The Official Newsletter of the Washington Science Fiction
Association -- ISSN 0894-5411
Edited by Samuel Lubell
Overheard at Capclave 2001
Sometimes Stupidity, Sometimes Conspiracy
They're Happy The Klingons Are Coming
... But No Cigar
Capclave Debriefing
Halloween Websites
Collected by Shane Stezelberger
"NO STUPID TERRORIST IS GOING TO RUIN MY CON" (A button distributed at the Sheraton College Park)
"F*ck the terrorists!" (Gardner Dozois)
"YOU'RE the only one who wants to compare `Buffy' to `Scooby-Doo.'" (Jim Mann, to Ben Yalow)
"Rendezvous With Rama is almost 100% plot-free." (Roger MacBride Allen)
"Sometimes I research after I do the first draft." (Catherine Asaro)
"You need to have valid, up-to-date technobabble." (Gardner Dozois)
"The technical term [for books so bad you want to throw them across the room] is a `wallbanger.'" (Roger MacBride Allen)
"...[It is] a completely forgettable story, which I've forgotten." (a `Great Anthologies' panelist)
"By God, he was an atheist." (Gardner Dozois, on Isaac Asimov's lack of deathbed conversion)
"Charbonneau was his [grad] student -- that means he did all the work." (Drake Deming, GSFC)
"So did he do all the work?" (a fan, when Dr. Deming mentioned his own grad student)
"I have a rule -- I write about what I don't know." (Charles Sheffield)
"One of the three main characters in my book was an AI, and it was called `mainstream' by some critics!" (Catherine Asaro)
"It turns out two of his professors were trying very hard to publish science fiction, too." (Eric Kotani, on Hal Clement's Harvard-era pen name adoption)
"[Actually] I wrote a dystopia, called Brother to Dragons, which began with a global economic collapse in the year 2001." (Charles Sheffield)
"Didn't he [Greg Bear, in Darwin's Radio] give some pretty plausible arguments for it?" (Catherine Asaro)
"Well, no..." (Sam Scheiner)
"Ha" [sarcastically] (an unknown fan after I made a lame joke about applying to the Electoral College in the con suite)
"I used to teach at the Electoral College..." [wistfully] (a veteran WSFA member)
"`Clever' is the most superficial of literary values." (Darrell Schweitzer)
"If they wanted to make money, they'd get jobs." (Kathryn Cramer, on short-story profitability)
"One of my great editorial strengths is procrastination." (Patrick Nielsen Hayden)
" `Cause there're almost no markets!" (Gardner Dozois, after Kathryn Cramer had described the low `market pressure' for short story material.)
The 9/7 First Friday meeting opened with everyone completely ignoring Prez Judy as she banged her gavel. So she said, "It's 9:13, so I'm gonna start." Sam P said that this was early.
"Mr. Treasurer, do we have any money?" Bob replied, "Alms, alms for the poor." Nicki said, "Arms? Revolution Now!" Bob reported "$278.84 not counting the quarter Lee just gave me."
The Entertainment Committee reported that there was a Worldcon. "Prove it" yelled a WSFAn. "I'm moving a lot slower now, but it was a blur." The fan responded, "So we know it was successful. Judy said, "There were some wonderful dragons but the Darth Maul there was overdone." Someone said, "It was mauled."
Judy called on Bob for Capclave. "There are three weeks left. We need ten more people for our block." Someone complained that they quoted the wrong rate. Lee explained, "Hotels do this deliberately to keep people off the room block to make us pay for function space." Bob said, "We're paying anyway. The room block has been extended now into next week. Anyone who didn't get the block rate should harass the hotel. Sometimes it is stupidity, sometimes conspiracy."
reported 173 members. Lee said, "We
picked up 36 at Worldcon." Bob said,
"We still hope to get more. My program
chief is not here. Soft-shoe. NASA will present on Saturday night. We will have something Friday night to make
friends with the hotel. They call it
Death by Chocolate. Little do they know
fandom." <Everyone
chuckled.> Lee complained, "That's
just tickling by chocolate." Bob said,
"Yes, but it is all the hotel can do with our limited resources." Lee asked for stuff from Joe Mayhew to
present at Capclave and someone suggested Joe's carvings.
