Capclave '04 Art Show
Judy Kindell is in
charge of the art show. Butch Honeck is the Artist Guest of Honor.
Here are some PDF files:
All forms courtesy of Bruce Miller.
Capclave Art Show Rules and Fees:
- There are no hanging fees. A ten percent (10%) commission (with a
maximum of $100 commission per artist) will be charged on work sold
in the Art Show. The Print Shop will charge no commission, but will
charge a flat fee of $.25 (twenty-five cents) per print submitted.
- Artists may reserve one pegboard panel of 4 feet by 6 feet or one
table of 1½ feet by 6 feet or a combination thereof. One-third
or two-third panels and half or quarter tables may also be reserved.
Floor space for free-standing works may be reserved at equivalent size.
- Mail-in art must be accompanied by sufficient funds to pay for the
return of the artwork by whatever commonly available means are chosen
by the artist. If insurance is desired, funds to pay for the insurance
must be included. If the amount of postage sent is more than $3 greater
than the cost of the return mailing, the excess will be refunded to the
artist. If the difference is less than $3, Capclave will not refund
the money.
- Original art and/or prints may be handled by an agent if such
agent brings with him a signed letter from the artist authorizing him
to serve as representative specifically at Capclave 2004. Checks for
sold art will be mailed to the artist, not given to the agent.
- Decision of the director as to admissibility of work into the Art
Show is final.
- All work must have a science fiction, fantasy or fannish theme and
be the original product of the artist(s). Resale of work by previous
buyers is not permitted.
- Prints in the Art Show are limited to hand pressed and limited
editions where the plate is destroyed by the printing process only.
Multilith, photoprints or photocopied work, even if hand colored, must
be shown in the Print Shop.
- Fine art photography and computer-generated art will be accepted
only if it meets the following guidelines:
- unique image -- data file erased or negative destroyed;
- limited edition print -- data file erased or negative destroyed; or
- unique image -- data file or negative archived. Other photographs
and computer-generated art can be shown in the Print Shop.
- No kits or painted game pieces are allowed in the show. Any work
using patterns or designs by others must credit the designer.
- Items that violate copyrights or which are judged to have libelous
content in regard to known persons or well-known characters will not
be permitted
- All pieces of art must be labeled with the artist's name and
address, title of the piece, and minimum bid or price. All art must
be ready for hanging or display.
- Artist check-in will start at 6:00 Friday evening. All art must be
displayed until 11:00 Sunday morning. All art must be checked out by
2:00 Sunday afternoon. If an exception is needed, check with the Art
Show Director in advance.
- Art will be sold to the highest bidder as of close of bidding on
Saturday night. If no bids are received, art may be sold on Sunday for
the after closeout price.
Main Capclave '04 page

This page was created 24 August, 2004.
This page was last updated 5 October, 2004.