members shall
have no personal liability with respect to any contract or other commitment
made by them, in good faith, on behalf of WSFA that they are duly authorized to
make, and WSFA shall indemnify them and forever hold each such officer or
committee member free and harmless against any and all liability to others on
account of any such contract or commitment.
3. Any right to indemnification provided for herein shall not be exclusive of any other rights to which any officer or committee member of WSFA, or former officer or committee member of WSFA, may be entitled.
4. The officers and committee members shall be liable to WSFA for any negligence, willful misconduct, or actions committed in bad faith, but shall not be liable for mistakes of judgment if made in good faith.
B. Actions by Officers
1. The officers shall exercise their powers and duties in good faith to promote the interests of WSFA.
2. No contract or other transaction between WSFA and one or more of its officers, or between WSFA and any corporation, firm or association in which one or more of the officers are Board Members or officers, or are pecuniarily or otherwise interested, is either void or voidable because such officer or officers are present at the meeting of the Board of Directors, or any committee, which authorizes or approves the contract or other transaction, if the following conditions are met:
a. The fact of the common Board Membership, office or interest is disclosed or known to the Board of Directors, noted in the minutes, and the Board authorizes, approves or ratifies such contract or other transaction in good faith by a vote sufficient for the purpose; and
b. The interested officer abstains from the vote in which the contract or other transaction is authorized, approved or ratified; and
c. The contract or other transaction is commercially reasonable to WSFA at the time it is authorized, approved, ratified or executed.
C. The Board of Directors is authorized to obtain in its discretion liability insurance for officers.
Amendment of Bylaws
A. Any proposed amendment must be signed by at least fifteen (15) members and be submitted in writing at a regular meeting.
B. Such proposals must be read at that meeting.
C. A vote shall be taken at the next regular meeting after the proposal is submitted and read.
D. Passage shall require a two-thirds (2/3) majority of those members voting.
A. These Bylaws are subordinate and subject to all provisions of the Articles of Incorporation and the Act. All of the terms hereof, except where clearly repugnant to the context, shall have the same meaning as in the Act. In the event of any conflict between these Bylaws and the Articles of Incorporation, the provision of the Articles of Incorporation shall control; in the event of any conflict between these Bylaws and the applicable sections of the Act, the provisions of the Act control.
B. In the event any provision or provisions of these Bylaws shall be determined to be invalid, void or unenforceable, such determination shall not render invalid, void or unenforceable any other provisions hereof which can be given effect.
C. No restriction, condition, obligation or provisions of these Bylaws shall be deemed to have been abrogated or waived by reason of any failure or failures to enforce the same.
D. Whenever in these Bylaws the context so requires, the singular number shall include the plural and the converse; and the use of any gender shall be deemed to include all genders.
By Ted White
BURSTZINE #2, April 2003 (Michael A. Burstein & Nomi S. Burstein, P.O.Box 1713, Brookline, MA 02446; e-mail to; PDF files of this fanzine are available from its website at; printed copies available "for either a printed fanzine in trade, a letter of comment, or via surface mail for US$3.00 (and please add US$3.00 for non-North American addresses).")
Burstzine is a modest genzine with a twist. Simply but well produced, it occupies 24 pages (including covers), 21 of which are double-columned in an easily readable computer-set type. Burstzine is printed on folded sheets twice letter-size and saddle-stapled to the conventional letter-sized fanzine. Michael's editorial opens the issue and is followed by four articles. Nomi's editorial (in smaller print so it all fits on the inside back cover) closes the issue. There are no letters, but these are promised for #4, the projected "all-LoC issue."
All but one piece in this issue is oriented to a common theme, "fans and our parents," and Michael says he received so many contributions that the theme will be extended "into issue #3. #5, he tells us will launch a new theme.
To a large extent articles about fans and their parents are articles about How I Discovered Fandom (with or without parental help). These have a limited appeal when read en masse (see my December, 2001 review of Contact!/Spirits Of Things Past by Dick Smith & Leah Zeldes Smith), but the three here do offer some variety of experience, opinion and approach. The best is David B. Williams' "Napoleon, Tucker, and Me," which links a number of disparate facts to reach an amusing punch line. Janna Silverstein's "My Parents and Fandom: A Personal Alternate History" is more conventional (pun intended) and Steven H. Silver's "Xenogenesis" is littered with footnotes (46!) - even the title is footnoted.
The longest piece (at 9 pages) in the issue is the only one not directly connected with this theme, but a parent remains its dominant topic. This is "`...And In This Corner, The Florida Health Care System!' An Ongoing Battle," by Mike Resnick. After a brief introduction it consists of copies of Mike's correspondence with various people involved with the care of his dying father in Florida. Most of the correspondence concerns late-tendered bills and questionable billing practices by various health concerns. This is real correspondence (I assume), so it is not presented for humorous effect - which is fortunate, since it's not only not funny, the endless re-recitations of previously stated facts and complaints (we see only Resnick's side, no letters from those to whom he is responding) gets fairly tedious halfway through. His father's death would seem to moot most of these issues, but the last letters are to an oblivious Social Security Administration.
Michael's editorial deals with a perennial issue for fanzine editors and their editorials: schedules and Why This Issue Is Later Than I Said It Would Be. Burstzine #2 comes about 6 months after #1, but the Bursteins hope to get out "one issue per season." I hope so too. Four issues is a long time to wait to see one's letter of comment in print.