Bob said that "Mike Nelson was head of the newsroom at WorldCon." Sam P said, "And almost lost his head." Bob explained, "At one point Joe was carving canes and on one carved Mike Nelson's head as a pirate. During the convention, Mike's boss was running around with a button reading, `Give me the head of Mike Nelson.' But I'm not giving up my cane." A WSFAn said, "The Wack-A-Mole course is getting crowded." Elspeth, apologizing for being late, said, "I don't think hitting Bob one the head will do much damage." Sam P said yes. Bob said, "So this is why I have friends."
Sam Lubell asked everyone to take posters and put them up everywhere. Keith said that there is a book festival on Capitol Hill with the First Lady. <Although Keith took posters Barb didn't show up at Capclave>. Next week is a small press expo.
Elspeth said, "We met with the hotel yada yada." Two people want to host parties, possibly a third. I put these on the same floor as the con suite. So we have 15 rooms on the floor not booked." Sam P said, "We need volunteers for the noisy floor." Elspeth said, "See me afterwards. I assume Bob mentioned we have a Capclave meeting." Sam P said, "She Who Must Be Obeyed." Someone replied, "That's another job." Elspeth said, "I've been trying to figure out how to sit on all three of you at once. I will stack you."
Bob said, "We have six fan tables. ConJose is coming. Invasion of Princeton and both the International Star Trek Group and a Klingon group. We can't decide if we should put the tables together." Elspeth talked to Allison. "Friday night the hotel is tightly booked. There may be a team playing." Bob gave rates, "Friday will be $15, Sat $25, Sunday $10 up till noon. Also can buy a full membership. Up to this point we are interested in full membership."
Someone discovered Capclave Future
(Mike Nelson) hiding upstairs and brought him down. "We want your head!" yelled WSFA. He wants to wait three weeks until he's present.
New Business: Someone suggested posting the WSFA Journal's due date up. Sam Lubell said, "You can give me stuff anytime." Sam P moved that WSFA commend Elaine for saving MilPhil, the Joan of MilPhil." Elaine passed the credit, "The fans saved WorldCon." Sam L said, "I want to thank those who served at the Capclave table and party." Lee said, "I spent two hours flirting with every man I saw." Sam P asked, "And this is different how?"
Judy said that "We'll talk to Capclave Future in the future." Nicki said that Cathy Green wants to work at Capclave. She should see Peggy Rae. Sally Hand volunteered to work registration. Lee said that Charlotte is bidding for the 2005 NASFIC. Brian Lewis is back.
People suggested that if George Washington University is off for a protest, the students can come to Capclave. Lee said that he wrote 76,960 words with 12,000 submitted to the WSFA Journal. <Thank you Lee! Everyone show your appreciation by giving him feedback!> Judy said that the Bucconeer student contest was successful. She thanked the judges of 600 stories and essays. The meeting was unanimously adjourned at 9:49.
Attendance: Prez Judy Kindell, VP Sam Pierce, Sec. Samuel Lubell, Treas and 2001 Chair Bob MacIntosh, Trust Lee Gilliland, Trust. Eric Jablow, Trust Nicki Lynch, Bernard and Sheri Bell, Adrienne Ertman, Alexis Gilliland, Sally Hand, Scott Hofmann, Keith Lynch, Richard Lynch, Lance Oszko, Rebecca Prather, Judy and Sam Scheiner, George Shaner, Lee Strong, Rob Thornton, Ivy Yap, Madeleine Yeh, Elaine Brennan, Marc Gordon, Brian Lewis, Bill Lawhorn, Neil Steyskal, Jim Kling, Thierry Burston.
By Ted White
Fanzines are a basic part of science fiction fandom, having been in existence as long as fandom itself. All fanzines are published as a hobby and lose money. Their editors appreciate money, but they appreciate even more your written response. Check out the fanzine below and broaden your participation in fandom.
: :
TWINK (E. B. Frohvet, 4716 Dorsey Hall Drive, #506, Ellicott City, MD 20142; published quarterly; available for "the usual" - letters of comment, contributions of material, or trades with other fanzines - no price per copy mentioned, so try a begging note)
Twink - a title editor Frohvet is considering changing - is an oddly old-fashioned fanzine, the "main focus" of which "is on science fiction, fantasy and fandom." Originally mimeographed, Twink is now produced by copier but retains its hand-typed look (complete with a broken lower-case `m' which looks like a skinny `n'). This anachronistic look makes a good fit with Frohvet's editorial approach and personality.
