May 22-25 at The Washington Hilton & Towers ("Hinckley") Room: $85. flat (single to quad) Membership: $25. until April 30, $30 at door. Childcare: $25 until April 30 - advance only. GOH Pat Cadigan, Art GOH: Tom Kidd Chair: Michael J. Walsh (in absentia: Steven Fetheroff elected but left town) Vice Chair/ Chair Pro Tempore: Covert Beach Vice Chair Pro-Tempore: Tom Veal Secretary: John T. Sapienza, Jr. Treasurer: Dick Roepke. Art Show: Lance Oszko. Chancellor of the Exchequer: Joanne Thacker, (Auctioneers) Eric Fleischer, Rikk Jacobs. Staff: Robert Ashton, Shirley Avery, Sheryl Birkhead, Joni Brill Dashoff, Todd Dashoff, Martin Deutsch, Naomi Ronis, Victoria Smith, Laura Van Winkle. Child Care: Eva Whitley Dealers' Room: Jane & Scott Dennis DisClub: Joe Mayhew. Activities: Jul Owings, Butler: Lee Uba, Construction Supervisor: Mike Nelson. Facultly Advisor: Evan Phillips. Food Services Manager: Dan Burgess, Layout Engineer: Walter Miles. Party Boss: Anne Williams. Soda Machinist: Keith Marshall. Unassigned Volunteers: Judy Doris, Amy Paul. GOH Book: Mary Rita Blute Hotel Liaison: Carl Ginter Information: Chris Callahan. Staff: Carolyn Cote, Andy Culhane, Tracy Henry, Elspeth Kover, Mike Nelson, Eric Pavlat, Wendy Pavlat, John Peacock, Maura Sharadin, Lee Strong, Steven Vaughan-Nichols. Party Czar: Kitty Jensen Program Book: Perrianne Lurie. ADs: Jeff Olhoeft, Production: Hal Haag. Programming: Rachel Russel. Deputies: Judy Kindell, Beth Zipser. Dances: Jitterbug workshop: Susan Cohen. Sat Night: Terilee Edwards-Hewitt, Katherine Putzinger. Sun: Gordon Dean, Jim Edwards-Hewitt. Gilbert & Silicon Game: Joe Wendland. Publicity: Covert Beach Registrar: Dan Hoey. Deputies: Bill Jensen, John T. Sapienza, Jr. Staff: Anton Chernoff, Peggy Chernoff, Helen Howser, Judy Kindell, Colin Lanzi, Nancy Loomis. Badge Design: Joe Mayhew Techincal Crew: Robyn Rissell. Staff: Mark Barker, John Peacock, Dave Wendland. Program Particpants: Roger MacBride Allan, Arlan Andrews, J. Douglas Beason, Michael Betancourt, N. Taylor Blanchard, Bernadette Bosky, Lucinda Brown, Linda E. Bushyager, Jeanne Cappagio, Michael Capobianco, Jack L. Chalker, Ralph E.Chapman, I. Abra Cinii, Hal Clement, Brenda Clough, Anne C. Crispin, Ellen Datlow, Tom Doherty, Claire Eddy, Scott Edelman, Douglas Fratz, Mary Frey, Alexis Gilliland, Dan Hatch, Arthur D. Hlavaty, Annette Curtis Klause, Karl Kofoed, Eric Kotani (Yoji Kondo) Shariann Lewitt, Deborah Marshall, Chris Miller, Ron Miller, L.E. Modesitt, Jr., Judith Moffett, Rebeca Ore, Robert J. Sawyer, Darrell Schweitzer, Charles Sheffield, Josepha Sherman, Susan Shwartz, Ian Randal Strock, Michael Swanwick, Gordon Van Gelder, Mark L. Van Name, Paula Volsky, Lawrence Watt-Evans, Bob Walters, Diane Weinstein, Ted White, Douglas E. Winter, Paul Sorton.Earth vs. The Flying May 22-25, 1992 DISCLAVE! GUESTS OF HONOR - Pat Cadigan, Tom Kidd Special Event - Hal Clement's 70th Birthday! (Federal Observance) Registration: $25 until April 30, 1992 (that's Walpurgisnacht, just fly over) $30 at the door Disclave '92 Make checks payable to: c/o Dan Hoey DISCLAVE '92 P.O. Box 677 Washington, DC 20044-0677 NEW HOTEL! The Washington Hilton and Towers 1919 Connecticut Avenue Washington, DC 20009 202/483-3000 Flat Rate - $85.00 + Tax (single to quad) /night Hotel Info (as above, plus) Taxes - 11% + $1.50 per room per night Note: This is our first year back in the District in 13 years and our first new hotel in 7. We would like it to be a while before we have to move again. So please be gentle to the nice hotel (it really IS a nice hotel). GOH Books For the fourth year in a row, WSFA Press is publishing a collection by the Guest of Honor, HOME BY THE SEA by Pat Cadigan. This year's edition will be a collection of four stories totalling over 40,000 words, and author's introduction for each story, a complete bibliography, a foreword by Mike Resnick, and biographical data. The volume will be available at the convention for a price of $49.95. HOME BY THE SEA can also be ordered by mail before April 30, 1992 at a pre- publication price of $36.00 plus shipping. Other Volumes from WSFA Press: '91 THE EDGES OF THINGS by Lewis Shiner $45.00 '90 THROUGH DARKEST RESNICK WITH GUN AND CAMERA by Mike Resnick $35.00 '89 FATHER OF STONES by Lucius Shephard (only a few left!) $55.00 Shipping: $4.00 + $1.00 per additional book Please make checks payable to WSFA Press. PARTIES