Sam Pierce started the meeting with "Let's have a
meeting" which immediately was followed by a motion to adjourn from the
audience. This was ruled out of order
and the meeting started at 9:13 on Third Friday in May. Sam Lubell reported that the last meeting
had an election. Former trustee Eric
declared himself "Free at last." Bob
reported that the insurance company likes us.
They charged $150 less than last year.
$1,453.77. Calls for a party
were heard as were suggestions that we buy shares in our insurance company.
Entertainment Committee reported that the Texas legislature, controlled by Republicans, wanted to redistrict to get more Republicans in Congress. The Democrats chartered a bus with 59 Democratic legislators across the border and the Republicans discovered themselves six votes short of a quorum. They sent out the Texas Rangers and called Homeland security. The Democrats stayed hidden until too late to introduce new legislation. Lee added that the Governor of Oklahoma was asked to send the Democrats back but she was a Democrat. Steve Smith said that the Attorney of General of New Mexico was asked to return any Texas Democrats in the state. He offered to keep an eye out for legislators who are opposed to tax cuts for rich guys.
Activities reported a showing of the Matrix II movie at 6:10. But we have to sit through the credits to see the preview for next one. Be there at 5:30 near National Airport. Publications Committee needs more sponsors for the web site. Capclave present said there would be a table at Balticon. Capclave Future was here, Capclave Far Future was contemplating the universe. World Fantasy has 260 members, the cut off is 950. Tuesday we're getting PR2. Stamps and labels at Capclave Table. Mike Walsh reported a rumor at the Nebulas that Jack Williamson has hopes of attending World Fantasy. He reached 95 and this year he taught a writing course and has a contract with Tor for a new novel. Elspeth has delivered a floor plan. The sales rep for the SMOFcon sent offer for doing SMOFcon at Hyatt $119. Now we have to check other hotels. We're bidding for 2004. We got words that Philcon is happy doing the second weekend of December.
New Business: Erica said that in June we will be switching the meetings in June so we will meet back here in three weeks. Eric said there would be a Fifth Friday this month. Bob said you can go to parties at Balticon and call it Fifth Friday. Elspeth said that anyone wanting a room at Balticon should book now.
Announcements: Erica won 2nd prize on a migraine headache poem out of 117 entries. Lee's Yoga <not Yoda> studio has $10 classes for the first week of June. President Judy has a hard cast on her leg because she twisted both ankles on Saturday two weeks ago. Library of Congress will have Noel-Anne Brennan on June 11th. Mike Walsh is acquiring Christopher Priest's novel The Separation pending a deal with Canada. Donna Andrews has a SF/mystery novel. Ron Taylor is getting a Ph.D,. in Biomathematics.
Meeting adjourned 9:37 by acclamation.
Attendance: VP Sam Pierce, Treas. Bob MacIntosh, Trust. Eric Jablow, Trust Nicki Lynch, 2004 Chair Lee Gilliland, Bernard Bell, Adrienne Ertman, Alexis Gilliland, Erica and Karl Ginter, Cathy Green, Elspeth Kovar, Bill Lawhorn, Keith Lynch, Richard Lynch, Candy and John Madigan, Keith Marshall, Cat Meier, Walter Miles, Marilyn Mix, Barry and Judy Newton, Evan Phillips, Steve Smith, William Squire, Elizabeth Twitchell, Michael Walsh, Madeleine Yeh, Colleen Cahill, Wade Lynch, Larry Pfeffer, Paul and Aly Parsons, Drauer M Isopoks, R. Lionell Fanthorpe, Ivy Yap, Dr. Ron Taylor.
From the Internet
When you find a vampire sleeping in her coffin, you
start to think, "Damn I'm tired. Wonder if there's room for me in
You hang out with the Slayerettes at the Nursing Home rather than the Bronze
"Hip check" no longer means slamming a vampire into a wall.
Vampires a lower priority than the kids who run across the lawn.
Your watchers work for the hospital, not the watcher's council
I'm supposed to do... WHAT...? To *WHOM*??!! Speak up, dammit!
Suddenly, eternal youth is starting to look like a damned good idea.
You're older than most of the vampires and demons you fight.
You keep interrupting your graveyard patrols to visit the graves of old friends.
The last time you drove a stake into anything, it was attached to a "Keep Off The Grass" sign.
Without your bifocals, everybody's teeth look perfectly *normal*, and you don't know *who* to slay.
Having lost your teeth, you're on an all liquid diet, just like the vampires,.
You used to endorse Maybelline, but now you endorse Depends.
You start wondering if you can get one of those electric scooters to chase vampires around in.
You use your cane to stake
vampires, when it's not helping you walk.
You're *always* spilling your thermos of Metamucil during those fights.
Your sexy black leather slaying uniform just isn't quite right paired with lavender high heels and a cardigan sweater.
When you date Angel, he's mistaken for your grandson.
"I slay Vampires? When the hell did I do that?"
Breasts no longer jiggle while impaling creatures of the dark.
You have to borrow your watcher's journal to find out what you did yesterday.
Your plans just backfired, and now there is a vampire with his fangs caught in the baggy skin on your neck.
and the Number 1 Sign a Vampire Slayer Should Think About Retirement...
No vampire in its right mind is going to be afraid of any slayer wearing a "World's Best Grandma" t-shirt.
Credit Box: The Cat Haiku that appeared in the March/April 1999 WSFA Journal were written by Jon Kikuo Shishido of Honolulu.