(whose name almost rhymes with "throw back") affects the "editorial we" -
derived from the "royal we" - and thus opens the issue (on the inside front
cover) with "For the second year in a row we've had to drastically revise a
planned editorial...." This is an
affectation one rarely sees in prozines these days, and it has been almost
unheard of in fanzines for most of their 70-year history. But it's part of Frohvet's idiosyncratic
charm - and that of Twink, as well.
It's a bit like stepping back fifty years....
Frohvet packs a lot into Twink's 32 pages, although it's all in double-columned (unjustified) typewriter type. The lead article in issue #22 is Steve Sneyd's "Other Christs For Other Skies," a "survey" of the treatment of Christianity in science fiction poetry (most of it in fanzines of the past 25 years). The piece reveals rather exhaustive research on Sneyd's part, but is largely uncritical and draws few conclusions. (It is notable however for two "Editor's notes" - brief interjections - which intrude on the article like editorial comments in a published letter of comment, rather than being footnoted. Another sign of Frohvet's idiosyncratic hand, this is something you can do in a fanzine - but most fanzine editors will avoid it if possible.) There is one other article in the issue, Frohvet's own "Out There & Unconscious" - dealing with the generic ideas which float around "out there" in science fiction and specifically "stun guns."
Additionally there is a "feature," "My Best Moment In Fandom," with contributions by Lloyd Penney, Harry Warner, Jan Stinson and Lisa Major. This is followed by two pages of book reviews, four pages of fanzine reviews (covering 26 different fanzines - a good guide for those seeking to explore more fanzines) and 14 pages of letters. The last page, titled "Miscellany," wraps up the issue with news snippets and other oddments.
Twink reminds me of the fanzines I used to get in my first years in fandom, half a century ago. Maybe it's nostalgia on my part, but I'm glad there's still a fanzine like Twink being produced today.
: :
In my review of Wabe, a couple of months ago, I credited its attractive design and layout to co-editor Jae Leslie Adams. Co-editor Tracy Benton responds to my review: "I fooled you, incidentally! I do all the layout of the fanzine, not Jae. I really enjoy doing it, so I'm pleased you liked the result. (Jae does all the calligraphy, of course.) How nice to be mistaken for a real artist...." I'm happy to admit to my mistake and give credit where it's due.
The 9/21 Third Friday took place at the Ginters. Judy said, "Let's have a meeting. It's 9:15. Mr. Secretary, anything?" "Everyone know where you'll be next weekend?" "Mr. Treasury?" Bob answered, "God help us. $239.67 and sinking fast." The Entertainment Committee wasn't present.
"Capclave?" Bob ordered, "You will be at the hotel. One week from today. For set up 1-2. The rest of you show up around 4. Check in will start after noon. We met the room block, the register said we have 174 members." Sam L. told people to post posters. Bob continued, "There will be programming. Will be dealers. Will be an art exhibit. The hotel liaison hasn't killed me yet." Elspeth explained her restraint, "I don't want your job. There will be single malt scotch at the bar. The breakfast buffet will last till one. The hotel is very happy with us." Someone called out, "Happy that we're not canceling."
said, "It wasn't a thought in my mind.
I'm arrogant. I'll be there daring
them to hit us." Erica said, "They're
happy that the Klingons are coming."
Bob said, "So are the International Star Trek Groups. We thought to keep them separated." Sam L. said, "It depends whether they are
original series Klingons or TNG Klingons."
Someone else said, "We don't discuss that." Erica said, "Funniest thing I saw in my life was the Klingon
Dating Game." Eric asked, " Or was that the Mating Game."
Keith said, "Speaking of arrogant. After the attack, without consulting anyone, I put on the web page a note that no WSFAn was hurt and that our con was still taking place." Bob said, "This friends, is a WSFAn." Elspeth said, "Everyone in the SF community has checked in and seems fine."
Keith said, "I hope everyone bought memberships in advance." Bob said, "We'll have dealers, art exhibit etc. Sell me a car, sell me a bridge." Eric said, "Dealers, will they have good drugs?" Elspeth commented, "I covered that with the scotch." Bob said, "It will be a diversion." Eric said, "And we need one right now."