Party Czar: Kitty Jensen [ street address deleted ] Because the new hotel does not have a distinct Cabana Area, we will not be directly booking rooms in a party area. However we strongly encourage anyone who is holding an open party to request a room on a low floor. This will hopefully save considerable wear and tear on both the Hotel's elevators and the convention membership's nerves. People who wish to receive information on local party stores or other party information should contact the Party Czar. CHILD CARE Eva Whitley [ street address deleted ] Child care is available for children up to six years of age. It will cost $25.00 per child. This fee must be paid and the child's registration sent in before April 30, 1992 (make checks payable to DISCLAVE '92). The registration information must include the child's age and any special requirements. Expected hours are Noon to midnight on Friday, and 10 AM to midnight on both Saturday and Sunday. Parents who are tardy in picking up their children by closing time may have their child care privileges revoked by the babysitter. HUXTER'S ROOM Scott and Jane Dennis [ street address deleted ] Requests for Dealer's Information should go to Scott. ART SHOW Lance Oszko [ street address deleted ] Hanging Fees: none Commission: 10% ($40.00 max) For further info and to reserve space, contact Lance Oszko HOME BY THE SEA The previously mention publication will be a 300-page limited edition of 500 signed, numbered, and slipcased copies. The stories included are: HOME BY THE SEA first published in A WHISPER OF BLOOD, edited by Ellen Datlow DIRTY WORK first published in BLOOD IS NOT ENOUGH, edited by Ellen Datlow (features "Deadpan Allie", heroine of Cadigan's novel MINDPLAYERS) DISPATCHES FROM THE REVOLUTION first published in Isaac Asimov's SF Magazine FIFTY WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR ORGASM first published in IASFM "When you read Pat Cadigan's stories, you'll swear she's been 1) a psychopath 2) a pimp 3) a junkie 4) to Mars, because she can write so well of places you don't EVER want to visit and people you NEVEREVEREVER want to meet. She isn't any of those things; what she is is another typical beautiful genius foul- mouthed Supermom from K.C. whose works cause me to bite holes in my desk every time I read a new one." -- Howard Waldrop "Pat Cadigan has a very dirty mind." -- Robert A. Heinlein WEAPONS POLICY - No weapons of any kind are permitted at DISCLAVE. Violators will have a choice of having the offending weapon confiscated for the duration of the convention, or surrendering their membership. - Boom Boxes are considered weapons. - The Committee reserves the right to be totally arbitrary in enforcing this policy. PROGRAMMING Rachel Russell [ street address deleted ] There will be programming, films (day and evening), readings (from works in progress, and aspiring authors are encouraged to read their works in an open forum), and two dances, one on Saturday night and one on Friday night. For further details, or to express an interest in participating, contact Rachel. FILKING After the readings. GAMING Tables will be provided in the DisClub (replacing the DisCave) for gaming people. Also, the GILBERT AND SILICON Live-Action RPG will be taking place during Disclave this year. Please be tolerant. PLEASE VOLUNTEER TO HELP! Please volunteer to help. They need you. CON SUITE (DisClub) Will be large and capacious. Open during the day and until 3 AM. Soda and munchies available all day, beer available to people having I.D. and sufficient years (21) between 8PM and midnight. Please note you must consume your beer on premises. HAL CLEMENT Federal Holiday Friday at 8 PM. BE THERE! ICC (International Cookie Conspiracy) As usual, the ICC wants your home-baked cookies to serve in the DisClub. To augment (and outshine) the store-bought munchies. To Boldly Go Where No Waistline Has Gone Before. JAMES TIPTREE BAKE SALE Donations of baked goods will be accepted in the Con Suite. Proceeds from the sale go to the James Tiptree Fund. BEDTIME The convention will close at 3AM each night. People need sleep. Hotel needs sleep. YOU need sleep. Hotel security will gently chivvy everyone out of the public areas of the hotel after 3AM. Get a room, or go home and come back. Remember that Metro closes at midnight.
This page was created 19 February, 2000. This page was last updated 5 February, 2002.