Erica wants to thank people for bringing stuff to the meetings. "Bring stuff to Capclave if you have any strange food. <Then she remembered who she was dealing with> Strange, but not unidentifiable, food." Mike W <who also knows WSFA well> "And you can catch it." Erica <daring fate> continued, "If anything you want to get rid of bring it on. I have a six pack of something strange in the garage. I'll bring it."
Judy called on Mike for Capclave Future "Nothing". Bob said that we will make red white and blue ribbons today. Erica said, "I went to three different craft stores for red and white, I couldn't find blue." Elspeth suggested "getting together early Friday in my room. I think we should offer the ribbons, not automatically attach them to badges."
There was no new business. Dan Hoey is in the hospital with a bad spleen. It will have to be removed. He will not be able to be at Capclave <although he made a cameo anyway>. Dick Roepke and Chris Callahan will substitute. The meeting was unanimously adjourned at 9:40. Five minutes later Lee Gilliland walks in and demands we re-convene. She had made buttons, "No stupid terrorist is going to ruin my convention" We adjourned again.
Attendance: Pres Judy Kindell, VP Sam Pierce, Sec. Samuel Lubell, Treas. and 2001 Chair Bob MacIntosh, Trust Lee Gilliland, Trust Eric Jablow, Trust Nicki Lynch, 2002 Chair Mike Nelson. All officers present. Covert Beach, Sheri Bell, Adrienne Ertman, Erica Ginter, Cathy Green, Sally Hand, Scott Hofmann, Elspeth Kovar, Keith Lynch, Richard Lynch, Keith Marshall, Walter Miles, Barry and Judy Newton, Evan Phillips, Dick Roepke, Steven Smith, William Squire, Michael Taylor, Rob Thornton, Michael Walsh, Andrew Williams, Ivy Yap, Madeleine Yeh, Lee Hagee, Cary Hoagland, Kelly Davidson, HP Lovecraft, John Madigan, D Swiger, Thierry Barston, Bill Jensen.
by Lee Strong
As they sat down to watch the film, the Chairman was almost glowing. "Mr. Jennings. I believe that you will find this report exceptionally newsworthy. Our heroic forces have achieved a great victory against the hegemonic 'peacekeeping forces.' We have destroyed over fifteen thousand Americans in one battle."
The journalist grunted noncommittally as the film began rolling. The initial camera angle was a standard satellite view of a nameless river valley in Siberia. Then the point of view changed to the ground. A column of mechanized forces was traveling slowly towards the camera. The journalist's practiced eye assessed it as at least division strength... consistent with the Chairman's casualty claim. The view briefly zoomed forward to pick out the subdued United Nations and US Fourth Division patches on infantry sleeves and vehicle sides. Traversing swiftly, the camera picked out air scouts probing the surrounding hills and gunships overhead providing cover. Sky haze above the gunships suggested American holographic masking intended to thwart Communist reconnaissance... obviously unsuccessfully.
Suddenly, one air scout darted forward, hovering over a rocky outcropping. The rocks moved violently, spewing missiles directly into the scout's intakes. It exploded.
The sky
filled with brilliant light streaks, most lancing into the aircraft. Clearly, the Chinese had used satellite
lasers for the first time in the war.
Laser reflective paint flared painfully, protecting the bodies of
vehicles and infantry alike. But,
sensors, necessarily naked to the world, exploded, blinding the peacekeeping
Meanwhile, dozens... no, hundreds of fiery trails arced over the surrounding hills. Battlefield missiles, and lots of them. Communist military doctrine historically emphasized massed artillery, and this battle was a clear demonstration of that. American defensive lasers lashed back blindly, exploding scores of rockets by sheer chance. Unfortunately, the Chinese supply seemed unlimited. First shrapnel and then warheads began penetrating the defense perimeter, slicing into armor and infantry alike. The camera zoomed in on one American staggering from a hit, fluids spraying wildly across the sudden killing ground.
With the lasers and missiles targeting the vehicles, most infantry survived to seek shelter on the unforgiving ground. Individual holofields winked on, making the soldiers look like so many pieces of Siberian rock. The ground seemed to seethe as the thousands of individuals jostled for position. Then the valley landscape stabilized as datalinks synchronized the holograms. American military doctrine called for ambushed units to break out of a trap....
Before the soldiers could get away, explosive charges began detonating on every hillside. Tons of earth and rock shifted, and began moving downhill at ever increasing speed. Walls of boulders slammed into the troops, partially blinded by their own holograms. The camera view jumped forward to watch one American lose both legs to one rock and an arm to another before disappearing.
some peacekeepers might have survived the landslides, especially with mountains
of dust masking the overhead lasers.
But additional barrages of rockets soaked the death zone in
explosives. The last few minutes of
film showed Chinese infantry men picking their way thru the rubble. Whenever they found a potential survivor,
guns and grenades finished the job. The
final scene of a grinning Asian machine gunning an American head was
particularly graphic.
The film ended. The screen went dark and the room brightened again.
The Chairman turned to the journalist expectantly. He explained, "A peace loving Russian provided us with the intended march route. Our engineers had ample time to establish a killing zone, neatly reversing America's historic reliance on huge amounts of firepower. Using well known weather control techniques, we created a strong wind to carry away the airborne 'smell' of our hidden explosives." A moment of awkward silence followed, finally broken by the journalist.
"Well, Mr. Chairman, I'll do my best to get this on CNN. But, I can't promise anything." He smiled glumly.
The Chairman became excited. "Mr. Jennings, the American public must see this! During the Second Vietnam War, losing 454 Americans in one week was considered a national tragedy! September 11, 2001 was considered justification for a ten year war on 'terrorists.' What you have just seen is the destruction of more than three times as many Americans in one day! This horror must break thru the wall of official American censorship and awaken the American conscience!"
The journalist sighed. "Mr. Chairman, I don't believe that you understand the United States very well. Your public relations problem is not censorship; it's indifference. Outside of the State Department, the Pentagon and a few military junkies, no one cares about your war. Five thousand or five million Makes No Difference. No One Cares. If you want Americans to start protesting this war as my grandfather did with Vietnam, you've got to kill at least one human being."
Instead of the usual Gripe Session, Capclave had a Debriefing. As usual with such sessions people were speaking out quickly so some comments may be distorted or incorrectly attributed. If you see anything in error, please let us know so we can volunteer you to do this next time.
Bob started, "Please. Thank you. Euphemistically known as debriefing, for those of you outside the Washington area this is what is known as the gripe session." Erica said, "There is no pre-registration for next year. A man wanted to pre-reg because he had such a good time." Mike said "We were waiting to see if we made money. We will be doing a mailing probably in January." Elspeth asked, "So what do you think?"
person said, "Check out person said, see you next year." Elspeth answered, "Lots of people said
that. But there were some problems with
the function space. We want to find a
place where we can settle down."
Someone said it was full. Bob
said, "Only way to get more function space is a tent."
Someone asked, "Can you get rid of the restaurant?" Elspeth said, "The hotel really likes us. Just one complaint of one fan. You guys were terrific with the hotel. They really like you." Bob said, "That's not the way its always been in the past. Thank you for coming and for being on best behavior." Elspeth said, "We're fortunate that so many from early Disclave days have returned."
Mike said "We had 290-295 people. That's what we needed to break even so Bob's credit card won't break down." Elspeth said, "We'll still need seed money for next year but far less. So we'll be able to do it."
Winston suggested that since Philcon lost its hotel, we might want to move a month further away from the Worldcon. Elspeth said, "It would be nice to get Columbus Day weekend. A three day weekend. It's tradition. WSFA would do a dead dog on the third day and program later on Sunday. Some of us really like the idea." Chris said that "Columbus Day conflicts with Albacon." Elspeth said, "Not next year it doesn't." Mike said, "Whatever weekend Albacon is we'll avoid it. And the Baltimore Book Fair, we'd like to avoid."
Joy said, "You did not try to cater to all fandoms." Bob said, "Space limitations." Someone said, "It was nice to have it about books, a relaxed ser-con." Elspeth said, "Someone once described Disclave as a party for those who like to read and that's what we want. Bob said, "It would be nice to return to days of 500-600 but we'll have to grow slowly. Next year we want to break 300 mark."
There was mixed reactions to the one track of programming. One said he was disappointed. Bob said, "The tradition is between one and one and a half. We were never big on programming. Personally, I like the way we did it. It ensured the room was full." Someone said, "But there was no choice." Bob answered, "One of the things we want to do is have lots of socializing." Mike said, "This room could be divided but small. Next year we plan to have one full track plus one track of readings, discussions etc." Someone said, "In this hotel?" Mike said, "We'll talk with this hotel but will look elsewhere to have room to grow."
"I don't like an over programmed con," said another fan. Sally said, "It is a problem when you have two things you want to see at once. Here you don't have to choose." But someone else said that this way you still don't get to see more than one panel; it's just that they don't tell you what you aren't seeing. Bob said, "There are no happy mediums." Someone pointed out that "Readercon has lots of panels and it only gets 200 people <it seems like more than that to me>. Elspeth said, "We're more relaxed. Programming is part of the convention but the way we're doing it works." Someone said, "Socialization is for local fans." But lots of people objected.
One said, "When you get a small con like this, fans and pros separate." Erica said, "And that's a complaint I have." Ivy said, "Interested to see a con with just one track. It gave me more time to socialize." Erica said, "At our web site, you need to type www first."
Amy said, "I didn't have enough information. I never got a mailing including how to get here or receipt of membership. I'm fine with one track and glad the con was flexible for filk, but it was never clear that the Town Hall was for hanging out because also said readings. It would have been helpful to have a map or a general idea of how to get around."
apologized for no restaurant guide. She
promised one next year. If anyone wants
anything included, email her and let her know.
Another said, "Registration should be the first thing people see, not
the last." One person said directions
were on the web site. It would have been helpful to say that con was still
going on but don't wait for a mailing.
Another said that we might want to consider the number of eating places
in walking distance when we choose hotels.
Chris said, "I understand having registration at the end; it makes sense to avoid backups. But could you post information first to direct people?" Priscilla Olsen said, "It is good to see Disclave back despite the whole world against you. Two tracks would be better. You can rethink the space use. Put the green room elsewhere and use that for readings. I like more tracks and I'll help. I didn't expect you could pull this off so close to Worldcon. But stay flexible and grow in interesting ways. Don't vanish. Don't be where Disclave was before it fell apart."
A person complained that he couldn't reserve a room because he was told room block closed on Monday. Bob answered, "Usually hotels close off room blocks early. We tried to get rooms." Elspeth said, "The hotel extended our deadline by a week." One person expressed concern that the hotel counts the numbers correctly. Elspeth said she would make certain that everyone gets counted.
After a complaint about the restaurant's slow service, a fan said, "You did a marvelous job with the restaurant because breakfast this morning went much better." But another disagreed saying that while the service was faster, it had the same limited menu. Elspeth said, "Our hotel rep was appalled. He called food and beverage and told them to do anything they could to fix it." But someone said, "Sunday lunch they were back to their incompetent selves." Someone said that the hostess actually warned their party "We're slow, eat somewhere else." "You saw a hostess?" a fan was shocked. Another said that the food was good even if it was slow. Another complained that the restaurant was closed from 3 until dinner. They need to know that fans don't keep normal hours." Bob said "The bar was open for bar food. We have to live with it."
thought that the Town Hall diffused the con suite as the center of the
convention. "At Disclave the con suite
was where you go for chat." But someone
pointed out that the con suite was tight already. Perrianne said, "The con suite needs work."
Bob said, "This hotel doesn't have a spot that would be a typical Discave." Erica complimented Lee for doing an excellent job and keeping it open late. Bob said "Hotel wasn't interested in us having food down here. If we can find a hotel that will, we would. Otherwise we'll have to live with what we did modified." Bob added. "The New Carrollton had the Pit where we could do anything." Perrianne said, "But you could do better. Filking sort of moved." Mike said, "That wasn't us. They moved on their own." Perrianne said, "I've been to filk in rooms. It doesn't work."
Someone suggested getting the third room across the hall. Bob said, "But across is a mechanics room." Someone suggested the hotel where Gaylaxicon was held. The Hilton at Ballston. Jane said, "As a general principle, I liked the Town Hall. I don't think it diffused things that much. Often want a hang out place but don't want to wait to go up to the 18th floor. It is nice to have a spot to hang out between panels." Bob said that he considered knocking down wall between dealer's room and town hall.
Someone said that their sister found our web site colors ugly and hard to read. He liked the racks for flyers and the fast coffee at restaurant. Another person suggested using a sleeping room for a reading room. "Covert got a suite, we could take that."
Priscilla suggested using the green room for readings and part of the town hall area for green room stuff. Take down some of the wall between town hall and the dealers and put the art stuff somewhere else.
Jack said that there is a lounge on the 9th floor. Elspeth said that we would have to pay extra to use it. Priscilla said that Readercon took over the lounge as a con suite. Bob said that the hotel never mentioned the lounge. Elspeth said that she went through several hotel reps. Bob said, "Thank you Jack, we don't know until we talk to them." Jack said, "It's nice and large." There were calls for a field trip.
Gardner suggested that next year we get a better GoH. Bob said, "I think the one we have was just fine." Elspeth said, "A lot of people said that this con felt like the old Disclaves and wasn't Gardner the perfect person for that." Gardner said he was a guest in 73 because the previous guest, Ben Bova, bankrupted the con and I was a cheap date.
thanked his staff. Sue said this was a
great convention. "I really enjoyed
myself." Keith said website is limited
because we don't pay. Email him if
problems. Adrienne said, "I had a
wonderful time" Mike said the Dealers
are happy and all thank you. Someone
asked about the International Cookie Conspiracy. It is still in existence but not publicized.
By Lee Gilliland
Seeing as my favorite holiday is coming up, I decided to check out the Halloween sites on the web - and there are quite a few. Here are most of the ones I found, excluding the haunted houses all over the US.
Global Halloween Alliance - don't bother. This site needs to take to the graveyard, where it can bore the ghosts. - fun, some good spooky stuff, but the composer of the background music is spinning in his grave, providing the power for all the graphics. - Links site. Forms the web chain for the ghosts. - historical tails and haunted history. A bit lacking in the Spooky department - lots of midis to download, cold ice screams. - animations, clipart, sounds - if you want to do a Halloween page, your one-stop graveyard for all you need. - for kids that don't mind dumb, but it's never too late to have a happy childhood. - an Emily Dickson Halloween page. No, I am not kidding, -"hell's ½ acre" - more like heck's ¼ inch. Don't bother. This guy has managed to make HALLOWEEN dull. - games, mostly for the little ghouls.
The Page That Dripped Blood - movie based site, not for the queasy. On the gory side. - fun Halloween facts. Did you know that Jane Pauley and Dan Rather were both born on Halloween? Ahhh, the education you get on the web. - Interactive Halloween card that's worth a visit. Good ghost stories. - fun gifs, REALLY cool sounds (I recommend Lorrain's regards) adult gifs, add-your-own epitaphs for the real silly. - good selection of Halloween games for fun and prophet.
Halloween Europe - a German page with icons, sounds, links and really good screen savers - my computer now drips blood. - I think this is a website for a forthcoming movie, but it's spooky, weird, and brilliant. - a crafts page. For those who can't think of anything original.
Halloween Story - for kids, but charming. - really good site. Plenty of stuff to use and do. Be sure to check out the comments box and the 20 ways to be mean to trick-or-treaters. - good humorous site.
- the holiday from the vampire's point of view. Do NOT tell Marty Gear about this site or we'll never hear the
end of it. - good and scary. - a Halloween site for dogs, of all things. - the New Orleans travel bureau page. Lots about the ghosts in the quarter. Well worth a visit. fonts, gifs, and a pretty good haunted house.
Halloween Graveyard - image heavy games page. Takes forever to load. Hijacks your computer - be warned!!!!!!! - page for teachers, but some good stuff nevertheless. - great name, lousy site. For those with no imagination.
Absolutely Halloween - party ideas, mostly. - Halloween links page. - screensavers, desktops, icons for all holidays. - just what it says. Six pages of Halloween cursors, lots of others.
Horror Movies That Suck - self explanatory. Sells movies. - links to horror on the web. Good haunted house. - paranormal archives for the just plain weird. - good haunted house.
Please note that these are just the HALLOWEEN sites on the web. Other categories I didn't look into (short of time, can't think why) are ghosts, haunted houses, witches and warlocks, ghouls, horror, and so on - there's a lot of stuff out there.